

Junk Email is the folder where Outlook sends mail it thinks is spam. You can customize Outlook’s spam filter to block or whitelist senders or domains, or crank up the automatic filtering and delete spam automatically. Let’s see how.

垃圾电子邮件是Outlook发送它认为是垃圾邮件的文件夹。 您可以自定义Outlook的垃圾邮件过滤器,以阻止或将发件人或域列入白名单,或者加快自动过滤的速度并自动删除垃圾邮件。 让我们看看如何。

访问垃圾邮件选项 (Accessing Junk Email Options)

You can access the Junk Email options by clicking Home > Junk.



The top four options will only be available if you’ve got a message selected in a folder, or if you have a message open and you click Message > Junk.



All of these options are also available from the context menu when you right-click a message.



We’ll cover the top four options on this menu as we go through the article. For now, we’re interested in “Junk E-mail Options” at the bottom of the menu.

阅读本文时,我们将介绍此菜单上的前四个选项。 目前,我们对菜单底部的“垃圾邮件选项”感兴趣。


Click on this option to open the Junk Email Options panel.



选项选项卡上的基本设置 (Basic Settings on the Options Tab)

The Options tab on the Junk Email window is where you can set Outlook’s junk email options for any message that comes in. Email marked as junk is sent directly to the Junk Email folder, and you can choose how aggressively Outlook marks emails as junk. By default, the junk email filter is set to “No Automatic Filtering,” so only emails from senders you’ve deliberately added to your Blocked Senders list will end up in the Junk Email folder.

在“垃圾邮件”窗口的“选项”选项卡上,您可以为传入的任何邮件设置Outlook的垃圾邮件选项。标记为垃圾邮件的电子邮件将直接发送到“垃圾邮件”文件夹,您可以选择Outlook如何积极地将电子邮件标记为垃圾邮件。 默认情况下,垃圾邮件过滤器设置为“不自动过滤”,因此只有您故意添加到“阻止的发件人”列表中的发件人的电子邮件才会最终出现在“垃圾邮件”文件夹中。

You can switch to “Low” to catch more obvious junk email, and this setting should be enough for most people. If you want Outlook to be more aggressive you can go for the “High” setting, but this is very likely to move some legitimate email to the Junk Email folder, so you’ll need to check it regularly. If a legitimate email does get sent to the Junk Email folder, you can train the filter not to view email from that sender as junk by selecting the message and clicking Home > Junk > Not Junk.

您可以切换到“低”以捕获更多明显的垃圾电子邮件,并且此设置对于大多数人来说应该足够了。 如果您希望Outlook更具攻击性,则可以选择“高”设置,但这很可能会将一些合法的电子邮件移至“垃圾电子邮件”文件夹,因此您需要定期检查它。 如果确实将合法电子邮件发送到“垃圾邮件”文件夹,则可以通过选择邮件并单击“主页”>“垃圾邮件”>“不是垃圾邮件”来训练过滤器,使其不以垃圾邮件形式查看来自该发件人的电子邮件。


A confirmation box will open telling you the mail will be moved to the Inbox and giving you the option to add the sender to the Safe Sender lists.



Going back to your Junk Email Options, the last level you can choose is “Safe Lists Only.” This will mark as junk any message from a sender or domain that isn’t in your Safe Senders list. This is a very restrictive setting, and you’ll need to check your Junk Email folder very re
