※数据结构※→☆线性表结构(list)☆============双向链表 链式存储结构(list double)(三)


        ※数据结构※→☆线性表结构(list)☆============双向链表 链式存储结构(list double)(三)_第1张图片


                1、比顺序存储结构的存储密度小 (每个节点都由数据域和指针域组成,所以相同空间内假设全存满的话顺序比链式存储更多)。
                3、插入、删除灵活 (不必移动节点,只要改变节点中的指针)。




       ※数据结构※→☆线性表结构(list)☆============双向链表 链式存储结构(list double)(三)_第2张图片


  @(#)$Id: AL_Node.h 44 2013-09-13 08:50:04Z xiaoting $
  @brief	store data, and be used to AL_ListSingle, AL_ListDouble, AL_ListCircular and so on

  Chain storage structure//
  The computer using a set of arbitrary linear table storage unit stores data elements (which may be a continuous plurality of memory cells, it can be discontinuous).
  It does not require the logic elements of adjacent physical location is adjacent to and therefore it is not sequential storage structure has a weakness, but also lost the sequence table can be accessed randomly advantages.

  Chain store structural features:
	1, compared with sequential storage density storage structure (each node consists of data fields and pointers domains, so the same space is full, then assume full order of more than chain stores).
	2, the logic is not required on the adjacent node is physically adjacent.
	3, insert, delete and flexible (not the mobile node, change the node as long as the pointer).
	4, find the node when stored sequentially slower than the chain stores.
	5, each node is a pointer to the data fields and domains.

  @Author $Author: xiaoting $
  @Date $Date: 2013-09-13 16:50:04 +0800 (周五, 13 九月 2013) $
  @Revision $Revision: 44 $
  @URL $URL: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xiaoting/game/trunk/MyProject/AL_DataStructure/groupinc/AL_Node.h $
  @Header $Header: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xiaoting/game/trunk/MyProject/AL_DataStructure/groupinc/AL_Node.h 44 2013-09-13 08:50:04Z xiaoting $

#ifndef CXX_AL_NODE_H
#define CXX_AL_NODE_H

//			AL_Node

template class AL_ListSingle;
template class AL_ListDouble;
template class AL_ListCircularSingle;
template class AL_ListCircularDouble;
template class AL_StackList;
template class AL_QueueList;
template class AL_QueuePriorityList;

class AL_Node
	* Destruction
	* @param
	* @return
	* @note
	* @attention 

	friend class AL_ListSingle;
	friend class AL_ListDouble;
	friend class AL_ListCircularSingle;
	friend class AL_ListCircularDouble;
	friend class AL_StackList;
	friend class AL_QueueList;
	friend class AL_QueuePriorityList;
	* Construction
	* @param
	* @return
	* @note		private the Construction, avoid the others use it
	* @attention
	* Construction
	* @param const T& tTemplate 
	* @return
	* @note
	* @attention private the Construction, avoid the others use it
	AL_Node(const T& tTemplate);

	T m_data;				//the friend class can use it directly
	AL_Node *m_pPre;			//previous data			AL_ListDouble will use it
	AL_Node *m_pNext;			//next data

//			AL_Node

* Construction
* @param
* @return
* @note		private the Construction, avoid the others use it
* @attention
	//memset(&m_data, 0x00, sizeof(T));		//can not use memset, as to pointer or virtural pointer of class

* Construction
* @param const T& tTemplate 
* @return
* @note
* @attention private the Construction, avoid the others use it
AL_Node::AL_Node(const T& tTemplate):


* Destruction
* @param
* @return
* @note
* @attention 
	//it doesn't matter to clear the pointer or not.
	m_pPre = NULL;
	m_pNext = NULL;

#endif // CXX_AL_NODE_H
/* EOF */


  @(#)$Id: AL_ListDouble.h 44 2013-09-13 08:50:04Z xiaoting $
  @brief    Also called double-linked list doubly linked list is a list in which each data node in both two pointers that point to a 
  direct successor and direct precursors. Therefore, two-way linked list from any one of the node point, can easily access its 
  predecessor and successor nodes node.

  @Author $Author: xiaoting $
  @Date $Date: 2013-09-13 16:50:04 +0800 (周五, 13 九月 2013) $
  @Revision $Revision: 44 $
  @URL $URL: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xiaoting/game/trunk/MyProject/AL_DataStructure/groupinc/AL_ListDouble.h $
  @Header $Header: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xiaoting/game/trunk/MyProject/AL_DataStructure/groupinc/AL_ListDouble.h 44 2013-09-13 08:50:04Z xiaoting $


#ifndef CXX_AL_NODE_H
#include "AL_Node.h"

//			AL_ListDouble

class AL_ListDouble
	static const DWORD LISTDOUBLE_POSITION_INVALID		= 0xffffffff;
	* Construction
	* @param
	* @return
	* @note
	* @attention

	* Destruction
	* @param
	* @return
	* @note
	* @attention

	* Length
	* @param VOID
	* @return DWORD
	* @note get the length of the list
	* @attention
	DWORD Length() const;
	* Find
	* @param const T& tTemplate  
	* @return DWORD
	* @note find the position of tTemplate 
	* @attention  if not find, will be return 0xffffffff
	DWORD Find(const T& tTemplate) const;

	* IsElement
	* @param const T& tTemplate  
	* @return BOOL
	* @note the tTemplate  is in the list?
	* @attention
	BOOL IsElement(const T& tTemplate) const;

	* Insert
	* @param DWORD dwIndex 
	* @param const T& tTemplate  
	* @return BOOL
	* @note inset the tTemplate  into the list at the position
	* @attention
	BOOL Insert(DWORD dwIndex,const T& tTemplate);

	* InsertBegin
	* @param const T& tTemplate  
	* @return BOOL
	* @note inset the tTemplate  into the list at the position
	* @attention
	BOOL InsertBegin(const T& tTemplate);

	* InsertEnd
	* @param const T& tTemplate  
	* @return BOOL
	* @note inset the tTemplate  into the list at the position
	* @attention
	BOOL InsertEnd(const T& tTemplate);

	* Remove
	* @param const T& tTemplate  
	* @return BOOL
	* @note remove the tTemplate  into the list
	* @attention
	BOOL Remove(const T& tTemplate);

	* IsEmpty
	* @param VOID
	* @return BOOL
	* @note the list has data?
	* @attention
	BOOL IsEmpty() const;

	* Get
	* @param	T& tTypeOut 
	* @param	DWORD dwIndex 
	* @return BOOL
	* @note get the T at the position
	* @attention the dwIndex must is little than the list length
	BOOL Get(T& tTypeOut, DWORD dwIndex) const;

	* Set
	* @param	T& tTypeOut 
	* @param	DWORD dwIndex 
	* @param	const T& tTemplate 
	* @return BOOL
	* @note Replaced with the element element element on position index, and returns the old element...
	* @attention Index must in the list
	BOOL Set(T& tTypeOut, DWORD dwIndex, const T& tTemplate);

	* Clear
	* @param VOID
	* @return VOID
	* @note clear the data in the list
	* @attention all data will be clear
	VOID Clear();

	* GetNodeByIndex
	* @param DWORD dwIndex 
	* @return AL_Node*
	* @note get the const T& at the position
	* @attention the dwIndex must is little than the list length
	AL_Node* GetNodeByIndex(DWORD dwIndex) const;

	AL_Node*		m_pHeader;
	DWORD			m_dwSize;

//			AL_ListDouble
* Construction
* @param
* @return
* @note
* @attention
	m_pHeader = new AL_Node;

* Destruction
* @param
* @return
* @note
* @attention
	//delete the header
	if (NULL != m_pHeader) {
		delete m_pHeader;
		m_pHeader = NULL;

* Length
* @param
* @return
* @note get the length of the list
* @attention
template DWORD 
AL_ListDouble::Length() const
	return m_dwSize;
	if (TRUE == IsEmpty()) {
		return 0;
	AL_Node* pMove = NULL;
	DWORD dwCount = 1;

	pMove = m_pHeader->m_pNext;
	while (NULL != pMove->m_pNext) {
		dwCount ++;
		pMove = pMove->m_pNext;
	return dwCount;

* Find
* @param const T& tTemplate  
* @return DWORD
* @note find the position of tTemplate 
* @attention  if not find, will be return 0xffffffff
template DWORD 
AL_ListDouble::Find(const T& tTemplate) const
	if (TRUE == IsEmpty()) {
	AL_Node* pMove = NULL;
	DWORD dwCount = 1;

	//loop the next data;
	pMove = m_pHeader->m_pNext;
	while (NULL != pMove->m_pNext) {
		if (tTemplate == pMove->m_data) {
			//find the data
			return dwCount-1;
		dwCount ++;
		pMove = pMove->m_pNext;
	//the end
	if (tTemplate == pMove->m_data) {
		//find the data
		return dwCount-1;


* IsElement
* @param const T& tTemplate  
* @return BOOL
* @note the tTemplate  is in the list?
* @attention
template BOOL 
AL_ListDouble::IsElement(const T& tTemplate) const
	if (LISTDOUBLE_POSITION_INVALID == Find(tTemplate )) {
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

* Insert
* @param const T& tTemplate  
* @param DWORD dwIndex 
* @return BOOL
* @note inset the tTemplate  into the list at the position
* @attention
template BOOL 
AL_ListDouble::Insert(DWORD dwIndex, const T& tTemplate)
	if (dwIndex > Length()) {
		//can not insert to this position
		return FALSE;
	AL_Node* pInsert = new AL_Node;
	pInsert->m_data = tTemplate;
	AL_Node* pPre = NULL;
	//get the previous Node
	if (0x00 == dwIndex) {
		pPre = m_pHeader;
	else {
		pPre = GetNodeByIndex(dwIndex - 1);
	if ((NULL == pPre)) {
		return FALSE;
	if (Length() == dwIndex){
		pPre->m_pNext = pInsert;
		pInsert->m_pPre = pPre;
	else {
		//among of the list
		AL_Node* pIndexNode = pPre->m_pNext;
		if ((NULL == pIndexNode)) {
			return FALSE;
		pInsert->m_pNext = pIndexNode;
		pIndexNode->m_pPre = pInsert;

		pPre->m_pNext = pInsert;
		pInsert->m_pPre = pPre;

	return TRUE;

* InsertBegin
* @param const T& tTemplate  
* @return BOOL
* @note inset the tTemplate  into the list at the position
* @attention
template BOOL 
AL_ListDouble::InsertBegin(const T& tTemplate)
	return Insert(0, tTemplate);

* InsertEnd
* @param const T& tTemplate  
* @return BOOL
* @note inset the tTemplate  into the list at the position
* @attention
template BOOL 
AL_ListDouble::InsertEnd(const T& tTemplate)
	return Insert(Length(), tTemplate);

* Remove
* @param const T& tTemplate  
* @return BOOL
* @note remove the tTemplate  into the list
* @attention
template BOOL 
AL_ListDouble::Remove(const T& tTemplate)
	if (TRUE == IsEmpty()) {
		return FALSE;

	DWORD dwPosition = Find(tTemplate);
		//can not find the data
		return FALSE;
	AL_Node* pDelete = GetNodeByIndex(dwPosition);
	if (NULL == pDelete) {
		return FALSE;

	AL_Node* pPre = NULL;
	//get the previous Node
	if (0x00 == dwPosition) {
		pPre = m_pHeader;
	else {
		pPre = pDelete->m_pPre;

	if (NULL == pPre) {
		return FALSE;
	pPre->m_pNext = pDelete->m_pNext;

	AL_Node* pNext = pDelete->m_pNext;
	if (NULL != pNext) {
		//among of the list
		pNext->m_pPre = pPre;
	delete pDelete;
	pDelete = NULL;

	return TRUE;

* IsEmpty
* @param
* @return BOOL
* @note the list has data?
* @attention
template BOOL 
AL_ListDouble::IsEmpty() const
	return (NULL == m_pHeader->m_pNext) ? TRUE:FALSE;

* Get
* @param	T& tTypeOut 
* @param	DWORD dwIndex 
* @return BOOL
* @note get the T at the position
* @attention the dwIndex must is little than the list length
template BOOL
AL_ListDouble::Get(T& tTypeOut, DWORD dwIndex) const
	if (TRUE == IsEmpty()) {
		return FALSE;

	if (Length()-1 < dwIndex) {
		return FALSE;
	AL_Node* pGet = GetNodeByIndex(dwIndex);
	if (NULL == pGet) {
		return FALSE;
	tTypeOut = pGet->m_data;
	return TRUE;

* Set
* @param	T& tTypeOut 
* @param	DWORD dwIndex 
* @param	const T& tTemplate 
* @return BOOL
* @note Replaced with the element element element on position index, and returns the old element...
* @attention Index must in the list
template BOOL 
AL_ListDouble::Set(T& tTypeOut, DWORD dwIndex, const T& tTemplate)
	if (Length()-1 < dwIndex) {
		return FALSE;
	AL_Node* pSet = GetNodeByIndex(dwIndex);
	if (NULL == pSet) {
		return FALSE;
	tTypeOut = pSet->m_data;
	pSet->m_data = tTemplate;
	return TRUE;

* Clear
* @param VOID
* @return VOID
* @note clear the data in the list
* @attention all data will be clear
template VOID 
	if (TRUE == IsEmpty()) {
		//No data,

	AL_Node* pDelete = NULL;
	while(NULL != m_pHeader->m_pNext){
		//get the node
		pDelete = m_pHeader->m_pNext;
		m_pHeader->m_pNext = pDelete->m_pNext;
		delete pDelete;
		pDelete = NULL;
	m_dwSize = 0x00;

* GetNodeByIndex
* @param DWORD dwIndex 
* @return AL_Node* 
* @note get the const T& at the position
* @attention the dwIndex must is little than the list length
template AL_Node* 
AL_ListDouble::GetNodeByIndex(DWORD dwIndex) const
	if (Length()-1 < dwIndex) {
		return NULL;

	AL_Node* pMove = NULL;
	DWORD dwCount = 1;
	//loop the next data;
	pMove = m_pHeader->m_pNext;
	while (NULL != pMove->m_pNext) {
		if (dwCount-1 == dwIndex) {
			//get this place
			return pMove;
		dwCount ++;
		pMove = pMove->m_pNext;
	//the end
	return pMove;

	/* //test code
	//forward loop (only for test)
	//get the end node
	AL_Node* pEnd = NULL;
	AL_Node* pMove = NULL;
	//loop the next data;
	pMove = m_pHeader->m_pNext;
	while (NULL != pMove->m_pNext) {
		pMove = pMove->m_pNext;
	pEnd = pMove;
	pMove = NULL;

	DWORD dwCount = Length();
	//loop the next data;
	pMove = pEnd;
	while (m_pHeader != pMove->m_pPre) {
		if (dwCount-1 == dwIndex) {
			//get this place
			return pMove;
		dwCount --;
		pMove = pMove->m_pPre;

	//the end
	return pMove;

/* EOF */


	AL_ListDouble cListDouble;
	BOOL bEmpty = cListDouble.IsEmpty();
