

Grandma and Defense of Hengyang

原创:斧子       中译英:斧子的二当家



June 1944 was the most important month of the Second World War. It was also the decisive battle between the Allies and the Axis powers, with Normandy landing, the Saipan War and the battle of Henan, Hunan, and Guangxi in Chinese battlefield fighting fiercely. In this battle, the Defense of Hengyang , which was included in Japan's 20 major army campaigns, broke out.


After 47 days of heavy fighting, the 10th Army lost 7,400 troops and more than 7,000 people were injured, as the total number was 17600, the loss rate reached 85%. On the outskirts of Hengyang, Chinese troops were also fighting hard to get Hengyang out of the siege, according to the Japanese war reports, by early August, 66,468 Chinese soldiers outside Hengyang killed, 27,447 captured, ,totally 226400 people were lost adding the injured troops.


The Defense of Hengyang had lasted for a long time, the fighting had been fierce and far-reaching. It seems that no other urban battles in the Chinese battlefield can be compared to it. It is known as "the Moscow defensive war in the east" because it is the city that has suffered the most casualties on both sides in China's eight-year history of resistance and the longest face-to-face fighting.


Many of grandma's relatives, including her parents, died in the damn war, and the whole family fled. Grandma, with her young brother, fell ill by the roadside and fortunately survived thanks to the rescue of grandpa. My grandmother's brother and sister, were scattered on the road to escape. After more than 30 years, they finally found each other. Grandmother and they cried several hours for this meeting and even got a severe sick.


It was because of the sufferings of the war that grandma became the most devout Buddhist. Grandma was very envious of people who can become a monk or nun. But she could not let go of her brother, who had suffered a lot, and could not let go of my grandpa, who had saved her life,could not let go of the four sons and three daughters. There were too many things she could not leave behind.


"Although the purpose of Buddhism is to liberate life and death, and being a monk is the best way to get rid of life and death. But it may not be possible to be free from life and death if the practice is not actually done or rightly performed, and if it can be practiced well in the mundane world, it may also liberate people from life and death. " , that's what my master Xiao shitai used to say to my grandmother. She's my grandma's best friend.


Therefore, in all her life, grandma had never been able to walk into the gate of Buddhism, to see the ideal world without war and death. But she did worship in the temples of the seventy-two peaks of Nanyue, praying for her loved ones, praying that Buddha and Bodhisattva, and so on bless all the relatives in her heart.


I'm always so moved by my grandmother's spirit. If the Nobel Peace Prize could be awarded to ordinary people, grandma would be absolutely eligible for it. Because she's the biggest fan of world peace I've ever known.


When grandma died, I wrote a long free poem. For nearly an hour, I knelt in front of my grandmother's coffin, holding the paper, reading aloud and crying until my voice was hoarse, and I could not speak. I am so, so sad!


Sorrow is like a rope that tightly binds my neck, and in the years after grandma's death, whenever I thought of my grandmother, tears would fill my eyes and streamed noiselessly down my cheeks. Without grandma's mercy, I might have left the world at birth. Grandma was my savior, too.


A few years after grandma and grandpa died, I finally found a painter in Hengyang, who based on a small black-and-white photograph of my grandma and grandpa, repainted two portraits. I framed the portraits and hung on the wall of my living room. In the past decades, i have moved a few times, but after each move, their portraits would always be hung on the walls of the living room ...... They would always be with me!


Grandma, I am willing to be your grandson generation after generations.

作者简介(Author's introduction):


Axe, graduate student from Chinese People's Public Security University, member of the Hunan Writers'Association and a special commentator of the Red Net fiction section, published:


Prose poetry collection "Waiting for you" , Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House;


Prose poetry collection "Principal in debt",  The Hong Kong commercial press (HKPC);


A short and medium story collection, "The last edition of love between the swan under the month and Zhu Tang", United publishing house;


A short and medium story collection, "Invisible bodyguard", United publishing house;


A short and medium story collection, "The first marriage of brother Qian," and published by the China Federation of Literary Unions ...
