[wordpiece]论文分析:Google’s Neural Machine Translation System


    • 一、论文解读
      • 1.1 模型介绍
      • 1.2 模型架构
      • 1.3 wordpiece
    • 二、整体总结

论文:Google’s Neural Machine Translation System: Bridging the Gap between Human and Machine Translation
作者:Yonghui Wu, Mike Schuster, Zhifeng Chen, Quoc V. Le, Mohammad Norouzi, Wolfgang Macherey, Maxim Krikun, Yuan Cao, Qin Gao, Klaus Macherey, Jeff Klingner, Apurva Shah, Melvin Johnson, Xiaobing Liu, Łukasz Kaiser, Stephan Gouws, Yoshikiyo Kato, Taku Kudo, Hideto Kazawa, Keith Stevens, George Kurian, Nishant Patil, Wei Wang, Cliff Young, Jason Smith, Jason Riesa, Alex Rudnick, Oriol Vinyals, Greg Corrado, Macduff Hughes, Jeffrey Dean


Google’s Neural Machine Translation system简称GNMT,是一个深度LSTM网络,其由8层编码器和8层解码器组成;在这个深层LSTM网络中,层与层之间使用残差连接,解码器和编码器使用注意力机制连接;

  • 为了提高并行性,从而减少训练时间,注意机制将解码器的底层和编码器的顶层进行连接;
  • 为了加速最终的翻译速度,在推理计算中采用了低精度的计算;
  • 为了改进对罕见单词的处理,使用wordpiece进行分词并同时用于输入和输出;



1.1 模型介绍


For parallelism, we connect the attention from the bottom layer of the decoder network to the top layer of the encoder network. To improve inference time, we employ low-precision arithmetic for inference, which is further accelerated by special hardware (Google’s Tensor Processing Unit, or TPU). To effectively deal with rare words, we use sub-word units (also known as “wordpieces”) for inputs and outputs in our system. Using wordpieces gives a good balance between the flexibility of single characters and the efficiency of full words for decoding, and also sidesteps the need for special treatment of unknown words. Our beam search technique includes a length normalization procedure to deal efficiently with the problem of comparing hypotheses of different lengths during decoding, and a coverage penalty to encourage the model to translate all of the provided input.

  • 为了提高并行性,从而减少训练时间,注意机制将解码器的底层和编码器的顶层进行连接;
  • 为了加速最终的翻译速度,在推理计算中采用了低精度的计算;
  • 为了改进对罕见单词的处理,使用wordpiece进行分词并同时用于输入和输出;

传统的翻译系统基本都是基于Statistical Machine Translation (SMT)统计机器翻译,主要的应用都是 在翻译短文本上;在神经网络出现优势之前,统计机器翻译就集合了神经机器翻译,直到后来的一篇论文Addressing the rare word problem in neural machine translation中发现使用某架构的神经机器翻译模型的效果要好于传统机器翻译,神经机器翻译迎来了许多的新技术;

1.2 模型架构


[wordpiece]论文分析:Google’s Neural Machine Translation System_第1张图片



[wordpiece]论文分析:Google’s Neural Machine Translation System_第2张图片


[wordpiece]论文分析:Google’s Neural Machine Translation System_第3张图片


[wordpiece]论文分析:Google’s Neural Machine Translation System_第4张图片


1.3 wordpiece


wordpieceBPE的一种变体,BPE找的是频数最高的字符对,其采取的策略是直接进行合并,wordpiece是根据 L o s s = l o g p ( z ) p ( x ) p ( y ) Loss = log\frac{p(z)}{p(x)p(y)} Loss=logp(x)p(y)p(z) 来判断的,其中 p ( i ) p(i) p(i)表示 i i i这个词出现的概率,这里可以采取的方式有很多种,这里举例常见的几种:

  • 设定一个 k k k值,和BPE一样去寻找频数最高的字符对,判断 L o s s Loss Loss是否大于 k k k,若大于则合并;
  • 遍历所有的字符对,合并 L o s s Loss Loss最大的字符对;


[wordpiece]论文分析:Google’s Neural Machine Translation System_第5张图片

