if (rolling_window_)
double new_origin_x = robot_x - costmap_.getSizeInMetersX() / 2;
double new_origin_y = robot_y - costmap_.getSizeInMetersY() / 2;
costmap_.updateOrigin(new_origin_x, new_origin_y);
//std::cout << "new_origin_x = " << new_origin_x << std::endl;
//std::cout << "new_origin_y = " << new_origin_y << std::endl;
代价地图的一个参数,表示该代价地图的world坐标系原点(origin_x_, origin_y_)【代价地图原点都在地图的左下角】是否要随着机器人移动而改变。换句话说,world坐标系原点要时刻“跟随”机器人中心,并保持着一个固定偏移(-getSizeInMetersX() / 2, -getSizeInMetersY() / 2)。rolling_window是true时,一旦机器人移动了,要以机器人中心坐标为参数调用updateOrigin修改出代价地图原点。对全局代价地图,world坐标系原点是机器人起始点,因而值是false。对局部代价地图,是一个以机器人中心为中心、半径1.5米的矩形,因而值是true。
简单来讲,地图的坐标原点和机器人绑定在一起,他和机器人的关系“保持着一个固定偏移(-getSizeInMetersX() / 2, -getSizeInMetersY() / 2)”。
void Costmap2D::updateOrigin(double new_origin_x, double new_origin_y)
// project the new origin into the grid
int cell_ox, cell_oy;
cell_ox = int((new_origin_x - origin_x_) / resolution_);
cell_oy = int((new_origin_y - origin_y_) / resolution_);
std::cout << "new_origin_x = " << new_origin_x << std::endl;
std::cout << "new_origin_y = " << new_origin_y << std::endl;
std::cout << "origin_x_ = " << origin_x_ << std::endl;
std::cout << "origin_y_ = " << origin_y_ << std::endl;
std::cout << "cell_ox:" << cell_ox << std::endl;
std::cout << "cell_oy:" << cell_oy << std::endl;
// compute the associated world coordinates for the origin cell
// because we want to keep things grid-aligned
double new_grid_ox, new_grid_oy;
new_grid_ox = origin_x_ + cell_ox * resolution_;
new_grid_oy = origin_y_ + cell_oy * resolution_;
// To save casting from unsigned int to int a bunch of times
int size_x = size_x_;
int size_y = size_y_;
std::cout << "size_x:" << size_x << std::endl;
std::cout << "size_y:" << size_y << std::endl;
// we need to compute the overlap of the new and existing windows
int lower_left_x, lower_left_y, upper_right_x, upper_right_y;
lower_left_x = min(max(cell_ox, 0), size_x);
lower_left_y = min(max(cell_oy, 0), size_y);
upper_right_x = min(max(cell_ox + size_x, 0), size_x);
upper_right_y = min(max(cell_oy + size_y, 0), size_y);
unsigned int cell_size_x = upper_right_x - lower_left_x;
unsigned int cell_size_y = upper_right_y - lower_left_y;
// we need a map to store the obstacles in the window temporarily
unsigned char* local_map = new unsigned char[cell_size_x * cell_size_y];
// copy the local window in the costmap to the local map
copyMapRegion(costmap_, lower_left_x, lower_left_y, size_x_, local_map, 0, 0, cell_size_x, cell_size_x, cell_size_y);
// now we'll set the costmap to be completely unknown if we track unknown space
// update the origin with the appropriate world coordinates
origin_x_ = new_grid_ox;
origin_y_ = new_grid_oy;
// compute the starting cell location for copying data back in
int start_x = lower_left_x - cell_ox;
int start_y = lower_left_y - cell_oy;
// now we want to copy the overlapping information back into the map, but in its new location
copyMapRegion(local_map, 0, 0, cell_size_x, costmap_, start_x, start_y, size_x_, cell_size_x, cell_size_y);
// make sure to clean up
delete[] local_map;
template<typename data_type>
void copyMapRegion(data_type* source_map, unsigned int sm_lower_left_x, unsigned int sm_lower_left_y,
unsigned int sm_size_x, data_type* dest_map, unsigned int dm_lower_left_x,
unsigned int dm_lower_left_y, unsigned int dm_size_x, unsigned int region_size_x,
unsigned int region_size_y)
// we'll first need to compute the starting points for each map
data_type* sm_index = source_map + (sm_lower_left_y * sm_size_x + sm_lower_left_x);
data_type* dm_index = dest_map + (dm_lower_left_y * dm_size_x + dm_lower_left_x);
// now, we'll copy the source map into the destination map
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < region_size_y; ++i)
memcpy(dm_index, sm_index, region_size_x * sizeof(data_type));
sm_index += sm_size_x;
dm_index += dm_size_x;
上述代码是copyMapRegion的函数实现,这段代码是一个模板函数 copyMapRegion
和 sm_lower_left_y
和 dm_lower_left_y
和 region_size_y
和目标地图的起始点 dm_index
memcpy(dm_index, sm_index, region_size_x * sizeof(data_type))
表示将 region_size_x
个数据元素从 sm_index
指向的源地图区域拷贝到 dm_index
和 dm_size_x
,将 sm_index
和 dm_index
1. world/map坐标系、updateOrigin、footprintCost