流利说L7-U3-P1 Learing

Being a Global Citizen 1"16:40"

What does it mean to be a citizen of a world?

-----Hugh Evans

I want to introduce you to an amazing woman.


Her name is Davinia.


Davinia was born in Jamaica(牙买加), emigrated(移民) to the US at the age of 18, and now lives just outside of Washington DC.


She's not a high-powered political staffer(职员), not a lobbyist(说客).


She'd probably tell you she's quite unremarkable, but she's having the most remarkable impact.


What's incredible about Davinia is she's willing to spend time every single week focused on people who are not her.

Davinia 最令人不可思议的是,她愿意每个星期都花时间去关注人们,而不是她自己。

People not in her neighborhood, she state, not even her country, people she'd likely never meet.


Davinia's impact started a few years ago when she  reached out(伸出 试图沟通) to all of her friends on facebook.


and asked them to donate their pennies so she could fund girls' education.

请求他们捐献出自己的便士, 这样她就能够为女孩们的教育提供资金。

She wasn't expecting a huge response, but 700, 000 pennies later, she's now sent over 120 girls to school.


When we spoke last week, she told me she's become a little infamous(臭名远扬的 声名狼藉的) at the local bank every time she rocks up with the shopping cart(购物手推车) full of pennies.

Rock up, 非正式-迟到 悄然抵达, 摇滚


Now Davinia is not alone, far from it.


far from it. 距离远。一点也不,远非如此。

She's part of a growing movement. And there's a name for people like Davinia, global citizens.


A global citizen is someone who self - identifies first and foremost(最重要的事) not as a number of a state, a tribe or a nation.


But as a member of the human race(人类)


and someone who is prepared to act on(践行 行动) that belief, to tackle(处理 解决) our world's greatest challenges.


Our work is focused on finding, supporting and activating global citizens.


They exist in every country and among every demographic(人口统计数据  尤指特定年龄段的人群).


I want to make the case to you(向你说明情况) today that the world's future depends on global citizens.


I'm convinced that if we had more global citizens active in our world.


then every single one of the major challenges we face- from poverty, climate change, gender inequality, these issues become solvable(可解决的).


They are ultimately(最终 终归 最基本的根本上) global issues, and they can ultimately only be solved by global citizen demanding global solutions from their leaders.


1. Which of the following tasks is part of Evans Job?

...Organizing campaigns for global citizens.

2. 选词填空

I'm convinced that if we had more global citizens active in our world, then every single one of the major challenges we face - from poverty, climate change, gender inequality, these issues become solvable.

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