
























The seven continents are Asia, Africa,North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe and Oceania.

The four oceans are the Pacific, Atlantic,Indian and Arctic oceans.


Asia: 44 million square kilometers,accounting for 29.4% of the world's total land area, is the world's largestcontinent. There are 40 countries and regions. Population of 3.229 billion,accounting for about 60% of the world's total population, ranking first in theworld. It is the largest of the seven continents in the world. The vastmajority of its land is located in the Eastern and Northern hemispheres.Traditionally defined as part of the Africa-Eurasia continent. Across thelatitude and longitude is very wide, the time difference between east and westis 11 hours. Asia spans three zones of cold, warm and hot, with a strongcontinental climate, typical monsoon climate and complex climate types.Geographically, it is used to be divided into East Asia, Southeast Asia, SouthAsia, West Asia, Central Asia and North Asia. In 2000, the population reached3.672 billion, accounting for about 60.5% of the world's total population.


Africa: covers an area of about 30 millionsquare kilometers, accounting for 20.2% of the world's total land area, makingit the second largest continent in the world. There are 56 countries andregions. It has a population of 662 million, accounting for 12.3% of theworld's total population, ranking third in the world. Africa is the world'ssecond largest continent. It is shaped like a large scalene triangle, narrow inthe south and wide in the north. It is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, theRed Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. There are not many coastalislands, the largest of which is Madagascar. Africa is inhabited by people ofdifferent colors, black, white, and yellow, with blacks accounting for abouttwo thirds of the population


North America: an area of about 24 millionsquare kilometers, accounting for about 16.2% of the world's total land area,is the world's third largest continent. There are 37 countries and regions. Ithas a population of 432 million, accounting for 8.1% of the world's totalpopulation, ranking fourth in the world. Most of its area is developedcountries, and it has a high human development index and economic level. It isthe most open-minded and freest continent, with the Atlantic Ocean to the east,the Pacific Ocean to the west, the Arctic Ocean to the north, and South Americadivided by the Panama Canal to the south. East across the Danish Strait andEurope across the sea, the geographical position is advantageous. It covers anarea of 24.228 million square kilometers (including nearby islands), accountingfor 16.2% of the world's total land area, making it the third largest continentin the world. English is spoken, followed by Spanish, French, Dutch, Indian,etc. The economic development of North America is very unbalanced. Except theUnited States and Canada, which are developed countries, the rest of thecountries are developing countries.


South America: an area of about 18 millionsquare kilometers, about 12% of the world's total land area, is the world'sfourth largest continent. There are 13 countries and regions. Population 302million, accounting for about 5.6% of the world's total population, ranking thefifth in the world. South America is the fourth largest continent, with a landarea of just over 17.8 million square kilometers. The Andes Mountains stretchacross almost all of western South America and are home to Aconcagua, thehighest mountain in the Americas. To the east of the Andes lies the vast AmazonBasin, which covers more than seven million square kilometers, much of ittropical rainforest.


Antarctica: covers an area of 14 millionsquare kilometers, about 9.4 percent of the world's total land area, making itthe world's fifth largest continent. Antarctica has only a few scientificexplorers and whaling teams from other continents, and no settled people. Only2 percent of the continent is free of permanent snow and ice, allowing plantsand animals to survive. The climate is extremely cold, with the lowesttemperature ever reaching -89.2℃. The wind speed is generally 17 to 18 metersper second, and the maximum speed is over 90 meters per second, making it thecoldest, stormiest and windiest land in the world. The average annualprecipitation of the whole continent is 55 mm, almost no precipitation near thepole, the air is very dry, known as the "white desert". In theAntarctic Circle, warm seasons have continuous day, cold seasons havecontinuous polar night, and there are gorgeous arc-shaped aurora. The animalsare penguins, walruses, sea lions, albatrosses and so on. The nearby oceanproduces Antarctic cod, largemouth fish, krill production is the largest in theworld. Minerals have been discovered such as coal, oil, natural gas, gold,silver, nickel, molybdenum, manganese and uranium. Mainly distributed in theAntarctic Peninsula and coastal islands.


Europe: About 10 million square kilometers,about 6.8% of the world's total land area, only larger than Oceania, is theworld's sixth largest continent. There are 37 countries and regions. Population723 million, accounting for about 13.4% of the world's total population,ranking the second in the world, is the most densely populated continent.Europe is one of the continents with a high standard of living, a high environmentaland human development index, and a habitable environment


Oceania: About 9 million square kilometers,about 6% of the world's total land area, is the world's smallest continent.There are 24 countries and regions. With a population of 27 million, or about0.5% of the world's population, it is the least populated continent in theworld after Antarctica. Located in the central and south-central Pacific Ocean,between Asia and Antarctica, the Indian Ocean to the west, the Pacific Ocean tothe east, and North and South America.


Pacific Ocean: The Earth's largest ocean,covering about 46% of the Earth's water surface and about 32.5% of its totalarea. The Pacific Ocean stretches from the coast of the Antarctic continent tothe Bering Strait, with Asia and Oceania in the west and the Americas in theeast. The maximum north-south width is 15,500 km, spanning 151° latitude. Thearea including the sea is 181,344,230 square kilometers.


Indian Ocean: The third largest ocean inthe world. Located between Asia, Oceania, Africa and Antarctica. The areacovered by the sea is 74.118 million square kilometers, and the area notcovered by the sea is 73.427 million square kilometers, accounting for about 20percent of the world's total ocean area. The volume including the sea was284.608 million cubic km and the volume excluding the sea was 284.34 millioncubic km. The Indian Ocean has the second highest average depth after thePacific Ocean, with an average depth of 3,839.9 metres including the sea and3,872.4 metres excluding the sea. The deepest is 9,074 meters.


Arctic Ocean: Also known as the Arctic Sea,it is the smallest, shallowest and coldest ocean in the world. Roughly centeredon the Arctic Circle, it is located at the northernmost point of the Earth,surrounded by the continents of Asia and Europe and North America, andconnected to the Pacific Ocean by the narrow Bering Strait; Connected to theAtlantic Ocean by the Greenland Sea and many straits, it is the smallest of theworld's oceans, covering only 14.75 million square kilometers, less than 10percent of the Pacific. It has a depth of 1,097 meters and a deepest of 5,527meters. The ancient Greeks called it "the sea opposite Ursa Major."In 1845, the Geographical Society of London named by the Chinese translation asthe Arctic Ocean. The name Arctic comes from the Greek word for the sea facingthe constellation Ursa Major.) On August 25, 2012, Arctic sea ice reached itssmallest extent ever observed


Atlantic Ocean: The world's second largest

ocean, accounting for nearly 20% of the Earth's surface area, the original area

of 82.217 million square kilometers, after the establishment of the Southern

Ocean, the area of 76.762 million square kilometers, the average depth of 3,627

meters, the deepest Puerto Rico Trench is 9,219 meters deep. The Atlantic Ocean

has an "S" shape and is divided at the equator into the North

Atlantic and the South Atlantic. In addition, the Atlantic has several

subsidiary seas, the larger such as the Mediterranean Sea, the Caribbean Sea,

the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and so on. The great distance

between north and south of the Atlantic Ocean gives it a variety of climates,

ranging from the polar climate of Greenland in the north to the tropical desert

or rain forest climate along the coasts of West Africa and Brazil. In Europe,

the United States, Canada and the waters south of Brazil and the Gulf of

