

I graduated from Peking University. 我毕业于北京大学。

找工作面试时,我们一般会说I come from ...University.(我来自......大学),还可以间接地说I was a student of ...(我曾经是......地学生)。

在表达“我毕业于......大学”时,最常用且最直接的用法就是I graduated from ... 。

I've studied in Tsinghua University for four years. 我在清华大学学习了四年。

I was once a student of Peking University. 我曾在北京大学上学。


A:What about your educational background ?  你的教育背景如何?

B:  I graduated from Peking University and I got my doctorate.


A:  What's your target position ? 你的目标职位是什么?

B:  I come here to apply the position of Human Resource Executive.


A: Give me a brief introduction of your educational background, please.

B:  I've studied in Tsinghua University for four years. My major subject is Computer Science.

A: Did you have any part-time jobs during university?

B:  I got my internship in Microsoft during the last semester and I was mainly responsible for handing customer inquires.

A:  请简单介绍一下你的教育背景吧。




P.S. -- be responsible for 表示“负责...”,此外,还可以用be in charge of 来表示此意。

customer inquire的意思是“客户咨询”。


I'm a good team player. 我是一名出色的团队合作者。

大家对team/group spirit(团队精神)肯定不陌生。那么。想要表达一个人很有团队精神,就可以说He is full of team /group spirit .

当老外表扬一个人很有团队精神时,经常会说sb. is a good team player. 这样的表达比我们熟悉的sb. is full of team/group spirit.地道多了。

I'm a good team worker. 我是一个很好的团队合作伙伴。

I have a strong sense of team spirit. 我有着很强的团队合作精神。


A:  How would you describe yourself ?

B:  I'm a good team player and I think my strong sense of responsibility may help me in the work.

A: Good. Have you ever finished a mission by yourself?

B: Yes, I always took charge of the machinating part of events by myself in University.

A:  你会怎样描述你自己?




A: What kind of person are you ?

B: I can adjust well to a new working environment and one of my strong point is that I have a spirit of innovation.

A: What's you opinion about teamwork?

B: I have a strong sense of team spirit and I hold the opinion that team work can salve plenty of time.

A:  你是一个什么样的人?


A: 你怎样看待团队合作?

B: 我有着很好的团队合作精神,而且我认为团队合作可以节省大量的时间。

sense of responsibility 表“强烈的责任感”,"sense of ...可以表示“......感”。

take charge of , in charge of 以及be responsible for表达的含义相同,都是“负责......”。

strong point 表示“优点”,相当于advantage或merit.

hold the opinion 表示“持有......的观点”。


My specialty is English.我的专长是英语。

我们已学过很多表达“擅长某方面”的说法了,有be good at , be skilled in 以及excel in/at 等,如:He excels in math .他很擅长数学。

specialty作名词时意思是“专长、特色”,偏重指“特殊的技能”。因此,想表达“我的专长是...”时,就可以用My specialty is ...这个句型。另外,这句话也有“我的专长是......”的含义。

I am good at math. 我的数学很好。

I 'm specialized  in English. 英语是我的专长。


A: What subject were you good at in college?

B: My specialty was English at that time.

A: How about your scores?

B: I'm above the average in the order of score.

A: 你大学期间最擅长的科目是什么?




A: What's your major in college?

B: I specialized in International Finance but I excelled in English.

A: Can you tell me about that in detail?

B: I got the first prize in the English Speech Contest when I was a sophomore.





in the order of意思是“按......排序”。

in detail 相当于at length, 意为“详细地,详尽地”。

Interviewer: How about we start with your self-introduction?

B: Sure. My name is B. I graduated from Peking University. I majored in Business Administration.

Interviewer: So, B , how do you evaluate yourself ?

B: I'm a good team player. and I'm a goal-oriented person, very eager to learn.

Interviewer: So, B, besides your major in architecture, what specialties have you got ?

B: My specialty is English. I really like English and I have been working very hard on my spoken English.

Interviewer: I can see that you speak very fluent English.

B: Thank you.
