


如有疑问请邮箱联系:[email protected]

Xuandou Networks owns intellectual property such as copyright, including but not limited to the entire content of the product or service that is issued or jointly issued with a partner company, and is protected by law.

Without the written permission of the owner, no unitor individual may use, copy, modify, copy or transmit any part of the above products, services, information, or materials in any way or for any reason.


Privacy Policy

XuandouNetworks regards user information security and privacy protection as his"lifeline." We adhere to the "everything based on uservalue" philosophy, and strive to improve the transparency of informationprocessing, enhance your convenience of information management, and protectyour information and communication security.

XuandouNetworks strictly abides by laws and regulations and follows the followingprivacy protection principles to provide you with safer and more reliableservices:


Safeand reliable: We make every effort to prevent your information from beingleaked, damaged or lost through reasonable and effective information securitytechnology and management processes.


Self-selection:We provide you with convenient information management options so you can makethe right choices and manage your personal information.


Protectingcommunication secrets: We strictly abide by laws and regulations, protect yourcommunication secrets, and provide you with secure communication services.


Reasonable:In order to provide better service to you and other users, we only collect thenecessary information.


Clearand transparent: We strive to use a concise statement to introduce you to theprivacy policy so that you can clearly understand how our information ishandled.


Incorporateprivacy protection into product design: We integrate various concepts such aslaw, product and design into all aspects of product or service development, andincorporate the concept of privacy protection.

ThisPrivacy Policy mainly explains to you:

Whatinformation we collect;

Thepurpose of our collection of information;


Ihope that you read the Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "thispolicy") to learn more about how we collect and use information so thatyou can better understand our services and make appropriate choices.

Byusing Xuandou Networks's services, you are agreeing to what we have describedin this policy. Terms used in this policy have the same meanings as in the UserAgreement unless otherwise agreed.

Ifyou have any questions, please contact us.

First,the information we collect

Wecollect only the information necessary to achieve product functionality basedon legal, justified, and necessary principles.


Informationthat you provide when you use our services

1.1.1Information you fill out when you register your account.

Forexample, the nickname and mobile number you filled in when you signed up for anaccount.

1.1.2Information that you upload when you use the service.

Forexample, when you use an app, upload an avatar, shared photo.

1.1.3Information submitted by you through our customer service or attending ourevents.

Forexample, a questionnaire you fill out when participating in our online eventmay include your name, phone number, home address, and more.

Someof our services may require you to provide specific personally sensitiveinformation to achieve specific functions. If you choose not to provide thistype of information, you may not be able to use certain features in theservice, but it will not affect your use of other features in the service. Byproviding your personally sensitive information, you consent to the processingof your personally sensitive information in accordance with the purposes andmethods described in this policy.


Informationwe get when you use the service

1.2.1Log information. When you use our services, we may automatically collectrelevant information and store it as service log information.

(1)Equipment information. For example, device model, operating system version,unique device identifier, battery, signal strength, and more.

(2) Softwareinformation. For example, the version number of the software, the browser type.To ensure the security of the operating environment or to provide services, wecollect information about the mobile apps and other software you use.

(3)IP address.

(4)Service log information. For example, information you search, view, servicefailure information, referral URLs, etc. when you use our services.

(5)Communication log information. For example, the account, communication time,and duration that you used to communicate when using our services.

1.2.2Location information. When you use location-related services, we may record thelocation of your device to provide you with relevant services.

(1)When you use the service, we may obtain your geographic location informationthrough IP address, GPS, WiFi or base station;

(2)The information provided by you or other users when using the service mayinclude information about your location, such as the information about yourarea that may be included in the account information you provided, and thegeo-tagging information contained in photos shared by you or others. ;

1.2.3Other relevant information. To help you make better use of our products orservices, we collect relevant information. For example, we collect buddy lists,group list information, and voiceprint feature value information. To ensurethat you can use our services to reach people you know, if you choose to enablethe Import Contacts feature, we may encrypt your contact's name and phonenumber and collect only the encrypted information.


Informationshared by other users contains your information

Forexample, photos posted by other users or shared videos may contain yourinformation.


Informationobtained from third-party partners

Wemay obtain information that you generate or share when you use a third-partypartner service. For example, when you use your account to sign in to athird-party partner service, we'll get the name and login time of yourthird-party partner service, so you can manage it. Please read carefully theuser agreement or privacy policy of the third party partner service.

Second,how do we use the information we collect?

Westrictly abide by the laws and regulations and the agreement with the users,and use the collected information for the following purposes. If we use yourinformation beyond the following purposes, we will explain it to you again andobtain your consent.


Provideservices to you.


Meetyour individual needs. For example, language settings, location settings,personalized help services.


Productdevelopment and service optimization. For example, when our system fails, werecord and analyze the information generated by the system failure to optimizeour services.


Security.For example, we use your information for authentication, security, anti-fraudmonitoring, archive backup, customer security services, and more. For example,security software that you download or install detects malware or viruses oridentifies fraudulent information for you.


Recommendads, news, and more that may be of interest to you.


Assessand improve the effectiveness of our advertising and other promotions andpromotions.


Managementsoftware. For example, perform software certification, software upgrades, andthe like.


Inviteyou to participate in a survey about our services.

Inorder to give you a better experience, improve our services or other uses thatyou agree to, we may use the information collected through certain services forour other services, subject to relevant laws and regulations. For example, useinformation about one of our services for another service to show youpersonalized content or ads, for user research analysis and statistics.

Toensure the security of our services and to help us better understand how ourapplications are performing, we may record information such as how often youuse the application, fault information, overall usage, performance data, andthe source of the application. We do not combine the information we store inthe analysis software with the personally identifiable information you providein the application.

Howdo we use cookies and related technologies?

Weor our third-party partners may collect your information by placing securecookies and related technologies in order to provide you with a morepersonalized user experience and service. We will strictly require third-partypartners to comply with the relevant provisions of this policy.

Youcan also manage your cookies through your browser settings. However, pleasenote that if you disable cookies, you may not be able to enjoy the best serviceexperience and some services may not work properly. If you would like moreinformation on the security of cookies, please see the Cookie Policy Note.

Fourth,the information you share

Youcan share your information with your friends, family and other users throughour services. For example, the text and photos you share publicly on the WeChatcircle of friends. Please note that this may include sensitive information suchas your personally identifiable information, personal property information.Please carefully consider disclosing your relevant personal sensitiveinformation.

Youcan control the scope of your shared information through the privacy settingsin our services, or you can delete your publicly shared information through thesettings in the service or the guidelines we provide. However, please note thatthis information may still be stored independently by other users ornon-associated third parties not under our control.

Howdo you manage your information?


Youmay access, modify and delete the registration information and other personalinformation you provide while using our services, or you may follow the noticeguidelines to contact us. The scope and manner in which you access, modify, anddelete personal information will depend on the specific service you use. Forexample, if you want to stop sharing your location information when using location-relatedservices, you can stop sharing by using the mobile phone location shutdownfeature, software and hardware service provider and communication serviceprovider shutdown. I suggest you read the relevant guidelines carefully. .


Wewill collect and use your information only as described in this policy for thefunctionality of our products or services. If you find that we have violatedlaws, administrative regulations or the agreement of both parties to collectand use your personal information, you can ask us to delete it. If you findthat your personal information collected and stored by us is incorrect, you canalso ask us to correct it. Please contact us through the contact details listedin this policy.


Whenyou access, modify, and delete information, we may ask you to authenticate tokeep your account secure.


Pleaseunderstand that due to technical limitations, legal or regulatory requirements,we may not be able to meet all of your requirements and we will respond to yourrequest within a reasonable timeframe.

6.Information we share

Westrictly restrict the sharing of information in accordance with laws andregulations, such as:


Wemay share your personal information with third parties with your prior consent;


Forthe sole purpose of external processing, we may work with third party partners(third party service providers, contractors, agents, advertising partners, appdevelopers, etc., for example, to provide email or push notifications on ourbehalf. Providers, map service providers that provide us with locationservices) (they may not be in your jurisdiction) share your personalinformation and let them follow our instructions, privacy policies and otherrelevant confidentiality and security measures. Process the above informationand use it for the following purposes:

6.2.1provide you with our services;

6.2.2achieve the stated purpose of the “How we use the information collected”section;

6.2.3fulfill our obligations under the User Agreement or this Policy and exerciseour rights;

6.2.4Understand, maintain and improve our services.

Ifwe share your information with the above-mentioned third parties, we will useencryption, anonymization and other means to protect your information.


Asour business continues to develop, when mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers,etc. result in the sharing of your personal information with third parties, wewill inform you of the relevant situation by means of push notifications,announcements, etc., in accordance with laws and regulations and not less thanThe standards required by this policy continue to protect or require newadministrators to continue to protect your personal information.


Wewill use the information we collect for big data analysis. For example, we usethe information we collect to analyze urban thermograms or industry insightreports that do not contain any personal information. We may disclose and sharewith our partners information that is processed without post-identificationcontent to understand how users use our services or to inform the public aboutthe overall usage trends of our services.


Wemay disclose your personal information for the following purposes:

6.5.1Comply with applicable laws and regulations and other relevant regulations;

6.5.2comply with the provisions of court decisions, rulings or other legalprocedures;

6.5.3comply with the requirements of relevant government agencies or other legallyauthorized organizations;

6.5.4We have reason to believe that we need to comply with relevant laws andregulations;

6.5.5Reasonable and necessary use for the protection of the personal and propertysafety or other legal rights of our customers, us or our affiliates, otherusers or employees for the purpose of implementing the relevant serviceagreements or this policy, safeguarding the public interest.

7.Information we may send you



Wemay send you emails, text messages, news or push notifications when you use ourservices. You can choose to unsubscribe on your device by following our tips.


Servicerelated announcement

Wemay issue service-related announcements to you when necessary (for example,when a service is suspended due to system maintenance). You may not be able tocancel these announcements that are related to the service and that are notadvertising.

Eight,the location and duration of the stored information


Locationwhere information is stored

Wecomply with the laws and regulations and store the personal informationcollected by users in China.


Termof information stored

Ingeneral, we retain your personal information for the shortest period of timenecessary to achieve its purpose. However, in the following cases, we maychange the storage time of personal information due to legal requirements:

8.2.1To comply with applicable laws and regulations and other relevant regulations;

8.2.2to comply with court decisions, rulings or other legal procedures;

8.2.3in order to comply with the requirements of relevant government agencies orstatutory authorized organizations;

8.2.4We have reason to believe that we need to comply with relevant laws andregulations;

8.2.5The purpose reasonably necessary to protect the personal and property safety orother legal rights of our customers, us or our affiliates, other users oremployees for the purpose of implementing the relevant service agreements orthis policy, safeguarding the public interest.

Inthe event that our products or services cease to operate, we will notify youby, for example, push notifications, announcements, etc., and delete oranonymize your personal information within a reasonable period of time.

Nine,information security

Weprovide appropriate security for your information to prevent loss, misuse,unauthorized access or disclosure.


Westrictly abide by laws and regulations to protect users' communication secrets.


Wewill use various security measures to ensure the security of information withina reasonable level of security. For example, we use encryption (eg, TLS, SSL),anonymization, and other means to protect your personal information.


Weestablish specialized management systems, processes and organizations to ensureinformation security. For example, we strictly limit the range of peopleaccessing information and require them to comply with confidentialityobligations and conduct reviews.


Inthe event of a security incident such as a personal information disclosure, wewill initiate an emergency plan to prevent the expansion of security incidentsand inform you by push notifications, announcements, etc.


Wemay use your relevant information to provide you with ads that are morerelevant to you on relevant websites, apps and other channels. You can learnmore about the ad page.

Eleven,protection of minors

Weattach great importance to the protection of personal information of minors. Inaccordance with the relevant laws and regulations, if you are a minor under theage of 18, you should obtain the consent of your parent or legal guardianbefore using Tencent's services. If you are a guardian of a minor, pleasecontact us through the contact details in Section 13 when you have questionsabout the personal information of the minor you are monitoring.

Twelve,the scope of application

Thispolicy applies to all of our services. However, some services have their ownspecific privacy guidelines/statements that more specifically describe how weprocess your information in the service. In the event of any inconsistencybetween this policy and the privacy guidelines/claims for a particular service,please refer to that particular privacy guide/declaration.

Pleasenote that this policy does not apply to services provided by other companies orindividuals. For example, you can use a WeChat account to log in to othercompanies or individuals.

Youruse of such third party services is subject to its Privacy Policy (not thisPolicy) and you will need to read the policies carefully.

Thirteen,contact us

Ifyou have any questions about this policy or other related matters, pleasecontact us through the contact information indicated at the bottom of theofficial website.

Wewill review the issue as soon as possible and respond within 30 days ofverifying your user status.


Wemay revise this policy in due course. If such changes result in a substantialderogation of your rights under this Policy, we will notify you by promptingyou at the prominent location on the page, by sending you an email, etc.,before the change takes effect. In such a case, if you continue to use ourservices, you agree to be bound by the revised policy.

Youcan share your information with your friends, family and other users throughour services. For example, the text and photos you share publicly on the WeChatcircle of friends. Please note that this may include sensitive information suchas your personally identifiable information, personal property information.Please carefully consider disclosing your relevant personal sensitiveinformation.

Howdo you manage your information?

Youruse of such third party services is subject to its Privacy Policy (not thisPolicy) and you will need to read the policies carefully.

Forexample, a questionnaire you fill out when participating in our online eventmay include your name, phone number, home address, and more.

Incorporateprivacy protection into product design: We integrate various concepts such aslaw, product and design into all aspects of product or service development, andincorporate the concept of privacy protection.

(1)Equipment information. For example, device model, operating system version,unique device identifier, battery, signal strength, and more.

Informationthat you provide when you use our services

Security.For example, we use your information for authentication, security, anti-fraudmonitoring, archive backup, customer security services, and more. For example,security software that you download or install detects malware or viruses oridentifies fraudulent information for you.


User Agreement

Part I Important

This "Online Game End User License Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement") is the user's (individual or single entity, hereinafter referred to as "User") and Yuqiao Networks regarding this online game (including any modification of the online game, The legal agreement for the use of the update, all previous versions and subsequent versions, hereinafter referred to as "online games".

1. Agreement content

1.1 main content:

The first part of the important tips; the second part of the rights statement; the third part of the necessary clauses; the fourth main terms; the fifth part of the user code;

1.2 Change content:

All of the above, Yuqiao Networks reserves the right to make changes based on operational needs. All changes and updates will take effect immediately after the end of the objection period specified by Yuqiao Networks;

1.3 new content:

Other rules that Yuqiao Networks publishes periodically or irregularly according to operational needs, including but not limited to other official information such as forum forum rules, code of conduct, activity rules, definition interpretation, etc.

Please note that in view of the user's habit of using the online game service, the user is obliged to re-read the entire contents of the end user license agreement on a monthly basis from the date of using the Yuqiao Networks service. In view of the above agreement, the user is not satisfied with the performance. Those who have such obligations are not entitled to object to the legal effect of the relevant provisions without knowing the above.

2. The obligations of Yuqiao Networks

2.1 The legal Yuqiao Networks's obligation to take reasonable care to the attention of the user will be achieved as follows:

In this agreement, Yuqiao Networks reminds the user of the relevant terms in a reasonable manner, such as underline and red mark, which are enough to draw the user's attention. (It is important to emphasize that it is not limited to the user should pay special attention to any unspecified “including” ", "disclaimer", "not", "reject" and other terms of similar terms), these terms shall be applied to this Agreement to the fullest extent permitted by Chinese law. Unless the user accepts all the terms of this agreement, he or she is not authorized to install, copy, access Yuqiao Networks related websites, recharge, run client software or otherwise use online games.

3. User's rights

In case of any objection to the above mentioned terms and any content of this agreement, the user has the right to refuse to click to agree or to express an objection to Yuqiao Networks by phone or email within 30 days after any agreement is updated, changed or modified.

Any of the following actions of the user will be deemed as the user's complete recognition of the agreement. This User Agreement will take effect immediately and be fully legally binding on Yuqiao Networks and the user: (1) Click on any part of registration, download, use, etc. (2) use the online game products and services provided by Yuqiao Networks in any way that may or may have interacted with the online game; (3) not call or within 30 days after the update, change or modification of the agreement, rules, etc. Send an email to Yuqiao Networks to object.

4. User's approval

In view of the fact that Yuqiao Networks has fulfilled its obligations under the format clauses, the above actions of the user will be deemed and should be regarded as the legality and validity of the terms that the user has fully paid attention to and agreed to all the terms of this agreement, especially the user's attention. The User shall not claim or require the Court or any other third party to confirm that the Terms are illegal or invalid on the grounds that Yuqiao Networks does not promptly alert the user to the format terms or does not fulfill the stated obligation on the User's request.

5. Minors pay attention to the terms

Minors should review and accept this agreement in the company of a legal guardian. For minors under the age of 14, you must apply for registration in the name of a legal guardian by their legal guardian. Minor users should use "online games" and conduct online games to a reasonable extent. Yuqiao Networks has the right to impose relevant restrictions in accordance with the law.

Part II Statement of Rights

1. Intellectual property

This product and the instruction manual are protected by copyright law. All programs and graphic contents may not be copied, reproduced or modified in whole or in part by any means without the written permission of the authorized party and the operator. All related product names, trademarks, brands and pictures on this product and in the packaging and manuals are owned by the authorized party or Yuqiao Networks and are the property of their respective owners.

The entire content of online games (including but not limited to any computer code, game characters, game character names, game character information, story background, plot language, place name settings, task design, economic system, trading system, production building system, social system The intellectual property rights of the confrontation function, character image, sound effect, map props, motion rendering, team system, game concept, art work, sound effects, music, audio and video, documentation, and game client and server software are owned by the authorized party. All rights to perform this Agreement are legally available based on authorization.

2. game account

The ownership of the online game user account is owned by Yuqiao Networks. After the user successfully registers, the user's right to use the online game user account is obtained, and any data information generated by the game account and stored in the Yuqiao Networks database (including but not limited to account data) The ownership of information, role data information, etc. belongs to Yuqiao Networks. Under the premise of full compliance with the agreement, the user has the right to use the agreement specified in the agreement for the data information belonging to his user account during the normal use of the online game.

Virtual item

Virtual items in online game products and services, including but not limited to ingots, coins, gold, game coins, virtual equipment, virtual items, etc., are owned by Yuqiao Networks and are generated based on the virtual item and stored in the Yuqiao Networks database. The ownership of any data information (including but not limited to virtual item data information, grade item data information, etc.) belongs to Yuqiao Networks. Under the premise of full compliance with the agreement, the user has the right to use the agreement specified in the agreement for the data information belonging to his virtual item during the normal use of the online game.

Part III Essential Terms

1. Account registration

1.1 The user promises to register as a Yuqiao Networks user in his true identity, and to ensure that the personally identifiable information provided is true, complete and valid, and bears corresponding legal responsibility for the information provided in accordance with legal provisions and mandatory terms.

1.2 After the user registers as a Yuqiao Networks user in his or her real identity and needs to modify the personally identifiable information provided, Yuqiao Networks shall provide the service in a timely and effective manner.

2. User account usage and custody

2.1 According to the mandatory provisions, Yuqiao Networks has the right to review whether the identity information provided by the user registration is true and effective, and should actively take reasonable measures such as technology and management to ensure the security and validity of the user account; the user is obliged to keep it safe. Account and password, and use their account and password correctly and securely. If any party fails to perform the above obligations resulting in the loss of the account password, the account is stolen, etc., causing damage to the civil rights of the user and others, the legal liability arising therefrom shall be borne.

2.2 The user has rights and assumes responsibility for the actions of the account held after login.

2.3 If the user finds that his account or password has been illegally used by others or has abnormal use, he shall promptly notify Yuqiao Networks according to the processing announced by Yuqiao Networks and have the right to inform Yuqiao Networks to take measures to suspend the login and use of the account.

2.4 Yuqiao Networks shall take measures to suspend the login and use of the user account according to the user's notice. Yuqiao Networks shall require the user to provide and verify the personal valid identity information consistent with the registered identity information.

2.4.1 Yuqiao Networks verifies that the personal valid identity information provided by the user is consistent with the registered identity information, and shall take measures to suspend the login and use of the user account in a timely manner.

2.4.2 Yuqiao Networks violates the agreement of 2.4.1. If the measures are not taken in time to suspend the login and use of the user account, and therefore cause losses to the user, they shall bear the corresponding legal responsibilities.

2.4.3 Yuqiao Networks has the right to refuse the user's request if the user does not provide his or her personal valid ID or if the personal valid ID provided by the user is inconsistent with the registered identity information.

2.5 In order to maintain the legitimate rights and interests of the user and provide Yuqiao Networks with personal valid identity information consistent with the registered identity information, BobWalker shall provide the user with the necessary assistance and support for the account registrant certificate, original registration information, etc., as needed. Provide relevant evidence and information to relevant administrative agencies and judicial organs.

3. Suspension and termination of services

3.1 If the user has published illegal information, seriously violates social ethics, and other violations of the legal prohibition, Yuqiao Networks shall immediately terminate the service to the user.

3.2 Yuqiao Networks has the right to terminate the service to the user if the user performs the improper behavior when accepting the Yuqiao Networks service. The specific circumstances of the improper conduct shall be expressly agreed in this Agreement or be prohibited by Yuqiao Networks's prior notice that the service shall be terminated. Otherwise, Yuqiao Networks shall not terminate the provision of services to the User.

3.3 The user provides false registration identity information or implements a violation of this agreement. Yuqiao Networks has the right to suspend all or part of the service to the user; Yuqiao Networks shall suspend the user and inform the user of the suspension period. The suspension period shall be reasonable and shall be suspended. Yuqiao Networks should resume service to users in time.

3.4 Yuqiao Networks shall, in accordance with this Article, suspend or terminate the provision of part or all of the services to the User, Yuqiao Networks shall bear the burden of proof.

4. User information protection

4.1 Yuqiao Networks requires users to disclose their privacy protection policies and personal information utilization policies to users in a clear and easy way, and to take necessary measures to protect the security of users' personal information. .

4.2 Yuqiao Networks shall not provide, disclose or share personally identifiable information such as name, personal identification number, contact information, home address, etc. in the user registration data without any user permission, except in the following cases:

4.2.1 The user or user guardian authorized the disclosure of Yuqiao Networks;

4.2.2 Relevant legal requirements are disclosed by Yuqiao Networks;

4.2.3 The judicial or administrative agency requires Yuqiao Networks to provide it on the basis of legal procedures;

4.2.4 Yuqiao Networks filed a lawsuit or arbitration with the user in order to protect his or her legitimate rights and interests;

4.2.5 When the user's personally identifiable information is provided in accordance with the legal requirements of the user's guardian.

The ownership of the online game user account is owned by Chaoting Networks. After the user successfully registers, the user's right to use the online game user account is obtained, and any data information generated by the game account and stored in the Chaoting Networks database (including but not limited to account data) The ownership of information, role data information, etc. belongs to Chaoting Networks. Under the premise of full compliance with the agreement, the user has the right to use the agreement specified in the agreement for the data information belonging to his user account during the normal use of the online game.
