PostgreSQL create or replace view和重建视图 有什么区别?

一、 replace vs 重建

       遇到开发提了个问题,create or replace view和重建视图(drop+create)有什么区别,查询资料整理了一下。

1. create or replace

  • 当存在同名视图时,尝试将其替换
  • 新视图语句必须与现有视图查询具有相同的列(即相同的列名、列顺序和数据类型)
  • pg 8.1开始,之前向视图末尾添加新列
  • 总体而言,改动限制较大,但replace后不影响权限和依赖于该视图的对象

2. drop+create

  • 新视图定义不依赖原视图,灵活度高
  • 重建后权限丢失,必须重新授权
-- 对象授权查询
SELECT * FROM information_schema.table_privileges WHERE table_name='视图名' and grantor<>grantee;
  • 依赖于该视图的对象需要一起重建,复杂度可能较高

二、 源码学习


       按照 "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW" 关键字搜索,这部分代码在ATExecCmd函数(tablecmds.c文件)。可以看到它对应的命令类型叫AT_AddColumnToView,对应操作为调用ATExecAddColumn函数为视图新加列。

 * ATExecCmd: dispatch a subcommand to appropriate execution routine
static void
ATExecCmd(List **wqueue, AlteredTableInfo *tab,
		  AlterTableCmd *cmd, LOCKMODE lockmode, int cur_pass,
		  AlterTableUtilityContext *context)
	ObjectAddress address = InvalidObjectAddress;
	Relation	rel = tab->rel;

	switch (cmd->subtype)
		case AT_AddColumn:		/* ADD COLUMN */
		case AT_AddColumnToView:	/* add column via CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW */
			address = ATExecAddColumn(wqueue, tab, rel, &cmd,
									  false, false,
									  lockmode, cur_pass, context);

2. ATExecAddColumn函数


  • 权限检查

 * Add a column to a table.  The return value is the address of the
 * new column in the parent relation.
 * cmd is pass-by-ref so that we can replace it with the parse-transformed
 * copy (but that happens only after we check for IF NOT EXISTS).
static ObjectAddress
ATExecAddColumn(List **wqueue, AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel,
				AlterTableCmd **cmd,
				bool recurse, bool recursing,
				LOCKMODE lockmode, int cur_pass,
				AlterTableUtilityContext *context)
	Oid			myrelid = RelationGetRelid(rel);
	ColumnDef  *colDef = castNode(ColumnDef, (*cmd)->def);
	bool		if_not_exists = (*cmd)->missing_ok;
	Relation	pgclass,

	/* At top level, permission check was done in ATPrepCmd, else do it */
	if (recursing)
		ATSimplePermissions(rel, ATT_TABLE | ATT_FOREIGN_TABLE);

	if (rel->rd_rel->relispartition && !recursing)
				 errmsg("cannot add column to a partition")));
  • 获取表锁,等级为RowExclusiveLock

attrdesc = table_open(AttributeRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
  • 判断是否为递归子表加列,能否进行merge列

    若是merge,要求更新前后列类型及排序规则一致(Child column must match on type, typmod, and collation)

	 * Are we adding the column to a recursion child?  If so, check whether to
	 * merge with an existing definition for the column.  If we do merge, we
	 * must not recurse.  Children will already have the column, and recursing
	 * into them would mess up attinhcount.
	if (colDef->inhcount > 0)
		HeapTuple	tuple;

		/* Does child already have a column by this name? */
		tuple = SearchSysCacheCopyAttName(myrelid, colDef->colname);
		if (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
			Form_pg_attribute childatt = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
			Oid			ctypeId;
			int32		ctypmod;
			Oid			ccollid;

			/* Child column must match on type, typmod, and collation */
			typenameTypeIdAndMod(NULL, colDef->typeName, &ctypeId, &ctypmod);
			if (ctypeId != childatt->atttypid ||
				ctypmod != childatt->atttypmod)
						 errmsg("child table \"%s\" has different type for column \"%s\"",
								RelationGetRelationName(rel), colDef->colname)));
			ccollid = GetColumnDefCollation(NULL, colDef, ctypeId);
			if (ccollid != childatt->attcollation)
						 errmsg("child table \"%s\" has different collation for column \"%s\"",
								RelationGetRelationName(rel), colDef->colname),
						 errdetail("\"%s\" versus \"%s\"",

			/* Bump the existing child att's inhcount */
			CatalogTupleUpdate(attrdesc, &tuple->t_self, tuple);


			/* Inform the user about the merge */
					(errmsg("merging definition of column \"%s\" for child \"%s\"",
							colDef->colname, RelationGetRelationName(rel))));

			table_close(attrdesc, RowExclusiveLock);
			return InvalidObjectAddress;
  • 一些检查,例如列名是否已存在,列数是否超出限制等

	/* skip if the name already exists and if_not_exists is true */
	if (!check_for_column_name_collision(rel, colDef->colname, if_not_exists))
		table_close(attrdesc, RowExclusiveLock);
		return InvalidObjectAddress;
	/* Determine the new attribute's number */
	newattnum = ((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(reltup))->relnatts + 1;
	if (newattnum > MaxHeapAttributeNumber)
				 errmsg("tables can have at most %d columns",
  • 填充pg_attribute及pg_class信息

	/* construct new attribute's pg_attribute entry */
	attribute.attrelid = myrelid;
	namestrcpy(&(attribute.attname), colDef->colname);
	attribute.atttypid = typeOid;
	attribute.attstattarget = (newattnum > 0) ? -1 : 0;
	attribute.attlen = tform->typlen;
	attribute.attnum = newattnum;
	attribute.attndims = list_length(colDef->typeName->arrayBounds);
	attribute.atttypmod = typmod;
	attribute.attbyval = tform->typbyval;
	attribute.attalign = tform->typalign;
	attribute.attstorage = tform->typstorage;
	attribute.attcompression = GetAttributeCompression(typeOid,
	attribute.attnotnull = colDef->is_not_null;
	attribute.atthasdef = false;
	attribute.atthasmissing = false;
	attribute.attidentity = colDef->identity;
	attribute.attgenerated = colDef->generated;
	attribute.attisdropped = false;
	attribute.attislocal = colDef->is_local;
	attribute.attinhcount = colDef->inhcount;
	attribute.attcollation = collOid;

	/* attribute.attacl is handled by InsertPgAttributeTuples() */


	tupdesc = CreateTupleDesc(lengthof(aattr), (FormData_pg_attribute **) &aattr);

	InsertPgAttributeTuples(attrdesc, tupdesc, myrelid, NULL, NULL);

	table_close(attrdesc, RowExclusiveLock);

	 * Update pg_class tuple as appropriate
	((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(reltup))->relnatts = newattnum;

	CatalogTupleUpdate(pgclass, &reltup->t_self, reltup);


	/* Post creation hook for new attribute */
	InvokeObjectPostCreateHook(RelationRelationId, myrelid, newattnum);

	table_close(pgclass, RowExclusiveLock);

	/* Make the attribute's catalog entry visible */
  • 填充默认值

	 * Store the DEFAULT, if any, in the catalogs
	if (colDef->raw_default)
		RawColumnDefault *rawEnt;

		rawEnt = (RawColumnDefault *) palloc(sizeof(RawColumnDefault));
		rawEnt->attnum = attribute.attnum;
		rawEnt->raw_default = copyObject(colDef->raw_default);

		 * Attempt to skip a complete table rewrite by storing the specified
		 * DEFAULT value outside of the heap.  This may be disabled inside
		 * AddRelationNewConstraints if the optimization cannot be applied.
		rawEnt->missingMode = (!colDef->generated);

		rawEnt->generated = colDef->generated;

		 * This function is intended for CREATE TABLE, so it processes a
		 * _list_ of defaults, but we just do one.
		AddRelationNewConstraints(rel, list_make1(rawEnt), NIL,
								  false, true, false, NULL);

		/* Make the additional catalog changes visible */

		 * Did the request for a missing value work? If not we'll have to do a
		 * rewrite
		if (!rawEnt->missingMode)
			tab->rewrite |= AT_REWRITE_DEFAULT_VAL;

	 * Tell Phase 3 to fill in the default expression, if there is one.
	 * If there is no default, Phase 3 doesn't have to do anything, because
	 * that effectively means that the default is NULL.  The heap tuple access
	 * routines always check for attnum > # of attributes in tuple, and return
	 * NULL if so, so without any modification of the tuple data we will get
	 * the effect of NULL values in the new column.
	 * An exception occurs when the new column is of a domain type: the domain
	 * might have a NOT NULL constraint, or a check constraint that indirectly
	 * rejects nulls.  If there are any domain constraints then we construct
	 * an explicit NULL default value that will be passed through
	 * CoerceToDomain processing.  (This is a tad inefficient, since it causes
	 * rewriting the table which we really don't have to do, but the present
	 * design of domain processing doesn't offer any simple way of checking
	 * the constraints more directly.)
	 * Note: we use build_column_default, and not just the cooked default
	 * returned by AddRelationNewConstraints, so that the right thing happens
	 * when a datatype's default applies.
	 * Note: it might seem that this should happen at the end of Phase 2, so
	 * that the effects of subsequent subcommands can be taken into account.
	 * It's intentional that we do it now, though.  The new column should be
	 * filled according to what is said in the ADD COLUMN subcommand, so that
	 * the effects are the same as if this subcommand had been run by itself
	 * and the later subcommands had been issued in new ALTER TABLE commands.
	 * We can skip this entirely for relations without storage, since Phase 3
	 * is certainly not going to touch them.  System attributes don't have
	 * interesting defaults, either.
	if (RELKIND_HAS_STORAGE(relkind) && attribute.attnum > 0)
		 * For an identity column, we can't use build_column_default(),
		 * because the sequence ownership isn't set yet.  So do it manually.
		if (colDef->identity)
			NextValueExpr *nve = makeNode(NextValueExpr);

			nve->seqid = RangeVarGetRelid(colDef->identitySequence, NoLock, false);
			nve->typeId = typeOid;

			defval = (Expr *) nve;

			/* must do a rewrite for identity columns */
			tab->rewrite |= AT_REWRITE_DEFAULT_VAL;
			defval = (Expr *) build_column_default(rel, attribute.attnum);

		if (!defval && DomainHasConstraints(typeOid))
			Oid			baseTypeId;
			int32		baseTypeMod;
			Oid			baseTypeColl;

			baseTypeMod = typmod;
			baseTypeId = getBaseTypeAndTypmod(typeOid, &baseTypeMod);
			baseTypeColl = get_typcollation(baseTypeId);
			defval = (Expr *) makeNullConst(baseTypeId, baseTypeMod, baseTypeColl);
			defval = (Expr *) coerce_to_target_type(NULL,
													(Node *) defval,
			if (defval == NULL) /* should not happen */
				elog(ERROR, "failed to coerce base type to domain");

		if (defval)
			NewColumnValue *newval;

			newval = (NewColumnValue *) palloc0(sizeof(NewColumnValue));
			newval->attnum = attribute.attnum;
			newval->expr = expression_planner(defval);
			newval->is_generated = (colDef->generated != '\0');

			tab->newvals = lappend(tab->newvals, newval);

		if (DomainHasConstraints(typeOid))
			tab->rewrite |= AT_REWRITE_DEFAULT_VAL;

		if (!TupleDescAttr(rel->rd_att, attribute.attnum - 1)->atthasmissing)
			 * If the new column is NOT NULL, and there is no missing value,
			 * tell Phase 3 it needs to check for NULLs.
			tab->verify_new_notnull |= colDef->is_not_null;
  • 更新pg_attribute的atttypid及attcollation字段

	 * Add needed dependency entries for the new column.
	add_column_datatype_dependency(myrelid, newattnum, attribute.atttypid);
	add_column_collation_dependency(myrelid, newattnum, attribute.attcollation);
  • 若有子表,为每个子表递归调用该函数新增列

	 * Propagate to children as appropriate.  Unlike most other ALTER
	 * routines, we have to do this one level of recursion at a time; we can't
	 * use find_all_inheritors to do it in one pass.
	children =
		find_inheritance_children(RelationGetRelid(rel), lockmode);

	 * If we are told not to recurse, there had better not be any child
	 * tables; else the addition would put them out of step.
	if (children && !recurse)
				 errmsg("column must be added to child tables too")));

	/* Children should see column as singly inherited */
	if (!recursing)
		childcmd = copyObject(*cmd);
		colDef = castNode(ColumnDef, childcmd->def);
		colDef->inhcount = 1;
		colDef->is_local = false;
		childcmd = *cmd;		/* no need to copy again */

	foreach(child, children)
		Oid			childrelid = lfirst_oid(child);
		Relation	childrel;
		AlteredTableInfo *childtab;

		/* find_inheritance_children already got lock */
		childrel = table_open(childrelid, NoLock);
		CheckTableNotInUse(childrel, "ALTER TABLE");

		/* Find or create work queue entry for this table */
		childtab = ATGetQueueEntry(wqueue, childrel);

		/* Recurse to child; return value is ignored */
		ATExecAddColumn(wqueue, childtab, childrel,
						&childcmd, recurse, true,
						lockmode, cur_pass, context);

		table_close(childrel, NoLock);

	ObjectAddressSubSet(address, RelationRelationId, myrelid, newattnum);
	return address;


PostgreSQL: Documentation: 16: CREATE VIEW
