

Today we began harvesting. We got up at daybreak and after an early breakfast we started off for the rice fields.We got there after half an hour's walk。

The fields around us looked like a golden sea .I have never seen anything so beautiful !we worked side by side with the commune members. At first some of us were rather slow . The peasants showed us how to cut the rice and how to tie the bandles.soon we learned to work faster。

We worked in three groups," Faster, faster !" We mustn't fall behind the others !" That was the thought in everybody's mind。

Evening came before we realized it .We put down our sickles and looked at each other. our lclothes were wet with sweat .On every face there was a smile.

We harvested thirtymualtogether .That was not bad for the first day.But tomorrow we shall certainly do better—much better.


第一:We got there after half an hour's walk。

在说“到达某地”时,多用get to,例如:

we got to commune at five a'clock。

若后面用的是副词here, there, home等,则不用to。例如:

when did you get home ?

I get there at eight.

第二:The fields around us looked like a golden sea .


you don't look very wellToday! 你今天脸色很不好。

You room looks very nice!你们房间很不错。

还有一些动词,如fell, fall, get等,也可用作系动词例,例如:

he fell ill last friday.

he is feeling much better today

we hope he will soon get well.

第三:I have never seen anything so beautiful !


have seen,现在完成时。

第四:Evening came before we realized it .



第五:But tomorrow we shall certainly do better—much better.


第六:Today we began harvesting.




seeing is believing,眼见为实。(百闻不如一见。)

I began studying English at the age of 12.

Thank you for giving us so much help.

第七:……after an early breakfast we started off for the rice fields.


start off是动词加副词构成的动词短语,Off表示"离开,走

开",即已不在原处。start off 动身,出发,与其同义的短语有:leave for , set off for, set out for ,start out for,介词for在这里,表示目标、方向,即汉语中的“向”、“往”之意,如:

Next week they'll set off for the South.下星期他们去南方。

第八:I have never seen anything so beautiful !

注意something ,anything, nothing, somebody, anybody, nobody,如果有定语,定语需要后置。例如:

Attention ,please, I 've got something important to tell you。

He looks like somebody important。他看上去像是个重要人物。

There is nothing wrong with the tape-recorder. 录音机没有毛病。

第九:soon we learned to work faster。


