1) stock up on sth, 我们先看一下字典的解释:
Collins:If you stock up on something, you buy a lot of it, in case you cannot get it later.
1. The authorities have urged people to stock up on fuel.
2. New Yorkers have been stocking up with bottled water.
stock up on sth是“囤货”最常用的表达方式。除了这个词组外,我再向您介绍另外两个意思有细微差别的囤货说法。
2) Store up sth
Collins:If you store something up, you keep it until you think that the time is right to use it.
1. Investors were storing up a lot of cash in anticipation of disaster.
2. Squirrels store up nuts.
相比于stock up on 侧重于“趁着便宜多买点”,Store up更侧重于“存储,以备不时之需”的意思。
3) Hoard sth
Collins:If you hoard things such as food or money, you save or store them, often in secret, because they are valuable or important to you.
1. They've begun to hoard food and gasoline and save their money
2. During the siege people began hoarding food and supplies.