Day 1-The science



      -(adv. ) based on experiments or experience rather than ideas or theories以实验(或经验)为依据的;经验主义的

While it may seem obvious today that a good scientist must rely on empirical evidence, this was not always apparent.



     -He made his name as an empirical economist.

     -Thinking and maintain a certain distance from the object can change the kind of empirical obsession.(执念,着迷)

Origin: empiric 

                       -one who relied on practical experience 经验主义者



            (v.)  -  1.~ sth 加强;充实;使更强烈to make a feeling, an idea, etc. stronger

              -2.~ sth 加固;使更结实to make a structure or material stronger, especially by adding another material to it

              -3.~ sth给…加强力量(或装备);使更强大to send more people or equipment in order to make an army, etc. stronger

Building on the work of the Arab scientist Alhazen 600 years earlier, and soon to be reinforced by the French philosopher René Descartes, Bacon's scientific method requires scientists to make observations, form a theory to explain what is going on, and then carry out an experiment to see whether the theory works.

     - Two companies were moved up to reinforce the front line.


     - Newspapers like this tend to reinforce people's prejudices.


hypothesis (theory, proposition, suggestion,supposition)

       (n.)  -  [c](有少量事实依据但未被证实的)假说,假设an idea or explanation of sth that is based on a few known facts but that has not yet been proved to be true or correct

              -[u](凭空的)猜想,猜测guesses and ideas that are not based on certain knowledge

Making a testable hypothesis or a prediction is always useful.


1.This hypothesis formed a cornerstone of the theory of general relativity that evolved over the next eight years.


orbit(n. path, track, course/ v.encircle, loop, revolve)

          -  [c][u](天体等运行的)轨道a curved path followed by a planet or an object as it moves around another planet, star, moon, etc.

          - [sing](人、组织等的)影响范围,势力范围an area that a particular person, organization, etc. deals with or is able to influence

……and suggested that all three were the same object, in orbit round the Sun.


speculative(tentative,approximate, rough, provisional)

            (adj.)-推测的;猜测的;推断的based on guessing or on opinions that have been formed without knowing all the facts

             -揣摩的;忖度的;试探的showing that you are trying to guess sth

              -投机性的;风险性的done in the hope of making a profit but involving the risk of losing money

Experiments may test a theory, or be purely speculative.



           (n.)-[u](统称)火炮large, heavy guns which are often moved on wheels

                -[sing]炮兵部队the section of an army trained to use these gun

Rutherford said it was as though an artillery shell had bounced back off tissue paper -and this led him to a new idea about the structure of the atom.

        -Artillery and mortars were zeroed in on the enemy position.



         (n.) -引人入胜的;扣人心弦的that makes you pay attention to it because it is so interesting and exciting

            -非常强烈的;不可抗拒的so strong that you must do sth about it

           -令人信服的that makes you think it is true

An experiment is all the more compelling if the scientist, while proposing a new mechanism(a set of moving parts in a machine that performs a task)or theory, can make a prediction about the outcome.

       - No, but there's some compelling evidence that there could be a relationship between the two.


crash down

crash:v. hit hard


            crash down 下坠

Every experiment that gives predicted answers is supporting evidence, but one experiment that fails may bring an entire theory crashing down.(让整个理论崩溃)





仪器;器械;装置the tools or other pieces of equipment that are needed for a particular activity or task

2.[c][ususing](尤指政党或政府的)机构,组织,机关the structure of a system or an organization, particularly that of a political party or a government

3.[c][ususing]器官a system of organs in the body


       -   阳极  anode


      -  真空的




         -明确肯定;断言to state clearly and firmly that sth is true

         -~ yourself坚持自己的主张;表现坚定to behave in a confident and determined way so that other people pay attention to your opinions

   -  ~ sth维护自己的权利(或权威)to make other people recognize your right or authority to do sth, by behaving firmly and confidently

   -~ itself生效;起作用to start to have an effect

He asserted that big object fall faster than little ones.





     -  超新星a star that suddenly becomes much brighter because it is exploding


magnificent(superb, wonderful)


2017.2.27 from Kristen

你可能感兴趣的:(Day 1-The science)