from numpy import array from math import sqrt from pyspark import SparkContext from pyspark.mllib.clustering import KMeans, KMeansModel sc = SparkContext(appName="clusteringExample") # Load and parse the data data = sc.textFile("/root/spark-2.1.1-bin-hadoop2.6/data/mllib/kmeans_data.txt") parsedData = data.map(lambda line: array([float(x) for x in line.split(' ')])) # Build the model (cluster the data) clusters = KMeans.train(parsedData, 2, maxIterations=10, initializationMode="random") # Evaluate clustering by computing Within Set Sum of Squared Errors def error(point): center = clusters.centers[clusters.predict(point)] return sqrt(sum([x**2 for x in (point - center)])) WSSSE = parsedData.map(lambda point: error(point)).reduce(lambda x, y: x + y) print("Within Set Sum of Squared Error = " + str(WSSSE)) # Save and load model #clusters.save(sc, "target/org/apache/spark/PythonKMeansExample/KMeansModel") #sameModel = KMeansModel.load(sc, "target/org/apache/spark/PythonKMeansExample/KMeansModel")
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors import org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.KMeans import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, udf} case class DataRow(label: Double, x1: Double, x2: Double) val data = sqlContext.createDataFrame(sc.parallelize(Seq( DataRow(3, 1, 2), DataRow(5, 3, 4), DataRow(7, 5, 6), DataRow(6, 0, 0) ))) val parsedData = data.rdd.map(s => Vectors.dense(s.getDouble(1),s.getDouble(2))).cache() val clusters = KMeans.train(parsedData, 3, 20) val t = udf { (x1: Double, x2: Double) => clusters.predict(Vectors.dense(x1, x2)) } val result = data.select(col("label"), t(col("x1"), col("x2"))) The important part are the last two lines. Creates a UDF (user-defined function) which can be directly applied to Dataframe columns (in this case, the two columns x1 and x2). Selects the label column along with the UDF applied to the x1 and x2 columns. Since the UDF will predict closestCluster, after this result will be a Dataframe consisting of (label, closestCluster)
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors
import org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering._
val rows = data.rdd.map(r => (r.getDouble(1),r.getDouble(2))).cache()
val vectors = rows.map(r => Vectors.dense(r._1, r._2))
val kMeansModel = KMeans.train(vectors, 3, 20)
val predictions = rows.map{r => (r._1, kMeansModel.predict(Vectors.dense(r._1, r._2)))}
val df = predictions.toDF("id", "cluster")
It's very easy to obtain pairs of ids and clusters in form of RDD:
val idPointRDD = data.rdd.map(s => (s.getInt(0), Vectors.dense(s.getDouble(1),s.getDouble(2)))).cache()
val clusters = KMeans.train(idPointRDD.map(_._2), 3, 20)
val clustersRDD = clusters.predict(idPointRDD.map(_._2))
val idClusterRDD = idPointRDD.map(_._1).zip(clustersRDD)
Then you create DataFrame from that
val idCluster = idClusterRDD.toDF("id", "cluster")
It works because map doesn't change order of the data in RDD, which is why you can just zip ids with results of prediction.
Second method involves using clusters.predict
method as UDF:
val bcClusters = sc.broadcast(clusters)
def predict(x: Double, y: Double): Int = {
bcClusters.value.predict(Vectors.dense(x, y))
sqlContext.udf.register("predict", predict _)
Now we can use it to add predictions to data:
val idCluster = data.selectExpr("id", "predict(x, y) as cluster")
Keep in mind that Spark API doesn't allow UDF deregistration. This means that closure data will be kept in the memory.