



最好是会运营平台的平台总监之类的人,如果只是操作过平台子账户的人大概是不行的,我好奇的问:难道展会效果不好?对方说不是不好, 只是觉得应该在多领域,多方式去探索一下。





有的时候一旦我们揭开真相的面纱, 大概很多人都接受不了赤裸裸的现实。所以与其告诉他真相,还不如让他在内心里心存一些美好的向往。








I think living in this century, we have the advantage that is with a relatively low cost , we can go traveling around the world, we have access to those food from faraway continents,Like this morning, I had liche I felt really happy. simple happiness,

And so I understand,due to our traditional culture. we were told we need to seek for stability , like stable job, stable pay,and stable life, but you know exactly what does that mean right?

That means around twenty one years old, we have to graduate from university and around twenty seven twenty eight years old. we have to get married, then you have kids,then you have to raise your family,then when your children graduate from university.

Finally,you have some time to do exactly something you want to do ,but then you are old, that means probably you are suffering from some disease or you just do not have this course or you just do not have this courage, this mindset to explore this world, or to do something you wanted to do , so I think that's a price for stability, but being adventurous you know in english it's very interesting. adventurous also equals to risky so being adventurous means you have to take risks, but taking risks means you are going to have some unexpected happiness or harvest , but also some kind of you know accidents,

For young people, we have to do something what old people they can not do, that means young people we have resilience.courage, flexibility ,we have to value our advantage that is to take risks. Going with the flow sometimes we can make us feel like we are really safe, but then you are going to miss the surprises in your life road.

If you only live by following your heart, you do not go with the flow, then you will get the life that you like,'

Life was like a box of chocolate, you will never know what you gonna get .

