On Intelligence《人工智能的未来》读后感(一)


英文书名:《On Intelligence》


作者:Jeff Hawkins(杰夫·霍金斯),康奈尔大学电气工程专业的毕业生,于1992年1月成立于美国硅谷创办了PalmComputing公司。掌上型电脑PalmPilot、智能电话Treo以及许多手持装置的发明人,在本书中提到他有自己的脑实验室。




In the simple example of the rat looking for the cheese, the rat remembers the

maze and uses this memory to predict  that it will see the cheese around the

corner. But the rat could turn left or  turn right; only by simultaneously

remembering the cheese and the correct behavior, "turn right at the fork," can the

rat make the prediction of the cheese come true. Although this is a trivial example,

it gets to the essence of how sensory prediction and behavior are intimately

related. All behavior changes what we see, hear, and feel. Most of what we sense

at any moment is highly dependent on our own actions. Move your arm in front of

your face. To predict seeing your arm,  your cortex has to know that it has

commanded the arm to move. If the cortex saw your arm moving without the

corresponding motor  command, you would be surprised. The simplest way to

interpret this would be to assume your brain first moves the arm and then predicts

what it will see. I believe this is wrong. Instead I believe the cortex predicts seeing

the arm, and this  prediction is  what  causes the motor commands to make the

prediction come true. You  think first, which causes you to act to make your

thoughts come true.


自证预言(self-fulfilling prophecy)是一种在心理学上常见的症状,意指人会不自觉的按已知的预言来行事,最终令预言发生。——摘自百科


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