Unit 2 复盘日志


1.精读:English learning is a long trip ,without little effort you can speak the language fluently in no time.

According to your personality to make a great learning plan.

Language is a means of communication.

2.精读:claim  , whether to laugh or cry , to a certain extent , it is no use doing sth. ,  no doubt,  in one‘ opinion, relate sth. to sth.  ,  glow , randomly, undermine, succinct, incentive ,occur,

3.If we were parrots or chimpanzees,these methods might be successful.

4.weigh against 权衡  no doubt 毫无疑问 whether to laugh or cry哭笑不得  be worth doing sth. 值得去做某事

to a certain extent 在某种程度上 recall doing sth. 回想起某事 turn into 转变成

5.生词很多 词汇量很大 听力明显吃力且有很大的问题存在 长篇阅读好多句子不是很通顺 长难句阅读存在明显短板 使用u校园是 输入语音 发音不是很标准 好多发音都是不及格 对英语存在敌视心理

7.沉下心来慢慢了解自己的英语水平对自己有一个明显的认识 逐渐跟随老师的脚步 缓慢前进 弥补自己的短板 消除对英语的敌视心理

8.下周努力方向:争取把听力做到百分之50的正确率 争取u校园下个单元的发音作业 都是绿的




没发现自己有什么进步的 可能更愿意去沉下心来做好当前的事情了吧

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