

英文 中文
Careful! 小心点儿
You only get one shot at this, Peralta. 只有一次机会 Peralta
Don't worry. I know what I'm doing. 别担心 我知道我在干什么
I saw the first 15 minutes of The Hurt Locker. 我看过<拆弹部队>前15分钟
Hurry! The stench is too much. 快点 味道太浓郁了
We gotta get those shoes outta here. 我们得赶快把他的鞋转移
How much time do we have? 还剩多长时间
Scully ate his pot pie 30 minutes ago, Scully在30分钟前吃的派
so we probably got 10 minutes left on this nap. 估计他还会睡10分钟
12 if he's turkey tired. 要是"吃火鸡"那么累的话就有12分钟
All right, come to papa. 好 乖乖过来吧
It's trapped. Abort mission. 陷入困境了 终止任务
I have an idea... 我有个想法
Let's send these shoes to hell. 送那对鞋上西天吧
Oh, wait. 等等
Yeah, just smells worse than before. 这样更臭了
Abort! 撤退
Wow! Why are you here before me? 你怎么比我早到
Am I asleep? Is this a dream? 我还没醒么 还是我在做梦

I am early because Jimmy Brogan is here today. 我早到是因为Jimmy Brogan来了
Why do you care so much about some old reporter? 你怎么这么关心这位老记者
Some old reporter? 老记者
Is the sky just some big blue hat that the world wears? 那天空只是这个世界的一顶蓝帽子么
No. And no one has ever thought that. 不是 而且没人这么想过
My point exactly. 完全正确
Jimmy Brogan wrote The Squad Jimmy Brogan的书
about badass New York cops in the '70s. 记述了70年代纽约牛逼警察的事儿
It's the best book I've ever read, 是我看过最好的书了
and I've read 15 books. 我一共看过15本书呢
50 books is not a lot. Wait... 50本书可不多啊 等等
You said 15? 你是说的15么
The Squad is what made me decide to become a Detective. 因为这本书我才决定做警探的
And it was my first book report. 还是我做的第一份读书报告呢
"The detectives wiped the mobsters' blood off their boots and found the scag." "警探们擦去了他们鞋子上犯罪分子的鲜血 并找到了白粉"
Scag is heroin, and the book says it's so good, 白粉就是海洛因 书上还说那东西很爽
you can never stop doing it! 保证你一吸上瘾
See me after class, Jacob. 下课来找我 Jacob
Fun side note... I later lost my virginity to Mrs. Stratton's daughter. 更有趣的是 后来我的初夜给了Stratton老师的女儿
It was... very fast. 那次 很快
Nice. 不错啊
Mr. Brogan, these are detectives Santiago and Peralta. Brogan先生 这是Santiago警探和Peralta警探
Mr. Brogan, I am a huge fan of your book. Brogan先生 我可喜欢你这本书了
Would you mind signing my copy? 可不可以帮我签个名呢
I'd love to. It's always nice to meet a fan. 很荣幸 见到粉丝总是很高兴
You can just make it out to "Death wish." 你可以写 送给"死亡之愿"
That's what everyone calls me, 'cause I'm always first through the door. 大家都这么叫我 因为我总是第一个冲进门
You go through doors normally, 你和正常人一样进门
and everyone calls you pineapples. 大家都叫你菠萝
My grandma calls me pineapples, 我奶奶叫我菠萝
and I regret telling you that. 我很后悔告诉你了
Those New York cops from the '70s you wrote about were my idols... 你书里写的70年代纽约警察 都是我的偶像
I mean, Gaminsky, Cavanaugh, Quigg. 比如Gaminsky Cavanaugh Quigg
Those guys were the real deal. 他们都是真本事啊
I once saw Gaminsky choke a hippy to death with his own ponytail. 有次我看到Gaminsky用他的马尾辫勒死了个嬉皮士呢
- Illegal. - Love that. - 违法啊- 大爱啊
Mr. Brogan is writing an article Brogan先生想写一本书
about how Brooklyn detectives have changed in the 35 years since The Squad. 是关于之后这35年布鲁克林警探们的变化
He'll be observing the two of you on your Internet identity theft case. 他会跟进你俩手上的网络身份盗取案
I hope Mr. Brogan's presence doesn't prove to be a distraction to you, Peralta. 我希望Brogan先生的存在不会让你分心 Peralta

Distracted? Me? No, sir. 分心 我 不会的 长官
Evil would love that. 恶魔巴不得呢
But I'm not giving evil the satisfaction. 但是我不会让他们有机可乘
Not today. 反正不是今天
Where's the can? I gotta unload. 厕所在哪 我想"卸货"
"Unload." Great choice of words. "卸货" 说得好
It'd be an honor to show you, sir. 很荣幸能带您去 先生
All right. Everyone's here. 好 都到齐了
Today we're gonna work on our courtroom demeanor. 今天我们研习一下法庭行为举止
- Pass. - This seminar is not optional, Diaz. - 不听- 这堂课是必修的 Diaz
You're testifying in an aggravated assault case tomorrow. 你明天就要为一起恶意伤人罪出庭作证了
The D.A. Is worried about how you present yourself on the stand. 地检很担心你出庭的时候怎么表现
Why? I'm fine on the stand. 怎么了 我出庭的表现挺好的啊
Look, I'll make this real simple 听好了 我说得简单点
so even these dum-dums can understand. 就算是这群脑残傻缺都能听懂
Man did crime. 那人犯罪了
I'm sorry... can you make her stop doing that weird thing with her face? 不好意思 你能不能让她不要再做那么诡异的面部表情了
Crying? 哭泣么
And when this is over, I'm gonna find you, and I'm gonna break those little fingers. 等休庭了 我就去找你 然后拗断你的手指
Ms. Diaz. Please stop threatening the stenographer! Diaz小姐 请你不要再威胁速记员了
This is an important case. You need to do well. 这个案子很重要 你得好好表现
Fine. I'll take your dumbass seminar. 好吧 我上你的傻缺研习班
That's the spirit! 就要你这个劲头
Someone has placed tiny scanners inside ATMs 有人在自助取款机里面安装迷你扫描器
to steal card numbers and pins 来盗取卡号和密码
which they sell on the Internet. 然后他们就在网上卖
Oh, good God, why do you smell like an ashtray? 天啊 你身上怎么一股烟灰缸的味道
Oh, sorry, mom. 真抱歉 老妈子
It's the only way I can cope with the stress of the job. 只有这样我才能应付工作压力
Anyway... We're running an algorithm to comb through the transactions 总之 我们运行了一种算法来梳理交易信息
looking for a pattern which will lead us to the perp's IP address. 找出其中的规律 然后就能找到罪犯的IP地址
Got it. "Boring mumbo jumbo." 明白了 "无聊的胡言乱语"
Well, you could think of the algorithm as a boot 你可以把系统想象成靴子
and the IP address as some poor slob's skull. You know? IP地址就是某个可怜虫的头盖骨 懂吗
We used to call guys who bragged about sitting around all day hair bags. 我们曾经把整天坐着吹嘘的人叫做老油条
Except for Detective Finaldi. No, he had to sit around all day. 除了Finaldi警探 他不得不整天坐着
A mafia thug pried both his kneecaps off with a crowbar. 黑手党暴徒用铁撬撬走了他的两个膝盖骨
Gah... so lucky. 太幸运了
This kind of data-driven police work has reduced crime by over 70%. 这种数据处理工作把犯罪率降低了70%之多
I know hair bag work when I see it. 我认得出来谁是老油条
Do me a favor... wake me when your shift is over. 帮我个忙 你下班的时候叫醒我
No way. 不是吧
That is amazing! 太厉害了
All you need is for a jury to like you. 你只要让陪审团喜欢你就行了
- If they like you, they'll trust you. - Fine. - 要是他们喜欢你 就会相信你- 好
How do I get these morons to like me? 那我怎么让白痴们喜欢我呢
Don't call them morons. 不要叫他们白痴
- Good instinct! - Okay. - 说得对- 好
Sit up straight, all right? Be aware of your hands, okay? And don't be afraid to smile. 坐直了 注意手放哪里 来点微笑更好
And if you need to buy time, you can always just say, "To be perfectly candid..." 如果你要拖延时间 你就说"为了公正起见"
To be perfectly candid... I like that. 为了公正起见我喜欢
And always make good eye contact. 一定要经常有眼神交流
- But don't stare at people. - Yeah. - 但不要瞪人- 千万不要
You gotta blink. But don't blink too much. 你得眨眼 但不要太频繁
- Or too fast. - I think the bigger worry is slow blinks. - 也不能太快- 我觉得眨得太慢更吓人
Don't blink too fast or too slow or too much or too little. 不要眨得太快或太慢或太多或太少
I know how to blink. 我知道怎么眨眼
Quick question, sir. 问个问题 长官
You know how we've been trading favors back and forth 我们一直互相帮助 礼尚往来
and it's your turn to give me one? 现在该你还我个人情了
- None of that is true. - Yeah, I know. - 没有这种事- 我知道
Please, can I jump onto a sweet mob-related homicide? 我能不能切换到抢劫犯杀人的案子上去
There are no sweet mob-related homicides on which to jump. 没有抢劫犯杀人的案子 给你来切换
Boom! There's one at the seven-three. Maybe I should roll over there, help out. 73片区就有一个 也许我能过去帮帮忙
Brogan can tag along, maybe write some stuff down. Brogan跟着去 写点东西
Why do you idolize that man and the time he wrote about? 你为什么这么崇拜这个人 还有他笔下的那段时期
Because the '70s were amazing. 因为七十年代特别棒
I mean, everyone had thick, juicy moustaches 每个人都有厚厚的胡子
and all the clothes were orange and flammable. 大家都穿着橙色的衣服 一点就燃
The '70s were not a good time for the city or for the department... 对于整座城市和这个部门来说 七十年代并不好
Corruption, brutality, sexism. 官僚腐败 野蛮残暴 性别歧视
Diaz and Santiago never would have made Detective, 如果是在那时 Diaz和Santiago都不可能成为警探
and an openly gay man like me... I never would have been given a command. 像我这样的公开同志 绝对不可能当上指挥官
There were very few black detectives. 当时黑人警探很少
Did I ever tell you what my first day on the job was like? 我有没有跟你说过我第一天上班的情景
Hello. I'm Raymond Holt. 大家好 我是Raymond Holt
Are you... here to turn yourself in? 你是 来自首的吗
Ah, yeah, that's really messed up. 确实很糟糕
But the guys that Brogan wrote about... 但是Brogan笔下的那些人
They were great detectives. I mean, they were legit. 他们都是出色的警探啊 他们都是正直守法的
Some of them were legit. 有些是
Some of them were just Brogan's drinking buddies. 有些只是Brogan的酒肉朋友
Sir, that is a brilliant idea. 这真是一个好主意
It wasn't an idea. It was a scathing indictment of your personal hero. 这不是一个主意 这是对你偶像的严厉控诉
Eh, six of one. 差不多吧
This is the best! 真是太棒了
Drinking with Jimmy Brogan. 和Jimmy Brogan一起喝酒
So tell me more about Quigg. Could he really light a matchstick on his face? 快跟我说说Quigg的事 他真的能在脸上点火柴吗
One time during a drug bust, 有一次毒品搜查的时候
he had one of his fingers shot off. 他一根手指头被枪打掉了
He didn't even flinch. He just picked it up 他都没畏缩 他就捡起它
and used it to flip off every puerto rican in the place. 对着那儿的每个波多黎各人竖起那根指头
And that's my cue. It's late. 我要走了 很晚了
Are you kidding? The old guard drank till dawn, ate some coffee grounds, 别逗了 老卫兵一直喝到黎明 吃点咖啡渣
then started the whole day all over again. 然后继续迎接新的一天
Pfft! I eat coffee grounds. 我就吃咖啡渣呢
Sure you do, pineapples. 你当然吃了 菠萝
How about another round? 再喝一轮如何
Are you kidding me? I wanna hang with you till one of us dies. 你逗我呢 我跟你一起混到死都行
Look, I'm tired of talking. Why don't you tell me some of your stories? 我不想说了 你来说说你的故事吧
Great. 'Cause I got some stories that'll make Training Day look like Super Troopers. 好啊 我的故事会让<训练日>看上去像<超级骑警>

