


原文:Only you,who have never known me,and whom I have never ceased to love.


原文:That was the first time I heard your name.


原文:Your handsome,slim,and spruce figure was a positive shock to me.

原文:I read book upon book,far into the night,for I knew thar you were a book-lover.


原文:My life seemed falling to pieces;and at last one day,when I returned to dinner,the furniture removers had cleared the flat.


原文:You were not alone.I heard a gentle laugh,the rustle of silk,and your voice,speaking in low tones.There is nothing more terrible than to be alone among human beings.(置身繁华闹市中任人群熙熙攘攘,却忍受彻骨孤寂我自独行)


原文:The fact that in reality I was as far from your mind as if I had been separated by mountains and valleys and rivers.


原文:I understand now(you have taught me!)that a girl’s or a woman’s face must be for a man something extraordiniarily mutable.A man can readily forget a woman’s face,because she modifies its lights and shades,and because at different times the dress gives it so different times the dress gives it so different a setting.


原文:She must be brought to consent by urgent pleading,by lies,adjurations,and promises.I know that only professional prostitutes are accustomed to answer such an invitation with a perfectly frank assent——prostitutes,or simple-minded,immature girls.


原文:You care only for what comes and goes easily,for that which is light of touch,is imponderable.You dread being involved in anyone else’s destiny.You like to give yourself freely to all the world——but not to make any sacrifices.When you were sleeping beside me,when I listened to your breathing,touched your body,and felt myself so near to you.


原文:Would you not like to take a few flowers with you?

原文:Again it was full of wonder and delight.You gave me a third night.


原文:Once more you gave me roses at parting.


原文:I make no complaint.I love you just as you are,ardent and forgetful,generous and unfaithful.I love you just as you have always been.I would rather take the whole burden on myself than be a burden to you;I wanted to be the one among all the women you had intimately known of whom you would never think except with love and thankfulness. We were all alien to one another,as we lay there in our loneliness,filled with mutual hatred,thrust together only by our kinship of poverty and distress into this crowded ward, reeking of chloroform and blood,filled with cries and moaning.(你似乎能看到、闻到、听到她在最虚弱的时候经受的孤独和痛苦,这些痛苦一度在陪伴和照顾孩子长大的每一个过程里的欢乐所溶解,可是今天她的孩子死了,这一切可怕的经历又一齐涌上心头。)


原文:I did not wish to divide myself between you and him,So I did not give mysqlf to you,who were happy and independent of me,but to the boy who needed me,whom I had to nourish,whom I cloud kiss and fondle.In the lying-in hospital I had tasted the full horror of poverty.I know that,in the world of the poor,those who are down-trodden are always the victims.


原文:One thing only——on your birthday I have always sent you a bunch of white roses,like the roses you gave me after our first night of love.For me it was enough to send them to you out of the darkness,once a year,to revive my own memory of that hour.



原文:Some day,perhaps,you would call me to your side,were it only for an hour.For the possibility of this one hour I rejected everything else,simply that I might be free to answer your call.


原文:Your look became continually more ardent,and touched my own senses to fire.I cloud not be sure whether you had at last recognised me,or whether your desires had been aroused by one whom you believed to be a stranger.


原文:I could no longer answer when spoken to,could no longer control the trmult of my blood.It was plain that you did not recognised me,neither the child,nor the girl of old days.Again,to you,I was a new acquaintance.”Yes,”I answered,the same tremulous but perfectly acquiescent “Yes” that you had heard from me in my girlhood,more than ten years earlier,in the darkling street.


原文:“The man I love has always gone on a journey.


原文:You put your hands on my shoulders:”Good things are not forgotten,and I shall not forget you.”Your eyes studied me attentively,as if you wished to form an enduring image of me in your mind.You were paying me for the night I had spent with you,me who had loved you since childhood,me the mother of your son.


原文:”Will you give me one of your white roses?”——”Of course,They were a present,but I don’t know who sent them;that’s why I’m so fond of them.”


