Leetcode 1245 Tree Diameter

Leetcode 1245 Tree Diameter

  • diameter: the number of edges in a longest path in that tree
  • bidirectional edge

Depth of the Tree solution
Using ArrayList

LinkedList<Integer>[] adjacencyList = new LinkedList[n];

避免bidirectional edge 导致的问题,node的读取方向是一致的。node有两种读取方式,分别是是作为出发点和终点。

private int depth(int root, int parent, LinkedList<Integer>[] adjacencyList) {
        for (int child : adjacencyList[root]) {
            if (child != parent) { // Only one way from root node to child node, don't allow child node go to root node again!

For node A which has multi-child-nodes.
The longest diameter of node A is (maxDepth1st + maxDepth2nd +1).
The longest path may or may not contain root node.


DFS Solution - Memoization
Using Map
DFS Solution - Memoization
