



Kitty’s jaw, always a little too square, protruded(凸出) with an apish(似猿的) hideousness(丑陋) and her beautiful eyes were black with malice.

“Evidently.” His derisive(嘲弄的) tone increased her irritation.

You dragged me round those interminable(冗长乏味的) galleries in Venice: I should have enjoyed myself much more playing golf at Sandwich.”

Unfortunately I always found you physically(完全地) repulsive(令人反感的).



He did not answer, but in his eyes she read an icy disdain(轻蔑).

The shadow of a smile flickered(闪现) on his lips.


She would have liked to say something bitter and wounding, but no rejoinder(反驳) occurred to her.

And it was treacherous(背叛的) even to let the thought cross her mind that he would not welcome the necessity that was forced upon them.

It really is the only thing that matters and every sacrifice that our love calls for will be as easy as falling off a log(轻而易举).”

usher 引往

affable 和蔼可亲的

intimidate 使恐吓

spectacle 场面,景象

She had no deliberate (深思熟虑的,故意的)intention of deceiving, but rather an instinctive desire to excite his sympathy.

The corners of his mouth drooped(下垂) peevishly(冷冷地).

I suppose I gave you no peace till you yielded to my entreaties(乞求).”

When he knew the horrible alternative that was placed before her his generosity, his sense of justice, his manliness(男子气概), would be so vehemently(强烈地) aroused(被激起) that he would think of nothing but her danger.



fright 恐惧

She smothered(抑制) a gasp.

She gave him a searching(锐利的) look.

It looked as though an idea occurred to him, for he turned toward her with his charming smile and his tone, a moment before abrupt and businesslike(麻利的), became ingratiating(讨好的).

His airiness(自作聪明) made her impatient.


His face once more grew heavy and sulky(阴沉的).

make a condition 开条件

consent to 同意

agony 极大的痛苦

It was like a dark and ominous(恶兆的) landscape seen by a flash of lightning and in a moment hidden again by the night.


pang 悲痛

contemptible 卑劣的

humbug 骗子




amah 女佣

They were borne(被抬) in chairs, day after day, along a narrow causeway(堤道) between interminable(无止境的) rice-fields.




Recalling what he had said to her and what she had said to him, she was dismayed(惊愕,气馁) to see what an arid(枯燥的) and businesslike(无情无义的) turn their conversation had taken.
