
Never rent a house from a magician. Never never never. A magician's house is always full of little surprises. Sometimes, there are big surprises, too.

莫要租住魔术师之屋,莫要莫要莫要。魔术师之屋总是充满小惊喜,有时甚至会有大惊喜。The carpet looks just like carpet. But if you spill something on it... it grows so high, you have to cut it with a mower.

地毯看似是一块普通的地毯。但是如果你洒了东西上去,野草会疯长,多到必须使用割草机。The chairs look just like chairs, but when you shout, “Poppalorum!” they gallop around the room and jump over the table.

椅子看似是普通的椅子,但如果你大喊:“泡泊罗拉姆!”他们会在房间里飞奔起来,甚至跳上桌子。Never rent a house from a magician. When you turn on the taps, chocolate milk comes out of one and mud comes out of the other. Sometimes you forget which tap is which.

莫要租住魔术师之屋。打开水龙头,一边是巧克力牛奶,另一边则是泥浆。有时你会混淆。The bathroom mirror makes faces at you. In the shower. there's a brontosaurus which drinks all the shampoo. These things happen when you rent a house from a magician.

浴室的镜子会对你做鬼脸!洗澡的时候,雷龙会跳出来喝光所有的洗发水。如果你租住魔术师之屋,这些事情会时时发生。We rented a house from a magician. It looked like a nice house, a quiet house, a house like any other house. But in the middle of the night. it flew away with us.

我们租住了魔术师之屋。它看起来是一间很不错的房子,一个环境安静的房子,和其他房子一样。但是在半夜,竟然带着我们飞走了!Now it's sitting on top of a lighthouse and we need a helicopter to get us down. Never,never,never rent a house from a magician.


That’s the end of the story. Thank you for your listening. Have a good time.
