
  • 目录

    1. 图片
    2. 加粗、斜体、显示关键字、邮件、网址
    3. 锚点连接(仿HTML)
    4. 列表
    5. 文字引用
    6. 代码块
    7. Table 表格

case1 图片

![404] (https://http.cat/404)

case2 加粗、斜体、显示关键字、邮件、网址





邮箱:[email protected]



case3 锚点连接(仿HTML)



     * 根据房源绑定 spinner

* 区域 */ private void bindDataByHouseType() { /** * 拼接提示信息 不参与请求URL 参数拼接 */ SpinnerAreaRsBean.Data data = new SpinnerAreaRsBean.Data(); data.setAdcode("0"); data.setName("区域"); spinnerAreaRsBean.getData().add(0, data); mTip_spinner.attachDataSource(spinnerAreaRsBean.getData()); }


This there anchor link

case4 列表

  • Lists must be preceded by a blank line (or block element)
  • Unordered lists start each item with a *
    • Indent a level to make a nested list
    • second line
      1. Orderd list are supported
      2. 随意打数字 Mark自动编序号

case5 文字引用

Angle brackets > are used for block quotes.
Technically not every line needs to start with a > as long as
Looks kinda ugly though.

Block quotes can be nested.

Multiple Levels

Most markdown syntaxes work inside block quotes.

  • Lists
  • [Links][arbitrary_id]
  • Etc.

case 6 代码块

     * 根据房源绑定 spinner

* 区域 */ private void bindDataByHouseType() { /** * 拼接提示信息 不参与请求URL 参数拼接 */ SpinnerAreaRsBean.Data data = new SpinnerAreaRsBean.Data(); data.setAdcode("0"); data.setName("区域"); spinnerAreaRsBean.getData().add(0, data); mTip_spinner.attachDataSource(spinnerAreaRsBean.getData()); }


case 7 Table 表格

First Header Second Header
Content Cell Content Cell
Content Cell Content Cell
Table (1)
Left Aligned Center Aligned Right Aligned
col 3 is some wordy textdsfsdfsf $1300
col 2 is center $13
stripes center $163 print('hellowold')
stripes center $163
Table (2)
Option name Markup Result if enabled
Intra-word emphasis So A*maz*ing So Amazing
Strikethrough ~~Much wow~~ Much wow
Underline [^under] _So doge_ So doge
Quote [^quote] "Such editor" Such editor
Highlight ==So good== So good
Superscript hoge^(fuga) hogefuga
Autolink http://t.co http://t.co
Footnotes [^4] and [^4]: [^4] and footnote 4
