【HDLBits刷题】Exams/m2014 q4j

Implement the following circuit:

【HDLBits刷题】Exams/m2014 q4j_第1张图片

("FA" is a full adder)


module top_module (
    input [3:0] x,
    input [3:0] y, 
    output [4:0] sum);
    wire cout0,cout1,cout2;
    fadd U1(x[0],y[0],0,cout0,sum[0]);
    fadd U2(x[1],y[1],cout0,cout1,sum[1]);
    fadd U3(x[2],y[2],cout1,cout2,sum[2]);
    fadd U4(x[3],y[3],cout2,sum[4],sum[3]);

module fadd ( 
    input a, b, cin,
    output cout, sum );
    assign {cout,sum} = a + b + cin;


module top_module (
	input [3:0] x,
	input [3:0] y,
	output [4:0] sum

	// This circuit is a 4-bit ripple-carry adder with carry-out.
	assign sum = x+y;	// Verilog addition automatically produces the carry-out bit.

	// Verilog quirk: Even though the value of (x+y) includes the carry-out, (x+y) is still considered to be a 4-bit number (The max width of the two operands).
	// This is correct:
	// assign sum = (x+y);
	// But this is incorrect:
	// assign sum = {x+y};	// Concatenation operator: This discards the carry-out

 既然没有限制,那么 assign sum = x+y; 自然可以。如果 x+y 产生了进位,verilog 的语法会自动将 x+y 扩展成 5 bit 数。

但有一点,如果使用位连接符 {x+y},那么结果就会被限制为 4 bit 数。这是 Verilog 语法的一个 quirk (怪异之处)。
