A message containing letters from A-Z is being encoded to numbers using the following mapping: 'A' -> 1 'B' -> 2 ... 'Z' -> 26 Given an encoded message containing digits, determine the total number of ways to decode it. For example, Given encoded message "12", it could be decoded as "AB" (1 2) or "L" (12). The number of ways decoding "12" is 2.
难度:90. 非常不错的一道一维DP题目,参考了网上的做法。
(1)00, 30, 40...90:res[i]=0(无法解析,没有可行解析方式);
(2)10, 20:res[i]=res[i-2](只有第二种情况成立);
(3)11-19, 21-26:res[i]=res[i-1]+res[i-2](两种情况都可行);
(4)01-09, 27-99:res[i]=res[i-1](只有第一种情况可行);
1 public class Solution { 2 public int numDecodings(String s) { 3 if (s==null || s.length()==0 || s.charAt(0)=='0') { 4 return 0; 5 } 6 int num1 = 1; 7 int num2 = 1; 8 int num3 = 1; 9 for (int i=1; i<s.length(); i++) { 10 if (s.charAt(i) == '0') { 11 if (s.charAt(i-1) == '1' || s.charAt(i-1) == '2') { 12 num3 = num1; 13 } 14 else return 0; 15 } 16 else { 17 if (s.charAt(i-1) == '0' || s.charAt(i-1) >= '3') { 18 num3 = num2; 19 } 20 else if (s.charAt(i-1)=='2' && (s.charAt(i) =='7'||s.charAt(i)=='8'||s.charAt(i)=='9')) { 21 num3 = num2; 22 } 23 else num3 = num2 + num1; 24 } 25 num1 = num2; 26 num2 = num3; 27 } 28 return num2; 29 } 30 }
1 public class Solution { 2 public int numDecodings(String s) { 3 if (s==null || s.length()==0 || s.charAt(0)=='0') return 0; 4 int[] res = new int[s.length()+1]; 5 res[0] = 1; 6 res[1] = 1; 7 for (int i=2; i<=s.length(); i++) { 8 if (s.charAt(i-1) == '0') { 9 if (s.charAt(i-2) == '1' || s.charAt(i-2) == '2') res[i] = res[i-2]; // 10, 20 10 else return 0; // 30, 40, 50.....90 11 } 12 else { 13 if (s.charAt(i-2) == '0') res[i] = res[i-1]; // 01, 02, 03...09 14 else if (s.charAt(i-2) == '1') res[i] = res[i-1] + res[i-2]; // 11, 12, 13... 19 15 else if (s.charAt(i-2) >= '3') res[i] = res[i-1]; // 31, 32...39, 41, 42...49, 51...91, 99 16 else { 17 if (s.charAt(i-1) == '7' || s.charAt(i-1) == '8' || s.charAt(i-1) == '9') res[i] = res[i-1]; // 27, 28, 29 18 else res[i] = res[i-1] + res[i-2]; // 21, 22, ..26 19 } 20 } 21 } 22 return res[s.length()]; 23 } 24 }