

英文 中文
You'll want to hurry and eat if you're to meet the train on time. 你还是快点收拾并吃点以免误点了火车
I pray this isn't foolishness... 我希望这么做不是在犯傻
but it's too late now. 但是现在已经晚了
We made a practical decision; we'll just have to hope for the best. 我们已经做出了决定 希望能够完美
With any luck, Mrs. Spencer will have picked out a good one; 如果幸运的话 Spencer先生会挑一位好的
a hard worker and obedient like we asked for. 就如我们要求的那样 一位听话而且勤劳的工人
I couldn't tolerate a lazy boy or a sullen boy. 我不能容忍一位懒惰或者傻傻的男孩
No, I couldn't abide it and I wouldn't. 是的 我不会容忍的
In spite of all the worry, I'm relieved to know 尽管担心 我很放心知道
that you'll have a regular hand about the place. 你有一双适合这地方的手
You can't buy loyalty. 你不能买到忠心
You coming in sometime today? 你还不进来吃点?
Matthew Cuthbert, you must be in a state. Matthew Cuthbert,你老是这样
Since when do you sit at the table without washing your hands? 不洗手就坐下吃饭?
Let's not forget you were the one convinced of this plan. 别忘了这是你提出的计划
You've been set on it since winter, 你自冬天就安排好了
so there's no point fretting now. 所以现在别烦恼了
Not that I disagree, because I don't. 不是我不赞成那个计划 因为我不同意
Will you be ready to set off as soon as you're finished here? 你吃完饭后就出发了吗?

I will. 是的
You can bet it won't take long for Rachel to come a knocking. 你看着Rachel很快会来凑热闹的
Lord knows she's got a hunger for gossip like a person starved. 都知道她是一位多嘴婆
I told you to have their supper on the table a half hour ago. 半小时前我就告诉过你准备好他们的晚饭
She needs her diaper changed, Mrs. Hammond. The stew is almost ready. 她的尿布需要更换 Hammond太太 炖菜差不多已经好了
Did you milk the cow?No. Not yet, but I... 奶牛挤过奶了吗? 还没有,不过我
Give her to me! 把她给我
You want these children to starve to death? 你不想让这些孩子们饿死吧?
Do something right for a change! You're more trouble than you're worth. 做点正确的事情!你老是添麻烦
Nothing but a miserable piece of trash! 你只是垃圾
Hurry up! 快点
We'll see what Mr. Hammond has to say about this when he gets home. 我们会看到Hammond先生回家后说些啥
Are you quite all right, dear? 你还好吗?
I like imagining better than remembering. 比起回忆过去,我喜欢向往未来
Why are the worst memories the most insistent? 为何糟糕的会议会挥之不去?
I wouldn't know. Try to rest. 我也不知道 试着平静一下
If all the world hated you and believed you wicked, 如果整个世界恨你 认为你是邪恶的
but your own conscience approved of you 但是你自己清醒地认识到
and absolved you from guilt, 你是无辜的
you would not be without friends. 你就会拥有朋友
I love Jane Eyre, don't you? 我热爱Jane Eyre 你呢?
I never met her.I'm glad you've woken. 我从未见过她 我很高兴你已经清醒了
I have so many more questions for you about Green Gables. 我也很多关于Green Gables的问题想请教你
I'm sure you do. 我想你是的
Why do you suppose neither of the Cuthberts ever married? 为何Cuthberts人从未结婚?
Did either of them have a tragical romance? 是否他们当中有人有过不幸的爱情?
It's none of our business.But I'm bursting with curiosity! 这不管我们的事情 但是我很好奇
Uh... Shhh. 轻点声音
Afternoon. 下午好
Sir. 先生
I wonder if you can help me. Is there a... 不知道你是否可以帮到我 是否有一位
Little girl? You didn't see her? She's just outside. 小女孩? 你没看见她?她就在外面
Wouldn't come in. Darndest thing. 她不愿意进来 难以置信的女孩
But...Said she preferred to sit outside, 但是 她说她更愿意坐在外面
because there was... What was it now? 因为那个 现在怎么说来着?
More scope for the imagination. 非常有想象力
That was it. She's a case, I should say. 就是这样子的 她就是一个例子 要按我说
I heard her talkin' to herself out there. 我听到了她在外面自言自语
But I'm not expecting a girl. 但是我没料到是位女孩
It's a boy... that I have come for. 应该是位男孩

Mrs. Spencer was to bring him over from the asylum for us. Spencer 夫人本来要从避难所带他来我们这里的
Mrs. Spencer got off the train with that strange snippet, Spencer 夫人带着那小家伙下了火车
gave her over to my charge. 让我看管一下
Said you'd be along for her presently. 说你会来找她的
Well, that's all I know about it. 好了 我就知道这些
I haven't got any more orphans concealed hereabouts. 我这里并没有其他的孤儿了
I, uh... I don't understand. 我 我不懂
Well, I'm sure the girl will be only too happy 我确信那女孩会很开心
to tell you every little detail of what happened. 告诉你所发生的一切
She's got a tongue of her own, that's for certain. 很确定的是 她很会聊天
Good day to you. 祝你顺利
I suppose you are Matthew Cuthbert of Green Gables? 我想你是Green Gables的Matthew Cuthbert?
I'm very glad to see you. I was beginning to be afraid 好高兴见到你 我一直担心
that you weren't coming and I was imagining 你不会来 然后我在想
all the things that might have happened to prevent you. 什么原因使你不来的
I'd made up my mind that if you didn't come for me, 我甚至已经决定如果你不来的话
I'd go down the tracks to that big wild cherry tree 我会一路走到那颗大樱桃树下
and climb up into it and stay all night. 然后爬上去 晚上就呆在树上
I wouldn't be a bit afraid, and it would be lovely to sleep 我不会有一点儿害怕 应该会睡个好觉
in a tree all white with bloom in the moonshine, don't you think? 在月色下满是白色樱花的夜晚 你觉得呢?
I can also imagine that I'm already a disappointment to you. 我也看得出我让你失望了
I'm aware that I'm not much to look at, 我知道我不漂亮
but even though I'm thin, I'm very strong. 但是即使我看上去很瘦 我很有力的
I want you to know that I'm forever grateful that you're adopting me. 我想让你明白我非常感激你认养我
You're a sight for sore eyes, Mr. Cuthbert. 见到你很高兴 Cuthbert先生
You best come along. 走吧
UhahemI'll take your bag. 我帮你拎袋子
Oh, I can carry it. It isn't heavy. 我自己可以的 不重的
I've got all my worldly goods in it, but it isn't heavy. 我的日用品都在里面 但是不重
And if it isn't carried a certain way, 另外如果不好好拎的话
it falls right open, so I better keep it. 它会洒落一地 所以还是我拎着好
I've come to know the exact knack of it. 我知道它的机关
I am ecstatic beyond measure 我有些欣喜若狂
that I'm going to belong to you and your sister. 我将要属于你和你姐姐
Ecstatic! I've never belonged to anybody before. 欣喜若狂 以前我从未属于过任何人
I mean, you and your sister are practically the stuff of fiction. 我是说 你和你姐姐就像小说里的人物
Two hard working, decent people, 两位辛勤劳动 正派的人
lonely all their lives in their silent house, 在他们的安静的房子里很孤单
longing for the love of a child. 希望有一位可爱的孩子
And I will strive to be just the best daughter 我会努力做好一位女儿的
that anybody could ever have. 就像别人一样
I'm sure that I can do it. 我相信我能够做到的
To be honest, I haven't had much experience at it. 老实说 我没有任何经验
I'm not usually brought into a house to be a daughter, 我不常常被带到一间房子里做女儿的
so you can well imagine what a blessing 所以你可以想象这是怎样的福分
this is and how much my heart is lifted. 我的心是如何激动
And I've given it a lot of thought, 我想过很多
and I am determined that I shall be obedient, 我决心做一位听话的孩子
and dutiful and yet lively enough 有责任心 足够有活力
so as to lighten up the place 这样就可以点亮那个
after you've lived for so many years 你已经生活了那么多年的地方
without the delights of a happy child 没有一位快乐孩子的开心的陪伴
and the scope of her imagination. 还有她的丰富的想象力
Have you always wanted a daughter? 你一直想要一位女儿吗?
Always in your heart of hearts? 在你内心深处?
I read once that a daughter is a little girl 我曾经读到过女儿是这么一位小姑娘
who grows up to be a friend. 长大后是一位朋友
And it gives my heart a thrill to even say it aloud. 这话让我激动万分
Oh, isn't she lovely? 它很可爱是吗?
What's her name?Uh... 她叫什么名字?
that's, uh... the mare. 那是一头母驴
She doesn't have a name? 它居然没有名字?
But the right name is so important. 但是名字很重要的
She looks to me... like her name is Belle. 它对于我来说 应该叫Belle
Hello, Belle. You are a beauty, 你好 Belle 你是个大美人
and I am sure we'll be great friends. 我保证我们会成为好朋友的
Mare. 母驴
Bye, tree! 再见了 樱桃树
That cherry tree is my first friend here on the Island. 那樱桃树是我在这岛上的第一位朋友
What did that cherry tree, all white and lacy, make you think of? 那全是白花的樱桃树让你想到了什么?
Well, now, um, I dunno. 我不知道
Why, a bride, of course! 为什么 一位新娘 当然应该这样
A bride all in white with a misty veil. 一位新娘穿着白色的婚纱
I've never seen one, but I imagine what she would look like. 我从未见到过 但是我可以想象得出
I never expect to be a bride myself. 我自己从未想过要成为新娘
I'm so homely, nobody would ever want to marry me. 我太普通了 没人会要娶我
Unless he was a foreign missionary. 除非他是一位外国传教士
I suppose a foreign missionary mightn't be very particular. 我想外国传教士不会很特别的
But I do hope someday I shall have a white dress, 但是我确实希望有一天我有一件白色的礼服
with beautiful puff sleeves. 有着漂亮的泡泡袖子
That is my highest ideal of earthly bliss. 那是我最高的梦想
Am I talking too much? 我是否说太多了
People are always telling me that I do, 人们总是这么说的
and it seems to cause no end of aggravation. 并且似乎有无尽的烦恼
Would you rather I didn't talk? If you say so, I'll stop. 你是否让我不说话? 如果这样 我就闭嘴了
I can stop when I make up my mind to it, although it's difficult. 当我决定不说话时我就会闭嘴 尽管很困难
I don't mind. 我不介意的
I'm so glad. 那我很高兴
I know you and I are going to get along together just fine. 我知道我们会相处愉快的
It's such a relief to talk when one wants to 当一个人想说就说时是见多放松的事情
and not be told that children should be seen and not heard. 而不是孩子们应该多看少说
I've had that said to me a million times if I have once. 那个我听得够多了
People would laugh at me because I use big words. 人们总是取笑我因为我说大话
But they're exciting and descriptive words, 但是那些是很棒的词句
like... like enraptured and glorious! 就像“欣喜若狂的,壮丽的”
If you have big ideas, you have to use 如果你有很棒的想法 你得用这些词
big words to express them, haven't you? 来表达 不是吗?
Well, uh...
I suppose so. 我想是的
For example 比如
I am enraptured by this glorious landscape! 看到这壮丽的风景我欣喜若狂

