

英文 中文
The duel, it was over Lady Sarah. 决斗,是因为Sarah女士
Damn you! 混蛋
- Runners!- You bitch! - 来人!- 你这个贱人!
- Am I a cuckold?-No, sir, you are not. - 我是“乌龟”吗?- 没有,先生,你不是。
- The way you shot at me marks you asa loathsome cad. - Steady, Garrow,I could challenge you. - 你真无耻,那样向我开枪。 - 说话小心点,Garrow,不然我会挑战你的。
-This is torment.- For now, yes, but given time. -William, there is no hope. -这太折磨人了。-对现在来说是的,但假以时日。 -William,我们没希望的。
You are ill-prepared... 你的准备不充分
Be reckless with your own life,not your client's. 你不拿自己的命当回事,可不能不顾你的当事人!
Filthy murderer! Poacher! 肮脏的杀人犯!
You have trained me but you do not own me! 你培养了我,但你并不主宰我!
If this association is no longer beneficial... 如果我们的合作不再是有益的...
Very well. 好极了
Susannah Wagstaffe is indictedfor that she, on the 27th October, Susannah Wagstaffe被控于10月27号
in the parish of St Clement Danes, 在St Clement Danes教区
not having the fear of God before her eyes, 无视上帝神威
but being moved and seduced by the instigation of the Devil, 在恶魔的教唆下
on Francis Kotzwara -composer, musician - 恶意袭击了
feloniously, wilfully, and with malice, did make an assault. 作曲家,音乐家Francis Kotzwara

And that she, 并且她,
with use of a length of cord, 使用一根价值一便士的绳子
valued one penny,did strangle and murder 蓄意勒死了
the said Francis Kotzwara. 上述之Francis Kotzwara
-You bought brandy, porter,ham and beef with two shillings given you by Mr Kotzwara? -I did. 你用Kotzwara先生给你的两先令买了白兰地,啤酒,火腿和牛肉?- 是的
You then returned with it to the back room at number five Vine Street? 然后你带着这些东西回到了怀恩街五号的屋子?
And was it at this point that he asked you to cut off his member? 就在此时他要求你切掉他的老二?
Yes, sir. 是的,先生。
-And you refused?-I did. -你拒绝了?- 是的.
Mr Kotzwara then produced a length of cord and expressed the wish to be hanged for five minutes. Kotzwara先生然后取出一根绳索,并表示希望吊上五分钟
He said... 他说
it would raise his passions. 这样会增加他的激情
By which he intended...? 他的意思是?
My Lord, it was long observed true at Tyburn 大人,经过在泰伯恩(伦敦的行刑场)长期观察可知
that while in every other region of the hanged man's 在被执行绞刑的犯人身上
stretched and nerveless body 虽然身体部分被完全拉伸静止,
the vital sparks were entirely extinguished. 显示生命迹象都完全泯灭了
In those other areas and centrical 但在另外一些
and critical parts that Mr Kotzwara had in mind, 如Kotzwara先生所希望的重要器官上
the symptoms of life and vigour were... 生命的迹象
..expressly evident. 十分显著
The cock 他的老二
was upstanding? 勃起?
My Lord, yes. 是的,法官大人.
Were you then instructed by Mr Kotzwara on how to hang him? 然后Kotzwara先生指示你如何吊他吗?
No, he tied himself up to the back parlour door. 不,他自己把自己吊在了客厅门后边
He tied HIMSELF to the door handle. 他把他自己绑在门把手上
My Lord, this surely must reduce the indictment 法官大人,这显然应该将指控从
which is already unsteady in its foundation, from murder to manslaughter? 站不住脚的谋杀改为过失杀人?
My Lord, how unsteady? 法官大人,如何站不住脚?
-Meaning what by that?-My Lord, I am mindful of the hour. - 那是什么意思?- 法官大人,我注意到时间不早了。
Perhaps a few moments in camera might hasten my Lord's dinner? 也许私下谈一会能使大人早点吃上饭?
Very well. Mr Silvester? 好的。Silvester先生?
Joseph, do you hear me? Joseph,你听到了吗?
- Mary, are the children well? - They're fine, don't worry. - Mary,孩子们都好吗?- 他们都很好,别担心。
They kept it from me you were moved from the Tower! 他们没告诉我你被搬出了伦敦塔!
Did my letters not get to you? No! 你没收到我的信吗?没!
Come on. Out of the way. 快。别挡道。
The petition for your release holds 1,500 names. 释放你的请愿书有1500人签名。

Support stays strong from the North! 来自北方的支持者都很坚定!
Still no news of a date to face the court? 还是没有确定的审判日期?
Go on, that's enough! 快走,够了!
-I should not have put youthrough this Mary!-They say -我不该让你承受这些,mary!-他们说
our case must be put beforethe Prime Minister himself! 我们的案件会被呈给首相本人!
The point of law is surely assistance 法律观点应该是协助自杀
to suicide, itself a criminal act, must make this woman also culpable. 本身也是犯罪行为,这个女人也犯了罪
My Lord,this was a grossly immoral act, but suicide was not the intention 法官大人,这宗事件极其不道德,但自杀并不是本意
and so culpability cannot be attached. 所以不能治这个女人的罪
How may the prisoner not be culpable? No more than were I to sell Mr Silvester a horse 犯人怎么可能是无罪的? 比方说我卖给Silvester先生一匹马
and he, seeking pleasure, jumps a ditch and breaks his neck.Where is my culpability? 而他,为了追求刺激,纵马飞越摔断了脖子。 我哪里有过错?
And you have a second contention? 你还有其他主张?
My Lord, I have a fear for the moral climate should this episode 大人,我担心如果此事件通过媒体进入公众视野
catch the public's attention via the excitable press 会对社会风气产生不良影响
and encourage the depraved part of mankind 会促使一些低俗之徒
from seeking similar...indecent stimulatives. 寻求类似不道德的刺激
And you would have me do what? 那你提议我怎么做呢?
I propose this charge be dismissed and suppression of this material. 我建议撤销这项指控,禁止此事外传
My Lord, I trust you to remind 大人,我希望你能提醒
Mr Garrow he does not decide what is or is not a trial! Garrow先生,这项指控能否成立不是由他决定的
Thank you, Mr Silvester. 谢谢,Silvester先生
All records of the proceedings to be struck. 所有法律程序的记录将被删除
None to be reproduced whatsoever, that includes you, Mr Rawlings. 并且不得复制,也包括你,Rawlings先生
The Crown versus Wagstaffe is dismissed. Wagstaffe公诉案被驳回。
The accused is free to go. 犯人当庭释放
Am I to take this as fraud Mr Southouse? 要么你们就是欺诈,Southouse先生
Or will your genius Mr Garrow stand up to his self-proclaimed reputation? 要么天才的Garrow就应该站出来维护他的名声
Madam, I cannot speakfor Mr Garrow. We have, quite recently parted our... 夫人,我的话不能代表Garrow先生。我们最近已经分道扬镳了
This bill states you as his procurer. 这张传单上说你是他的代理人
It does. I was. 这上面是这样说的。我曾经是
-And as I have tried to explain... -Then why will you not show my trouble to him? -正如我一直想解释的-那你为什么不把我的事告诉他呢?
This great city is aflood with a thousand tales of innocence, madam. 这座大城市里到处是冤案,夫人
At every turn, I hear fresh accountsof this or that desperate husband stealing to feed his family. 在任何一个街角,我都会听到某个穷途末路的丈夫为了喂饱家人而偷窃
You do not listen, sir.My husband was dragged from his home and put in the Tower. Why? 你没有听我说,先生我的丈夫被人从家中带走,投入大牢。为了什么事?
For meeting with like-minded men to exercise his freedom to speak. 因为他和志趣相投的人集会,行使他言论自由的权利
And now, without charge,they throw him in Newgate amongst common, unprincipled criminals. 现在,没有任何指控,他们把他投入新门监狱和一帮普通罪犯为伍
In which case there is nothing I might do until your husband has charges against him. 如果是这样的话,直到你丈夫受到指控之前我什么也做不了
But that is my despair. 但这正是我绝望的原因
Joseph is held in this limbo while his children starve and his business dies. Joseph身处囹圄,而他的孩子们在挨饿,他的生意日益萧条
You have my sincere sympathies. 对此我深表同情
Truly. But until your husband stands before a judge there is nothing even the great Mr Garrow can do. 真的。但直到你的丈夫站上被告席,即使伟大的Garrow先生也爱莫能助
Sir? I owe you my life. 先生?你救了我的命
-I thank you.-I have my fee and you have your freedom. -我很感谢你。-我得到了报酬,你得到了自由.
But I might give you such satisfaction with a screw. 但我也许可以以其他方式报答你
Sir, some small coin for a pleasure I might give, 先生,一点小钱换我的回报
so I can eat? 我才有钱吃饭?
I will decline your extravagant offer. 我必须拒绝你的盛情邀请
But perhaps this will suffice instead. 但这也许就足够了
Thank you, sir. 谢谢,先生
Sir, this was not as it may seem. 先生,事情不是你所看到的那样
Of course not and we are both worldly men. 当然不是,我们都是世故的人
Although she is more travelled than us. 尽管她要比我们都更世故
-What I mean to say she is my client, I'm not hers. -Please, I make sport of you. -我的意思是她是我的当事人,而我不是她的-我在和你开玩笑
Mr Silvester already told me of your victory today and where I might find you. Silvester先生已经告诉我你今天的胜利以及我会在哪里找到你
And why do you seek me out? 你找我有何贵干?
Only to satisfy myself that there is no animosity between us. 只是想确认一下我们之间没有任何敌意
Nothing grown out of our differences in politics that might overcome our commonalities as men. 希望我们不同的政见没有影响我们之间的和谐
Well, I hope not,certainly none on my part. 我希望没有,当然我一点也没有
Excellent. 好极了
Then you must share in my good news. 那么你一定要分享我的好消息
News, sir? 什么消息,先生?
Yes, I heard today from my wife. 今天我的妻子告诉我
Sarah carries my child. 她怀孕了
Did you think I would despise you? 你以为我会鄙视你吗?
Did you think that if you told me why my feelings for you could not be returned 你是不是以为如果你告诉我为什么我对你的感情得不到回报
that I would in some way think less of you, and instead thought it better 我就会蔑视你,所以你觉得还是什么都不告诉我为好
to let me torment myself with all manner of speculation? 让我随意揣测,自我折磨
You are determined to tell me what I thought and think. 你自说自话地告诉我我的前思后想
I wonder - am I necessary to this conversation? 我在想―在这个对话中我是否是多余的?
Or will you play both parts? 或者谈话双方都要由你来扮演?
A child? 孩子?
I must confess that this news, brought to me by your husband, 我得承认你丈夫告诉我的这个消息
gave me an idea of your marriage other than you led me to believe. 让我对你们的婚姻产生了其他看法,而非你所让我相信的那样。
Forgive me if... 请原谅我如果
I led you to any false understanding. 我让你产生了任何错误的理解
Leave him. 离开他
We are of common mind about this world and although 我们心意相投,尽管
I cannot offer all a man of his position can, 我无法给你他这种地位的人所有的一切
we will be well together, we...we will begin anew. 我们在一起会好的,我们... 我们会重新开始
This is a madness! 这是发疯
Is it? 是吗?
Tell me you that you cannot imagine a life 告诉我你无法想象
other than the one you have. 去过另一种不同的生活
With a man who sees you, and accepts you and... 和一个在意你,接受你
will love you for all that you are. For all that I am? Yes. 将会永远爱你的人一起生活 永远爱我?是的
And will you play father to another man's child? 那你会抚养别人的孩子吗?
Yes. 是的
Yes, truly yes. 是的
I cannot see this... 我不能想象
this life that you paint for me. 你为我描绘的这种生活
You are an unconvincing witness Sarah Hill. 你是一个令人难以信服的证人,Sarah Hill.
I am no witness. And this is no trial. 我不是证人,这也不是审判
You have my answer. 这就是我的回答
Mr Southouse? Southouse先生
-Mr Garrow.-Please!I feel that perhaps this meeting is a little fortunate. -Garrow先生。 -请等等,很高兴在此见到你
I think that, if... 我觉得,如果
If there is a distance to make up between us... 如果我们之间有人要表示歉意的话
the journey is largely mine to make. 那主要责任应该在我
Largely?! 主要责任?
Entirely mine to make. 应该说全是我的责任
I feel an undoubted and dispiriting absence since our dispute. 自从我们争吵之后,我心里一直空荡荡的
If I have tested your patience 如果我一时兴起的行为
by my enthusiasm for the irregular execution of my trade and of my life... 让你忍无可忍
-it causes me regret.-Regret? -我也深感后悔。-后悔?
That is as far as you will go on this journey? 没其他的了?
How far would you have me go? 你还要我怎么说呢?
-Please, let us put it behind us... -It's a great thing isn't it? To come and go as you please? -拜托,让我们冰释前嫌吧...-来去自如,很开心,是吧?
-Madam, are we familiar? Forgive me.-You're Mr Garrow? -夫人,我们认识吗?抱歉.-你是Garrow先生吗?
-I am.- Madam, I told you clearly... -我是,- 夫人,我告诉过你
Don't let me prick at your conscience, sir. 先生,别让我戳着你的良心
Please, block your eyes and ears to the world beyond your privilege.Enjoy your leisure. 请便吧,蒙起你的双眼,堵住你的耳朵,享受你的特权生活吧
If one of us has lost their wits,please say it's not me. 她是不是疯了?
She came looking for you. 她来找过你
I heard her out and told her there was nothing to be done. Her husband it seems. 我听了她的故事,告诉她我们帮不了她
How can we say that we are free men 我们怎能自称是自由人
when by Royal proclamation our letters may be seized? 当我们的信件被随意没收
Spies sent to infiltrate our most innocent meetings, 合法的集会被奸细渗透
when the King's government supports those who attack us in the press? 国王的政府支持那些攻击我们的报社
This woman's husband - 这位女士的丈夫
for campaigning for what we all know is just. 由于支持平等

