


新闻正文——源自《纽约时报》作者John Koblin


How ‘Game of Thrones’ changed the game of television

没有哪部电视剧比《权力的游戏》更有影响力,也没有哪部比它更能引起全行业的妒忌 日,。4 月 14该剧将在 HBO 电视平台开播最后一季。


每家公司,包括像 Hulu 网和苹果公司这样比较新的门户,都在寻找下一部像《权力的游戏》一样可以定义一个电视联播网的剧。这部剧使得人们心甘情愿地每月交 10 美元或 15 美元的订阅费用。

《权力的游戏》的预算最开始只有每集 500 万美元,但最后一季已经飙升至每集 1500 万美元。它开创了如今电视制作巨额开销的时代。

HBO 电视台的节目总裁凯西·布洛伊斯认为,(过分)强调大规模——大预算、大制作,可能不是从《权力的游戏》的成功中学到的最好经验。但同时,他确实承认这是这一成功模式中的一个重要部分。




No series has had more influence or created more industrywide envy than “Game of Thrones, ” which will begin its final season on HBO on April 14.

“We used to have a different experience for movies and the television business, ” said Gary Newman, the recently departed co-chairman of the Fox Television Group. “Now you can feel it melding. I give ‘Thrones’ a lot of credit for that.”

And everyone, including newer outlets like Hulu and Apple, has been looking for the next “Game of Thrones, ” a series that can define a network and help persuade people to hand over $10 or $15 a month for a subscription.

“Game of Thrones, ” which had a budget that started at $5 million an episode but ballooned to as much as $15 million an episode in the final season, helped create the current era of enormous spending.

Casey Bloys, president of programming at HBO may think that an emphasis on bigness — big budgets, big productions — is the wrong lesson to take from the success of “Game of Thrones, ” but he does allow that it was a significant part of the formula.

“‘Thrones’ was the first show that demonstrated you could produce a show with real cinematic scope, ” Bloys said. “That you could think bigger — both in terms of character and drama and in special effects. That it would work, that taking shots and spending real money and putting it on the screen would pay off.”

Now all someone has to do is find the next “Game of Thrones.”

John Koblin



