NCE3 L1 A puma at large



Words and Expressions:

1、at large 在逃

2、accumulate v.积累、积聚  -----  accumulative [ə'kjumjələtɪv] adj.  adj. 累计的;累积的;积聚而成的

The score is accumulative.  分数是加权的/累积的。

accumulate fortune / experience 积累财富/经验

3、spot    v.发现  =  find    n. 地点 = place

I finally spottedjust the book I wantedin the bookstore.

We  found a good spot to have a rest.


1) 声称    Japan claimed diaoyu island belongs to them.

2) 索取、取回、认领    claim the luggage/baggage

3) 夺去生命    The earthquake have claimed a great many of life.


1) n.角落、转角

Drop me at the next corner.

2) around the corner 在拐角处;在附近(常与 just 连用);

Just around the coner there's another drugstore. 就在那个街角还有一家药店。

3) round the corner 快到了,将要来临(drawing near,coming soon)

Summer holiday is round the corner.

4) v.被逼到走投无路  Finally the thief was cornered by the police.

5) v.垄断    Eric cornered the morning reading market.

6、rob/inform/remind/approve/complain + of sth  注意介词 of

I was robbed of my wallet.

The manager approved of his decision/resignation/choice/opinion.  赞成/批准

7、oblige v. 使...感到必须

Children are obliged to finish their holiday homework during the holiday.

8、disturb v.令人不安 disturbing adj. 令人不安的

It is disturbing to think that…一想到…就让人感到不安

eg: It is disturbing to think that I will take final examination tomorrow.一想到明天就要参加期末考试了我就感到紧张不安。


1、数量词+n.词组  一般重音在名词

forty-five miles 、five yards 、three books

2、London Zoo 重音在Zoo上


who  、  must have been 中的 have

4、英语的升调一般用在一句话未完时,以及可以用 yes/no 来回答的一般疑问句中

He is a humor(升调), handson guy.

Are you ok?(升调)

你可能感兴趣的:(NCE3 L1 A puma at large)