【英语流利说】Level6 Unit3 Part What happened to Films 电影怎么了 译文

媒体和科技正在改编人类的大脑,明显地改变我们思考和生活的方式。没有人知道这将如何影响未来,也几乎没有人在意。趋势是让它发生并顺其自然, 尽管有些人警告一切都不好。没有人可以阻止进程。 尽管如此, 反思变化看看我们可能会失去什么是很有意思的。

Media and technology are reprogramming our brain, changing how we think and live in significant ways. Nobody really knows how this will affect the future, and few seem to care. The tendency is to let it happen and go with the flow, despite warnings from some that all is not well. Nobody can stop progress. Still, its fun to reflect on changes and see what might be lost.

回顾经典电影并将它们和现在的相比较,我们可以看见很多相似处。然而,也有很大的不同。尤其是,经典电影成功在于几乎没用什么特效。镜头更多地关注在面部和表情上, 就像在电影《卡萨布兰卡》中一样。暴力动作很少以血腥的细节体现而是更多地通过情景暗示出来。故事线重点放在角色和人物困境上。 很多留给了想象。而且肯定的是,性会被暗示, 但从未表现过, 除了在低级的影院里。 

Looking back to classic movies and comparing them with what we have today, we see many similarities. However, there are major differences. Classic movies succeeded with few if any special effects. The camera focused more on faces and expressions, like in the movie Casablanca. Violent actions were seldom shown in gruesome detail but were inferred from the situation. Storylines focused on character and personal dilemmas. Much was left to the imagination. And of crouse, sex was hinted at, but never shown, except in seedy theaters.

一些最好的电影发生在一个单一的空间里, 例如一艘救生艇或者一个陪审团休息室里。 这样的电影今天还能够吸引观众吗? 这些电影依靠的是作者能够将戏剧效果建立到充满个性的角色互动上。 这需要对人类心理学有兴趣。这也需要观众有类似的兴趣, 这样才能感同身受并被打动。今天还存在这样的观众吗?

Some of the best movies took place in a single location, such as on a lifeboat or in a jury room. Would such movies draw an audience today? These movies depended on writers who could build drama into the interactions between characters who had a character. This required an interest in human psychology. This also required audiences to have a similar interest, who could empathize and be moved. Do those audiences exist today?

闪回到现在。太多的电影充满了快速移动的特效,直言不讳的暴力,以及大量的性。我们已经变成了偷窥狂,迷上了通过别人的经历获得刺激。微妙的感情?内心的两难?或者仅仅是一场简单的逃脱!当然, 逃脱电影一直都有--宝莱坞的电影里明星们在街上跳舞。这只是被改变了的一种平衡。

Flash forward to the present. So many movies are filled with fast-moving special effects, explicit violence, and lots of sex. We have become voyeurs, addicted to getting thrills through the experiences of others. Subtle emotions? Psychological dilemma? Or just plain escape! Of crouse, there are always been escape movies--Bollywood movies with stars dancing in the streets. It's just the balance which has shifted.


Classical music and jazz played for more than a few minutes. People concentrated and took time to enjoy and savor it. But now, immersed in media, there is no time. Experiences are quick and shallow, measured by the number of likes. We flee into the noise, perhaps to escape from ourselves.


What do you think? Or has it always been this way?

if any


The two sides made little if any progress towards agreement. 



There are few, if any, mistakes in the book. 



If any letters come after you've left, I'll send them on. 

如果你离开后有信来了, 我会转寄给你.



(of a statement or piece of writing 陈述或文章) clear and easy to understand 清楚明白的;易于理解的

He gave me very explicit directions on how to get there.


(of a person 人) saying sth clearly, exactly and openly (说话)清晰的,明确的;直言的;坦率的


She was quite explicit about why she had left.


said, done or shown in an open or direct way, so that you have no doubt about what is happening 直截了当的;不隐晦的;不含糊的

The reasons for the decision should be made explicit.


She made some very explicit references to my personal life.


a sexually explicit film



1.(often approving) not very noticeable or obvious 不易察觉的;不明显的;微妙的

subtle colours/flavours/smells, etc.


There are subtle differences between the two versions.


She's been dropping subtle hints about what she'd like as a present.


2.(of a person or their behaviour 人或其行为) behaving in a clever way, and using indirect methods, in order to achieve sth 机智的;机巧的;狡猾的

I decided to try a more subtle approach.


3.organized in a clever way 巧妙的

a subtle plan


a subtle use of lighting in the play


4.good at noticing and understanding things 敏锐的;头脑灵活的

The job required a subtle mind.


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