
吴恩达(英文名:Andrew Ng),是斯坦福大学计算机科学系和电子工程系教授,人工智能实验室主任,人工智能和机器学习领域国际上最权威的学者之一,也是在线教育平台Coursera的联合创始人(with Daphne Koller),曾担任百度公司首席科学家,负责百度研究院的领导工作,尤其是Baidu Brain计划。


(Stanford CS230: Deep Learning | Autumn 2018 | Lecture 8 - Career Advice / Reading Research Papers)

最近,一位博主以“pose estimation(姿态估计)”这一技术领域为例子亲身示范了吴恩达的论文阅读方法,并发布在Medium上,获得高赞。整理如下:



Resources can come in the form of research papers, Medium articles, blog posts, videos, GitHub repository etc.


A quick google search on the phrase “pose estimation” will provide you with top resources that contain information in regards to the subject matter. At this initial step, the aim is to collate all resources that are relevant。

(在谷歌上搜索“pose estimate”,你会得到与主题相关的顶级资源。这一步的目标是整理所有相关的资源。)

Ideally, at this stage, there is no limit to the number of resources you consider important, but be sure to create a shortlist of papers, videos and articles that are useful.



It is crucial that there’s a method to track the understanding of each shortlisted resources. Andrew Ng, suggests a table of resource plotted against your understanding level that looks similar to the table below.

(在这一步中,记录并跟踪对每个资源的理解程度是至关重要的。Andrew Ng建议根据对资源的理解程度绘制一个资源表格,它类似于下表。)

It is advisable to ensure you go through at least 10–20% of the content of each paper you have added to the list; this will ensure that you have been exposed to enough of the introductory content within an identified resource and are able to gauge its relevancy accurately.


For the more relevant papers/resources identified, it is expected that you progress to a higher level of understanding. Eventually, you will have identified some appropriate resources with content that you understand fully.

You are probably asking yourself, “what number of papers/resource is sufficient”.


According to Andrew, an understanding of 5–20 papers will showcase a basic understanding within the subject matter, perhaps enough understanding to progress to implementation of techniques.

(根据Andrew Ng的说法,理解了5-20篇论文的内容,那么你对该领域的研究就有了基本的理解,对该领域的相关技术也会有足够的理解。)

50–100 papers will primarily provide you with a very good understanding of the domain.


After going through the resources and extraction of vital information, your table might look something similar to what’s shown below.



The third step is to take structured notes that summarises the key discoveries, findings and techniques within a paper, in your own words.



According to Andrew, reading a paper from the first word to the last word in one sitting might not be the best way to form an understanding.

(根据Andrew Ng的说法,一口气的从第一个词读到最后一个词可能不是最好的方式。)

Be prepared to go through a paper at least three times to have a good understanding of its content。



In your first pass, start with reading the following sections within the paper: title, abstract and figures.


The second pass entails you reading the following sections: introduction, conclusion, another pass through figures and scan through the rest of the content.


The third pass of the paper involves reading the whole sections within the paper but skipping any complicated maths or technique formulations that might be alien to you. During this pass, you can also skip any terms and terminologies that you do not understand or aren’t familiar.



Andrew provides a set of questions that you should ask yourself as you read a paper. These questions generally will show you understand the critical information presented in a paper. I use the questions below as beacons to ensure I don’t stray from the aim of understanding vital information.

(Andrew Ng提供了一组在阅读论文时应该问自己的问题。这些问题通常会表明你理解论文中提出的关键信息。我使用下面的问题作为指引,以确保不会偏离理解重要信息的目标。)

1、Describe what the authors of the paper aim to accomplish, or perhaps did achieve.


2、If a new approach/ technique/ method was introduced in a paper, what are the key elements of the newly proposed approach?


3、What content within the paper is useful to you?


4、What other references do you want to follow?



吴恩达也强调:“Learn steadily rather than short burst for longevity.”

该博主根据Andrew Ng的方法,每个月至少阅读四篇研究论文,来达到对该领域的理解。随着对论文阅读频次的增加,阅读和理解文章的速度也会越来越快。

Andrew Ng states in his video that he carries a batch of research papers around with him, intending to read them. 



视频链接(Stanford CS230: Deep Learning | Autumn 2018 | Lecture 8 - Career Advice / Reading Research Papers):
