



PowerManager pm = (PowerManager)context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);


pm.goToSleep(long time);//pm.goToSleep(SystemClock.uptimeMillis());

pm.wakeUp(long time);



getSystemService方法定义于context类, 但context类是一个抽象类,它的具
体实现在contextImpl类中, getSystemService方法在contextImpl类中的代码如下:

    public Object getSystemService(String name) {
        return SystemServiceRegistry.getSystemService(this, name);


public static Object getSystemService(ContextImpl ctx, String name) {
        if (name == null) {
            return null;
        final ServiceFetcher<?> fetcher = SYSTEM_SERVICE_FETCHERS.get(name);
        final Object ret = fetcher.getService(ctx);
        if (sEnableServiceNotFoundWtf && ret == null) {
            // Some services do return null in certain situations, so don't do WTF for them.
            switch (name) {
                case Context.CONTENT_CAPTURE_MANAGER_SERVICE:
                case Context.APP_PREDICTION_SERVICE:
                case Context.INCREMENTAL_SERVICE:
                    return null;
            return null;
        return ret;


private static final Map<String, ServiceFetcher<?>> SYSTEM_SERVICE_FETCHERS =
            new ArrayMap<String, ServiceFetcher<?>>();


     * Statically registers a system service with the context.
     * This method must be called during static initialization only.
    private static <T> void registerService(@NonNull String serviceName,
            @NonNull Class<T> serviceClass, @NonNull ServiceFetcher<T> serviceFetcher) {
        SYSTEM_SERVICE_NAMES.put(serviceClass, serviceName);
        SYSTEM_SERVICE_FETCHERS.put(serviceName, serviceFetcher);
        SYSTEM_SERVICE_CLASS_NAMES.put(serviceName, serviceClass.getSimpleName());
static {
registerService(Context.NSD_SERVICE, NsdManager.class,
                new CachedServiceFetcher<NsdManager>() {
            public NsdManager createService(ContextImpl ctx) throws ServiceNotFoundException {
                IBinder b = ServiceManager.getServiceOrThrow(Context.NSD_SERVICE);
                INsdManager service = INsdManager.Stub.asInterface(b);
                return new NsdManager(ctx.getOuterContext(), service);

        registerService(Context.POWER_SERVICE, PowerManager.class,
                new CachedServiceFetcher<PowerManager>() {
            public PowerManager createService(ContextImpl ctx) throws ServiceNotFoundException {
                IBinder powerBinder = ServiceManager.getServiceOrThrow(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
                IPowerManager powerService = IPowerManager.Stub.asInterface(powerBinder);
                IBinder thermalBinder = ServiceManager.getServiceOrThrow(Context.THERMAL_SERVICE);
                IThermalService thermalService = IThermalService.Stub.asInterface(thermalBinder);
                return new PowerManager(ctx.getOuterContext(), powerService, thermalService,


static abstract class CachedServiceFetcher<T> implements ServiceFetcher<T> {
        private final int mCacheIndex;

        CachedServiceFetcher() {
            // Note this class must be instantiated only by the static initializer of the
            // outer class (SystemServiceRegistry), which already does the synchronization,
            // so bare access to sServiceCacheSize is okay here.
            mCacheIndex = sServiceCacheSize++;

        public final T getService(ContextImpl ctx) {
            final Object[] cache = ctx.mServiceCache;
            final int[] gates = ctx.mServiceInitializationStateArray;
            boolean interrupted = false;

            T ret = null;

            for (;;) {
                boolean doInitialize = false;
                synchronized (cache) {
                    // Return it if we already have a cached instance.
                    T service = (T) cache[mCacheIndex];
                    if (service != null || gates[mCacheIndex] == ContextImpl.STATE_NOT_FOUND) {
                        ret = service;
                        break; // exit the for (;;)

                    // If we get here, there's no cached instance.

                    // Grr... if gate is STATE_READY, then this means we initialized the service
                    // once but someone cleared it.
                    // We start over from STATE_UNINITIALIZED.
                    if (gates[mCacheIndex] == ContextImpl.STATE_READY) {
                        gates[mCacheIndex] = ContextImpl.STATE_UNINITIALIZED;

                    // It's possible for multiple threads to get here at the same time, so
                    // use the "gate" to make sure only the first thread will call createService().

                    // At this point, the gate must be either UNINITIALIZED or INITIALIZING.
                    if (gates[mCacheIndex] == ContextImpl.STATE_UNINITIALIZED) {
                        doInitialize = true;
                        gates[mCacheIndex] = ContextImpl.STATE_INITIALIZING;

                if (doInitialize) {
                    // Only the first thread gets here.

                    T service = null;
                    @ServiceInitializationState int newState = ContextImpl.STATE_NOT_FOUND;
                    try {
                        // This thread is the first one to get here. Instantiate the service
                        // *without* the cache lock held.
                        service = createService(ctx); //调用createService方法
                        newState = ContextImpl.STATE_READY;

                    } catch (ServiceNotFoundException e) {

                    } finally {
                        synchronized (cache) {
                            cache[mCacheIndex] = service;
                            gates[mCacheIndex] = newState;
                    ret = service;
                    break; // exit the for (;;)
                // The other threads will wait for the first thread to call notifyAll(),
                // and go back to the top and retry.
                synchronized (cache) {
                    // Repeat until the state becomes STATE_READY or STATE_NOT_FOUND.
                    // We can't respond to interrupts here; just like we can't in the "doInitialize"
                    // path, so we remember the interrupt state here and re-interrupt later.
                    while (gates[mCacheIndex] < ContextImpl.STATE_READY) {
                        try {
                            // Clear the interrupt state.
                            interrupted |= Thread.interrupted();
                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                            // This shouldn't normally happen, but if someone interrupts the
                            // thread, it will.
                            Slog.w(TAG, "getService() interrupted");
                            interrupted = true;
            if (interrupted) {
            return ret;

        public abstract T createService(ContextImpl ctx) throws ServiceNotFoundException;


   public PowerManager createService(ContextImpl ctx) throws ServiceNotFoundException {
                IBinder powerBinder = ServiceManager.getServiceOrThrow(Context.POWER_SERVICE);//这里通过servicemanager拿到IBinder对象
                IPowerManager powerService = IPowerManager.Stub.asInterface(powerBinder);//将Ibinder对象转换成代理接口
                IBinder thermalBinder = ServiceManager.getServiceOrThrow(Context.THERMAL_SERVICE);
                IThermalService thermalService = IThermalService.Stub.asInterface(thermalBinder);
                return new PowerManager(ctx.getOuterContext(), powerService, thermalService,

