
ROS Packages


Name Description
1 2023-12-20 tiago_simulation

The tiago_simulation package

1 2023-12-20 tiago_multi

The tiago_multi package

1 2023-12-20 tiago_gazebo

The tiago_gazebo package

1 2023-12-20 robot_localization

Provides nonlinear state estimation through sensor fusion of an abritrary number of sensors.

1 2023-12-20 rmf_demos_tasks

A package containing scripts for demos

1 2023-12-20 rmf_demos_panel

Web based RMF Demo Panel

1 2023-12-20 rmf_demos_maps

A package containing demo maps for rmf

1 2023-12-20 rmf_demos_gz_classic

Launch files for RMF demos using the Gazebo-classic simulator

1 2023-12-20 rmf_demos_gz

Launch files for RMF demos using the Gazebo simulator

1 2023-12-20 rmf_demos_fleet_adapter

Fleet adapters for interfacing with RMF Demos robots with a fleet manager via REST API

1 2023-12-20 rmf_demos_dashboard_resources

Resource pack for RMF dashboard

1 2023-12-20 rmf_demos_bridges

Nodes for bridging between different communication stacks

1 2023-12-20 rmf_demos_assets

Models and other media used for RMF demos

1 2023-12-20 rmf_demos

Common launch files for RMF demos

1 2023-12-20 pmb2_simulation

PMB2-specific simulation components. These include plugins and launch scripts necessary for running PMB2 in simulation.

1 2023-12-20 pmb2_multi

The pmb2_multi package

1 2023-12-20 pmb2_gazebo

Simulation files for the PMB2 robot.

1 2023-12-20 mrpt_tutorials

Example files used as tutorials for MRPT ROS packages

1 2023-12-20 mrpt_reactivenav2d

Reactive navigation for 2D robots using MRPT navigation algorithms (TP-Space)

1 2023-12-20 mrpt_rawlog

Nodes and programs to record and play MRPT rawlogs or to transform between rosbags and rawlogs.

1 2023-12-20 mrpt_pf_localization

Package for robot 2D self-localization using dynamic or static (MRPT or ROS) maps. The interface is similar to amcl ( but supports different particle-filter algorithms, several grid maps at different heights, range-only localization, etc.

1 2023-12-20 mrpt_navigation

Tools related to the Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT). Refer to for further documentation.

1 2023-12-20 mrpt_msgs_bridge

C++ library to convert between custom mrpt_msgs messages and native MRPT classes

1 2023-12-20 mrpt_map

The mrpt_map is able to publish a mrpt map as ros occupancy grid like the map_server

1 2023-12-20 mrpt_local_obstacles

Maintains a local obstacle map (point cloud, voxels or occupancy grid) from recent sensor readings within a configurable time window.

1 2023-12-20 moveit_resources_pr2_description

PR2 Resources used for MoveIt! testing

1 2023-12-20 moveit_resources_panda_moveit_config

1 2023-12-20 moveit_resources_panda_description

panda Resources used for MoveIt testing

1 2023-12-20 moveit_resources_fanuc_moveit_config

1 2023-12-20 moveit_resources_fanuc_description

Fanuc Resources used for MoveIt testing

1 2023-12-20 moveit_resources

Resources used for MoveIt testing

1 2023-12-20 magic_enum

Static reflection for enums (to string, from string, iteration) for modern C++, work with any enum type without any macro or boilerplate code

1 2023-12-20 ecal

eCAL - enhanced Communication Abstraction Layer. A fast publish-subscribe cross-plattform middleware using Shared Memory and UDP.

1 2023-12-20 dual_arm_panda_moveit_config

1 2023-12-19 rviz_satellite

Display satellite map tiles in RViz

1 2023-12-19 rmf_websocket

A package managing the websocket api endpoints in RMF system.

1 2023-12-19 rmf_traffic_ros2

A package containing messages used by the RMF traffic management system.

1 2023-12-19 rmf_task_ros2

A package managing the dispatching of tasks in RMF system.

1 2023-12-19 rmf_fleet_adapter_python

Python bindings for the rmf_fleet_adapter

1 2023-12-19 rmf_fleet_adapter

Fleet Adapter package for RMF fleets.

1 2023-12-19 realsense2_description

RealSense description package for Intel 3D D400 cameras

1 2023-12-19 realsense2_camera_msgs

RealSense camera_msgs package containing realsense camera messages definitions

1 2023-12-19 realsense2_camera

RealSense camera package allowing access to Intel D400 3D cameras

2 2023-12-19 pilz_industrial_motion_planner_testutils

Helper scripts and functionality to test industrial motion generation

2 2023-12-19 pilz_industrial_motion_planner

MoveIt plugin to generate industrial trajectories PTP, LIN, CIRC and sequences thereof.

1 2023-12-19 performance_test_ros1_publisher

A ROS1 publisher to use with performance_test

1 2023-12-19 performance_test_ros1_msgs

ROS1 versions of performance_test messages to use when testing with a ROS1 bridge

1 2023-12-19 performance_test

Tool to test performance of ROS2 and DDS data layers and communication.

1 2023-12-19 performance_report

Apex.AI performance_test runner, plotter, and reporter

1 2023-12-19 pal_urdf_utils

This package contains the color materials of common elements of PAL Robotics' robot. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package.

2 2023-12-19 mrpt2

Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) version 2.x

3 2023-12-19 moveit_simple_controller_manager

A generic, simple controller manager plugin for MoveIt.

1 2023-12-19 moveit_setup_srdf_plugins

SRDF-based plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant

1 2023-12-19 moveit_setup_simulation

MoveIt Setup Steps for Simulation

1 2023-12-19 moveit_setup_framework

C++ Interface for defining setup steps for MoveIt Setup Assistant

1 2023-12-19 moveit_setup_core_plugins

Core (meta) plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant

1 2023-12-19 moveit_setup_controllers

MoveIt Setup Steps for ROS 2 Control

3 2023-12-19 moveit_setup_assistant

Generates a configuration package that makes it easy to use MoveIt

1 2023-12-19 moveit_setup_app_plugins

Various specialty plugins for MoveIt Setup Assistant

2 2023-12-19 moveit_servo

Provides real-time manipulator Cartesian and joint servoing.

2 2023-12-19 moveit_runtime

moveit_runtime meta package contains MoveIt packages that are essential for its runtime (e.g. running MoveIt on robots).

3 2023-12-19 moveit_ros_warehouse

Components of MoveIt connecting to MongoDB

3 2023-12-19 moveit_ros_visualization

Components of MoveIt that offer visualization

3 2023-12-19 moveit_ros_robot_interaction

Components of MoveIt that offer interaction via interactive markers

3 2023-12-19 moveit_ros_planning_interface

Components of MoveIt that offer simpler remote (as from another ROS 2 node) interfaces to planning and execution

3 2023-12-19 moveit_ros_planning

Planning components of MoveIt that use ROS

3 2023-12-19 moveit_ros_perception

Components of MoveIt connecting to perception

2 2023-12-19 moveit_ros_occupancy_map_monitor

Components of MoveIt connecting to occupancy map

3 2023-12-19 moveit_ros_move_group

The move_group node for MoveIt

3 2023-12-19 moveit_ros_control_interface

ros_control controller manager interface for MoveIt

3 2023-12-19 moveit_ros_benchmarks

Enhanced tools for benchmarks in MoveIt

3 2023-12-19 moveit_ros

Components of MoveIt that use ROS

2 2023-12-19 moveit_resources_prbt_support

Mechanical, kinematic and visual description of the Pilz light weight arm PRBT.

2 2023-12-19 moveit_resources_prbt_pg70_support

PRBT support for Schunk pg70 gripper.

2 2023-12-19 moveit_resources_prbt_moveit_config

2 2023-12-19 moveit_resources_prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin

The prbt_ikfast_manipulator_plugin package

1 2023-12-19 moveit_py

Python binding for MoveIt 2

3 2023-12-19 moveit_plugins

Metapackage for MoveIt plugins.

1 2023-12-19 moveit_planners_stomp

STOMP Motion Planner for MoveIt

3 2023-12-19 moveit_planners_ompl

MoveIt interface to OMPL

2 2023-12-19 moveit_planners_chomp

The interface for using CHOMP within MoveIt

3 2023-12-19 moveit_planners

Meta package that installs all available planners for MoveIt

2 2023-12-19 moveit_kinematics

Package for all inverse kinematics solvers in MoveIt

1 2023-12-19 moveit_hybrid_planning

Hybrid planning components of MoveIt 2

3 2023-12-19 moveit_core

Core libraries used by MoveIt

1 2023-12-19 moveit_configs_utils

Python library for loading moveit config parameters in launch files

1 2023-12-19 moveit_common

Common support functionality used throughout MoveIt

2 2023-12-19 moveit

Meta package that contains all essential packages of MoveIt 2

1 2023-12-19 mesh_navigation

The mesh_navigation package provides a layered mesh_map implementation, a Move Base Flex mesh navigation server, as well as mesh navigation plugins for path planning and navigation control.

1 2023-12-19 mesh_map

The mesh_map package

1 2023-12-19 mesh_layers

The mesh_layers package

1 2023-12-19 mesh_controller

The mesh_controller package

1 2023-12-19 mesh_client

The mesh_client package

1 2023-12-19 mbf_mesh_nav

The mbf_mesh_nav package

1 2023-12-19 mbf_mesh_core

The mbf_mesh_core package

1 2023-12-19 hri

A wrapper library around the ROS4HRI ROS topics

1 2023-12-19 hpp-fcl

An extension of the Flexible Collision Library.

1 2023-12-19 geometric_shapes

This package contains generic definitions of geometric shapes and bodies.

1 2023-12-19 gazebo_model_attachment_plugin_msgs

Model Attachment Plugin

1 2023-12-19 gazebo_model_attachment_plugin

Model Attachment Plugin

1 2023-12-19 event_camera_codecs

package to encode and decode event_camera_msgs

1 2023-12-19 ds_dbw_msgs

Drive-by-wire messages

1 2023-12-19 ds_dbw_joystick_demo

Demonstration of drive-by-wire with joystick

1 2023-12-19 ds_dbw_can

Interface to the Dataspeed Inc. Drive-By-Wire kit

1 2023-12-19 ds_dbw

Interface to the Dataspeed Inc. Drive-By-Wire kits

1 2023-12-19 dijkstra_mesh_planner

The dijkstra_mesh_planner package

2 2023-12-19 dbw_polaris_msgs

Drive-by-wire messages for Polaris platforms

2 2023-12-19 dbw_polaris_joystick_demo

Demonstration of drive-by-wire with joystick

2 2023-12-19 dbw_polaris_description

URDF and meshes describing Polaris vehicles.

2 2023-12-19 dbw_polaris_can

Drive-by-wire interface to the Dataspeed Inc. Polaris GEM/Ranger/RZR DBW kit

2 2023-12-19 dbw_polaris

Drive-by-wire interface to the Dataspeed Inc. Polaris GEM/Ranger/RZR DBW kit

1 2023-12-19 dbw_ford_msgs

Drive-by-wire messages for the Lincoln MKZ

1 2023-12-19 dbw_ford_joystick_demo

Demonstration of drive-by-wire with joystick

1 2023-12-19 dbw_ford_description

URDF and meshes describing the Lincoln MKZ.

1 2023-12-19 dbw_ford_can

Drive-by-wire interface to the Dataspeed Inc. Ford DBW kit

1 2023-12-19 dbw_ford

Drive-by-wire interface to the Dataspeed Inc. Lincoln MKZ DBW kit

2 2023-12-19 dbw_fca_msgs

Drive-by-wire messages for the Chrysler Pacifica

2 2023-12-19 dbw_fca_joystick_demo

Demonstration of drive-by-wire with joystick

2 2023-12-19 dbw_fca_description

URDF and meshes describing the Chrysler Pacifica.

2 2023-12-19 dbw_fca_can

Drive-by-wire interface to the Dataspeed Inc. Chrysler Pacifica DBW kit

2 2023-12-19 dbw_fca

Drive-by-wire interface to the Dataspeed Inc. Chrysler Pacifica DBW kit

2 2023-12-19 dataspeed_ulc_msgs

ROS messages for interacting with the Universal Lat/Lon Controller (ULC)

2 2023-12-19 dataspeed_ulc_can

Package to translate ROS messages to and from CAN messages to interact with the Universal Lat/Lon Controller (ULC) firmware

2 2023-12-19 dataspeed_ulc

CAN interface to the Universal Lat/Lon Controller (ULC) firmware

1 2023-12-19 dataspeed_dbw_common

Common interfaces for drive-by-wire.

1 2023-12-19 cvp_mesh_planner

The Continuous Vector Field Planner (CVP) mesh planner package

1 2023-12-19 crane_x7_moveit_config

CRANE-X7 move_group config package

1 2023-12-19 crane_x7_gazebo

The crane_x7_gazebo package

1 2023-12-19 crane_x7_examples

CRANE-X7 examples package

1 2023-12-19 crane_x7_control

The CRANE-X7 control package

1 2023-12-19 crane_x7

ROS 2 package suite of CRANE-X7

3 2023-12-19 chomp_motion_planner


1 2023-12-19 behaviortree_cpp

This package provides the Behavior Trees core library.

1 2023-12-18 zenoh_bridge_dds

Bridge between ROS2/DDS and Eclipse zenoh ( It allows the integration of zenoh applications with ROS2, or the tunneling of ROS2 communications between nodes via the zenoh protocol at Internet scale.

2 2023-12-18 velocity_controllers

Generic controller for forwarding commands.

1 2023-12-18 tuw_object_msgs

The tuw_object_msgs package. This pkg provides a set of messages used to detect, map and track objects of different types.

1 2023-12-18 tuw_nav_msgs

The tuw_nav_msgs package

1 2023-12-18 tuw_multi_robot_msgs

The tuw_multi_robot_msgs package contains messages for sending graph, route and sync data over topics.

1 2023-12-18 tuw_msgs

tuw_msgs meta package with write and read file libs for tuw_msgs

1 2023-12-18 tuw_graph_msgs

The tuw_graph_msgs package contains messages for sending graphs.

1 2023-12-18 tuw_geometry_msgs

The tuw_geometry_msgs package

1 2023-12-18 tuw_airskin_msgs

The tuw_airskin_msgs package

1 2023-12-18 tricycle_steering_controller

Steering controller with tricycle kinematics. Rear fixed wheels are powering the vehicle and front wheel is steering.

1 2023-12-18 tricycle_controller

Controller for a tricycle drive mobile base

2 2023-12-18 transmission_interface

transmission_interface contains data structures for representing mechanical transmissions, methods for propagating values between actuator and joint spaces and tooling to support this.

1 2023-12-18 tiago_robot

Description and controller configuration of TIAGo

1 2023-12-18 tiago_moveit_config

An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the tiago with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework

1 2023-12-18 tiago_description

This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of the TIAGO robot. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package.

1 2023-12-18 tiago_controller_configuration

Configuration and launch files of TIAGo's controllers

1 2023-12-18 tiago_bringup

Launch files to upload the robot description and start the controllers

1 2023-12-18 steering_controllers_library

Package for steering robot configurations including odometry and interfaces.

1 2023-12-18 sdformat_urdf

URDF plugin to parse SDFormat XML into URDF C++ DOM objects.

1 2023-12-18 sdformat_test_files

Example SDFormat XML files for testing tools using hthis format.

2 2023-12-18 rqt_joint_trajectory_controller

Graphical frontend for interacting with joint_trajectory_controller instances.

2 2023-12-18 rqt_controller_manager

Graphical frontend for interacting with the controller manager.

1 2023-12-18 roverrobotics_input_manager

Contains Rover provided teleoperation applications.

1 2023-12-18 roverrobotics_gazebo

Rover Ignition Gazebo Simulation Package

1 2023-12-18 roverrobotics_driver

ROS2 Wrapper for Rover Robots

1 2023-12-18 roverrobotics_description

Rover URDF and Robot Descriptions

1 2023-12-18 ros2controlcli

The ROS 2 command line tools for ROS2 Control.

1 2023-12-18 ros2_controllers_test_nodes

Demo nodes for showing and testing functionalities of the ros2_control framework.

1 2023-12-18 ros2_controllers

Metapackage for ROS2 controllers related packages

1 2023-12-18 ros2_control_test_assets

The package provides shared test resources for ros2_control stack

1 2023-12-18 ros2_control

Metapackage for ROS2 control related packages

1 2023-12-18 robotont_driver

Hardware driver for the Robotont robot

1 2023-12-18 realtime_tools

Contains a set of tools that can be used from a hard realtime thread, without breaking the realtime behavior.

1 2023-12-18 range_sensor_broadcaster

Controller to publish readings of Range sensors.

2 2023-12-18 position_controllers

Generic controller for forwarding commands.

1 2023-12-18 pmb2_robot

PMB2 robot description and launch files

1 2023-12-18 pmb2_rgbd_sensors

PMB2-specific RGBD sensors launch and config files.

1 2023-12-18 pmb2_navigation

PMB2 navigation metapackage

1 2023-12-18 pmb2_maps

PMB2-specific maps and launch files.

1 2023-12-18 pmb2_laser_sensors

Launch files and scripts needed to bring up the ROS nodes of a PMB2 robot.

1 2023-12-18 pmb2_description

Mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc. description of the PMB2 robot. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package.

1 2023-12-18 pmb2_controller_configuration

Launch files and scripts needed to configure the controllers of the PMB2 robot.

1 2023-12-18 pmb2_bringup

Launch files and scripts needed to bring up the ROS nodes of a PMB2 robot.

1 2023-12-18 pmb2_2dnav

PMB2-specific launch files needed to run navigation on the PMB2 robot.

1 2023-12-18 parameter_traits

Functions and types for rclcpp::Parameter

1 2023-12-18 pal_statistics_msgs

Statistics msgs package

1 2023-12-18 pal_statistics

The pal_statistics package

1 2023-12-18 pal_gazebo_worlds

Simulation worlds for PAL robots.

1 2023-12-18 pal_carbon_collector

Node that collects statistics from topics and sends them to carbon

2 2023-12-18 joint_trajectory_controller

Controller for executing joint-space trajectories on a group of joints

1 2023-12-18 joint_state_broadcaster

Broadcaster to publish joint state

2 2023-12-18 joint_limits_interface

Interface for enforcing joint limits.

1 2023-12-18 joint_limits

Interfaces for handling of joint limits for controllers or hardware.

1 2023-12-18 imu_sensor_broadcaster

Controller to publish readings of IMU sensors.

1 2023-12-18 hri_msgs

Messages, services and action definitions useful for Human-Robot Interaction

1 2023-12-18 hri_actions_msgs

Action definitions useful for Human-Robot Interaction

1 2023-12-18 hey5_description

This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of the Hey5 hand. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package.

2 2023-12-18 hardware_interface

ros2_control hardware interface

1 2023-12-18 gripper_controllers

The gripper_controllers package

1 2023-12-18 generate_parameter_module_example

Example usage of generate_parameter_library for a python module

1 2023-12-18 generate_parameter_library_py

Python to generate ROS parameter library.

1 2023-12-18 generate_parameter_library_example

Example usage of generate_parameter_library.

1 2023-12-18 generate_parameter_library

CMake to generate ROS parameter library.

2 2023-12-18 forward_command_controller

Generic controller for forwarding commands.

1 2023-12-18 force_torque_sensor_broadcaster

Controller to publish state of force-torque sensors.

1 2023-12-18 fields2cover

Robust and efficient coverage paths for autonomous agricultural vehicles. A modular and extensible Coverage Path Planning library

2 2023-12-18 fastrtps

*eprosima Fast DDS* (formerly Fast RTPS) is a C++ implementation of the DDS (Data Distribution Service) standard of the OMG (Object Management Group). eProsima Fast DDS implements the RTPS (Real Time Publish Subscribe) protocol, which provides publisher-subscriber communications over unreliable transports such as UDP, as defined and maintained by the Object Management Group (OMG) consortium. RTPS is also the wire interoperability protocol defined for the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard. *eProsima Fast DDS* expose an API to access directly the RTPS protocol, giving the user full access to the protocol internals.
