
Hello again, it s you and me(再次见面,你和我)

Kinda always like it used to be(彷佛回到从前那样)

Sipping wine, killing time,(喝喝小酒,消磨时间)

Trying to solve life s mysteries(说说人生中的难题)

How s your life? It s been a while(已经过了好一阵子,你生活过的如何?)

God it s good to see you smile(能看见你的笑容真是美好)

See you re reaching for your keys(看你正伸手拿著钥匙)

Looking for a reason not to leave(却试著找到不离开的理由)

If you don t know if you should stay(如果你不确定是否应该待下来)If you don t say what s on your mind(如果你不说隐藏在内心的感觉)Baby just breathe(宝贝!就深深吸口气)there s nowhere else tonight we should be(我们今晚哪也不去)

You wanna make a memory(你试图编织回忆)

I dug up this old photograph(我翻出老照片)

look at all that hair we had(看看当年的我们)

It s bittersweet to hear you laugh(听见你开怀的笑,我苦乐参半)

your phone is ringing I don t wanna ask(电话响了,我却没有过问)
