

英文 中文
Keep being funny. 保持你的逗逼
Tell jokes... at the funeral, or at the party after. 在葬礼上或者事后派对上讲笑话
There'd better be a party after. 最好有事后派对
You're always funny at parties. 你在派对上总是很搞笑
You always get drunk and overexcited. 你总是会喝醉激动过头
Running around like a fat, 像个胖胖的
little annoying Santa with your rosy cheeks, 讨厌的圣诞老人到处跑两颊通红
making everyone laugh. 把大家都逗笑
Then you have a sort of spiritual hangover the next day, 然后隔天你会在精神上宿醉
worried you'd offended so and so. 担心你冒犯了别人
You never had, though. 但你从来没有
You just made 'em laugh. 你只是让他们笑了
Just keep being funny. 保持你的逗逼
You're a lovely man. 你是个善良的人
You all right, George? 你好吗乔治
What's the matter? 怎么了
Robbie hit me. 罗比打了我
Why? 为什么
He always does, every day. 他每天都会打我

Which one's Robbie? 谁是罗比
- Stop it! - The one with the branch? -住手-拿着树枝的那个
Are you Robbie? 你是罗比吗
- Yeah. - Robbie, come here. -嗯-罗比过来
Listen up, right? 听好了
I'm an escaped lunatic, 我是个逃逸的疯子
and I like murdering little fat kids like you, 我喜欢谋杀你这样的胖小孩
so if you hit George or anyone else, 所以你要是再打乔治或者任何人
I'm gonna come to your house-- 我就会去你家
I know where you live-- 我知道你住哪
and while you're asleep, 在你睡觉时
I'm gonna smash your stupid head in with this hammer. 我要用这个锤子砸烂你脑袋
Do you understand? 明白吗
I just threatened a ten-year-old kid with a hammer. 我刚用一个锤子威胁了一个10岁小孩
They've gotta learn. 他们得吸取教训
He was bullying George, and I said 他霸凌乔治我说
I'd murder him in his sleep if he did it again. 你要再这么干的话我就趁他睡觉时杀了他
- Oh... Hello. - Hi. -你好-你好
He's going to murder a kid with a hammer 他要用锤子杀死一个小孩
if he doesn't behave. 如果他不听话的话
So did you...Go on your date, then? 你去赴约了没
Yeah. 去了
Was it a success? 成功吗
No, it was... awful... 不糟透了
awkward... just the worst. 尴尬烂死了
The one good thing about my life 我生活里唯一的好事就是
is that I never have to do that shit again. 我不用再去约会了
Oh, I know what you mean. 我懂你意思
You know, I'm genuinely happy on my own. 我自己一个人生活很快乐
Just me and the dog. 就我和我的狗
- Me and my cat. - Exactly. -我和我的猫-没错
When the dog goes, and him, 等狗还有他走了
I'll have no responsibility for anything ever again. 我就不需要再为任何事物负责了
I can do what I like. 我可以随心所欲
Well, you'll never have to come here again, so... 你就不用再到这儿来
- Right. - Okay. -好了-嗯
- I've gotta-- - Yeah. -我得-嗯
- See you. - See you later. -再见-再见
Valerie, erm... 瓦莱莉
call me when my girlfriend gets here, please. 我女朋友来了后叫我麻烦了

But you'll see her. 可你能看到她啊
What? 什么
Yeah, just call me, huh? 叫下我好吗
She's bringing me a treat. 她会给我带美食
Women. 女人啊
Bloody love 'em though. 不过爱死她们了
Oh, hey. How was the date? 约会怎么样
The worst. 糟透了
- Oh no. - Yeah. -不是吧-嗯
I thought you'd have so much in common. 我以为你们会有很多共同点
Well, she didn't want to be there, 她根本不想去
she drank like a fish, swore like a trooper, 喝酒无节制脏话连篇
err, she was narcissistic, rude. 自恋无礼
Yeah, exactly. 是这样的
Good one. Luckily, I got it in first 不错还好我一开始就说了
that I didn't want to be there either, 我也不想来约会
and that I miss my wife, and that... 我想我妻子还有
I wanna kill myself. 我想自杀
And then she teased me that I couldn't commit suicide 然后她取笑我说我不能
as well as her dead husband. 像她死去的老公一样自杀
- Sounds brilliant. - Yeah. -听上去很棒-嗯
Then I tried to knock a couple of muggers off a moped. 然后我试图把两个抢劫犯从电瓶车上打下去
Stole their hammer. 偷走了他们的锤子
You were mugged again? 你又被打劫了
No. 没有
A woman was-- 有个女人
But as they went past me. 但他们从我身边经过
I've always wanted to knock a twat off a motorbike. 我一直想把那些人渣从电瓶车上打下来
I hate the way they rev up for no reason. 我讨厌他们开车无故加速
The fact they were muggers was a bonus. It sort of justified it. 他们是抢劫犯算是意外之喜也算给了我正当理由
And what d'you mean, you stole their hammer? 你偷了他们的锤子什么意思
I confiscated it, really. They dropped it, so I thought, 我没收了他们掉在地上我就想
"I'll have that." "那我要了"
It's a good one as well, so not a complete waste of an evening. 挺好的所以那晚也不算完全浪费时间
Good. 好吧
Can I just talk to you about something a sec? 能到我办公室来一趟吗
Did you hear about Julian? 你听说了朱利安吗
- The guy who distributes the newspapers. - Yeah. -那个送报纸的人-嗯
He was found dead this morning. 他今早被发现死了
From an overdose, heroin. 过量吸食海洛因
It's so sad. I didn't even... 真悲伤我都...
I-- I had no idea. 我完全不知道他吸毒
I gave him the money. 我给他的钱
For what? 干什么
For drugs. 买毒品
Yeah, but you couldn't have known that he would overdose, though. 但你不可能知道他会吸食过量
Well... 这个
- Fuck's sake, Tony. - What? -该死托尼-怎么
Don't say that. Don't even joke about things like that. 别这么说别拿这样的事开玩笑
What? Why? What's... 什么为什么怎么
Because you're the godfather to my son. 因为你是我儿子的教父
- Right-- - Because you're not a fucking psychopath. -嗯-因为你不是变态狂
- Okay. - Why would you say- - -好-你为什么要说
Why would you even tell me that? 你为什么要告诉我
You didn't know. 你不知道
- Just tell me you didn't know. - Right. I couldn't know... -告诉我你不知道-嗯我不可能知道
- Right. - ...it was gonna... -嗯-会...
you know, work. 你懂的奏效
Work? Are you fucking kidding me? 奏效你他妈逗我吗
He was a heroin addict, okay? That's what he did. 他吸食海洛因成瘾他是这样的人
Right? It's what he wanted, obviously. 这是他想要的显然
- So-- - Tell me that you didn't know -所以-告诉我你不知道
that he was gonna kill himself, 他会自杀
or I'm not gonna let you see George again, okay? 不然我不会再让你见乔治懂吗
I didn't know. 我不知道
Obviously not. 当然不知道
You didn't-- Yeah, you didn't know. 你不嗯你不知道
Here she is. 她来了
- Who? - My bird. -谁-我女友
- My bird. - Come in. Take a seat. -我女友-进来坐吧
- Bread pudding delivery. - Lovely. Thanks, love. -你的面包布丁-真好谢谢亲爱的
Um, everyone, it's my girlfriend, June. June, everyone. 各位这是我女友琼恩琼恩这是大家
- Hello. - Hi, June. -你好-你好琼恩
So... what's it like going out with... 和那个约会
that? 是什么感觉
It's lovely. 挺好的
- Is it? - Yeah. -是吗-是的
What do you mean? 什么意思
He's good with my boy. 他和我儿子相处得很好
- Right. - Got a lot in common, my two little fatties. -嗯-我的两个小胖子有很多共同点
I love it when they fight over Creme Eggs. 我喜欢看他们争奶油蛋
- Not fighting. - You do. -没有争-有的
No, he's just-- He gets a bit grabby. 他他有时会很贪婪
He tells me you were attracted 他跟我说你
to his style even before his personality. 先喜欢上了他的穿搭风格然后才是性格
- Love everything about him. - Right. -喜欢他的一切-嗯
Especially his body. 尤其是他的身体
Really? 真的吗
Wh-wh-why? 为什么
Why? What's-- 为什么什么
He's 'ot. 他很火辣
'Ot? 火辣
Yeah, like his body temperature's warm, like hot to the touch. 他体温暖和摸上去很热
- Oh, right. - So when he's naked, it's like cuddling a big baby. -这样-当他裸体的时候就像抱着一个婴儿
And his skin's dead smooth when he gets out the bath. 他刚洗完澡的时候皮肤超级光滑
Very cuddly, yeah. 让人想抱他
And have you noticedthe roll of, um... 你有注意到他...那里的脂肪吗
flab on his neck? 脖子上的赘肉
- Back fat? - No, not back fat, -背膘-不不是背膘
but we'll come back to that, thank you. 这个待会儿再说谢谢
Um, no. Next time he's lying naked, 不是下次他躺着的时候
just grab the back of his neck. Or get on him, if you like. 抓住他脖子后面或者如果你喜欢的话爬到他身上
Sit on him, grab the roll of fat on his back there, 坐在他上面抓住他后面的肥肉
and blump him around the room like a biiiig space hopper. 然后像弹力球一样骑着在屋子里转
- That'd be good. - Don't want to hurt him, do I? -那会很棒-我不想伤害他对吗
No. You just wanna cudd-- I know. 是的你只想抱...我知道
Wanna see a sexy picture of him just out the bath? 想看看他刚洗完澡后的性感照片吗
- Yes, please, June. - I've got one 'ere. -当然-我这有一张
You should probably... head off, love, shouldn't you? 你或许该走了亲爱的不是吗
- Yeah. - Well, come back any time, though, -嗯-随时欢迎你回来
'cause we're a local paper, so we need sort of... Ahhh! 因为我们是本地报纸我们需要
We need sort of local interest stories like this. 我们需要像这样有趣的本地故事
- Ah, I forgot the custard. - Not to worry. -我忘了乳蛋糕-没事
Okay, next time, though. 下次记着就行
- Never mind. - Yeah, all right. See you, love. -算了-好的再见亲爱的
- Thanks for... - See you later. -谢谢-再见
Nice to meet you all. 很高兴认识你们大家

