EVADC, Enhanced Versatile Analog-to-Digital Converter, 增强型多功能模数转换器.
EVADC提供了一系列模拟输入通道, 这些通道使用逐次逼近寄存器(SAR, Successive Approximation Register)原理连接到数个模/数转换器的群集, 以将模拟输入值(电压)转换为离散的数字值.
EVADC基于SAR转换器, 每个转换器都包含一个采样保持单元和一个转换器模块. 模拟多路复用器选择几个输入通道之一, 带有几个请求源的专用控制逻辑定义了连续转换的顺序.总共建立了一个转换组.
常用的Primary这个组的Source-Group_Channel对应关系如下表(AURIX™ TC39x UserManual, 32.3节):
Signal | Source | Overlay | Description |
Analog Inputs for Group 0 (Primary) | |||
G0CH0 (AltRef) | AN0 | EDS3PA | analog input channel 0 of group 0 |
G0CH1 (MD, AL) | AN1 | EDS3NA | analog input channel 1 of group 0 |
G0CH2 (MD, AL) | AN2 | EDS0PA | analog input channel 2 of group 0 |
G0CH3 | AN3 | EDS0NA | analog input channel 3 of group 0 |
G0CH4 (FixRef,ARefG11) | AN4 | G11CH0 | analog input channel 4 of group 0 |
G0CH5 (FixRef) | AN5 | G11CH1 | analog input channel 5 of group 0 |
G0CH6 (FixRef) | AN6 | G11CH2 | analog input channel 6 of group 0 |
G0CH7 (PDD, FixRef) | AN7 | G11CH3 | analog input channel 7 of group 0 |
Analog Inputs for Group 1 (Primary) | |||
G1CH0 (AltRef) | AN8 | G11CH4 | analog input channel 0 of group 1 |
G1CH1 (MD, AL) | AN9 | G11CH5 | analog input channel 1 of group 1 |
G1CH2 (MD, AL) | AN10 | G11CH6 | analog input channel 2 of group 1 |
G1CH3 (PDD) | AN11 | G11CH7 | analog input channel 3 of group 1 |
G1CH4 | AN12 | EDS0PB | analog input channel 4 of group 1 |
G1CH5 | AN13 | EDS0NB | analog input channel 5 of group 1 |
G1CH6 | AN14 | EDS3PB | analog input channel 6 of group 1 |
G1CH7 | AN15 | EDS3NB | analog input channel 7 of group 1 |
Analog Inputs for Group 2 (Primary) | |||
G2CH0 (AltRef) | AN16 | FC0CH0 | analog input channel 0 of group 2 |
G2CH1 (MD) | AN17 | FC1CH0/SENT10A | analog input channel 1 of group 2 |
G2CH2 (MD) | AN18 | G11CH8/SENT11A | analog input channel 2 of group 2 |
G2CH3 (PDD) | AN19 | G11CH9/SENT12A | analog input channel 3 of group 2 |
G2CH4 | AN20 | EDS2PA | analog input channel 4 of group 2 |
G2CH5 | AN21 | EDS2NA | analog input channel 5 of group 2 |
G2CH6 | AN22 | - | analog input channel 6 of group 2 |
G2CH7 | AN23 | - | analog input channel 7 of group 2 |
Analog Inputs for Group 3 (Primary) | |||
G3CH0 (AltRef) | AN24 | EDS2PB/SENT0A | analog input channel 0 of group 3 |
G3CH1 (MD) | AN25 | EDS2NB/SENT1A | analog input channel 1 of group 3 |
G3CH2 (MD) | AN26 | G11CH10/SENT2A | analog input channel 2 of group 3 |
G3CH3 (PDD) | AN27 | G11CH11/SENT3A | analog input channel 3 of group 3 |
G3CH4 | AN28 | G4CH4/SENT13A | analog input channel 4 of group 3 |
G3CH5 | AN29 | G4CH5/SENT14A | analog input channel 5 of group 3 |
G3CH6 | AN30 | G4CH6 | analog input channel 6 of group 3 |
G3CH7 | AN31 | G4CH7 | analog input channel 7 of group 3 |
Analog Inputs for Group 4 (Primary) | |||
G4CH0 (AltRef) | AN40 | G8CH8 | analog input channel 0 of group 4 |
G4CH1 (MD, AL) | AN41 | G8CH9 | analog input channel 1 of group 4 |
G4CH2 (MD, AL) | AN42 | G8CH10 | analog input channel 2 of group 4 |
G4CH3 (PDD, FixRef) | AN43 | G8CH11 | analog input channel 3 of group 4 |
G4CH4 | AN28 | G3CH4/SENT13A | analog input channel 4 of group 4 |
G4CH5 | AN29 | G3CH5/SENT14A | analog input channel 5 of group 4 |
G4CH6 | AN30 | G3CH6 | analog input channel 6 of group 4 |
G4CH7 | AN31 | G3CH7 | analog input channel 7 of group 4 |
Analog Inputs for Group 5 (Primary) | |||
G5CH0 (AltRef) | AN48 | - | analog input channel 0 of group 5 |
G5CH1 (MD, AL) | AN49 | - | analog input channel 1 of group 5 |
G5CH2 (MD, AL) | AN50 | EDS9PA | analog input channel 2 of group 5 |
G5CH3 (PDD) | AN51 | EDS9NA | analog input channel 3 of group 5 |
G5CH4 | AN52 | EDS6PA | analog input channel 4 of group 5 |
G5CH5 | AN53 | EDS6NA | analog input channel 5 of group 5 |
G5CH6 | AN54 | EDS6PB/SENT20A | analog input channel 6 of group 5 |
G5CH7 | AN55 | EDS6NB/SENT21A | analog input channel 7 of group 5 |
Analog Inputs for Group 6 (Primary) | |||
G6CH0 (AltRef) | AN56 | - | analog input channel 0 of group 6 |
G6CH1 (MD, AL) | AN57 | - | analog input channel 1 of group 6 |
G6CH2 (MD, AL) | AN58 | EDS10PA | analog input channel 2 of group 6 |
G6CH3 (PDD) | AN59 | EDS10NA | analog input channel 3 of group 6 |
G6CH4 | AN60 | EDS7PA | analog input channel 4 of group 6 |
G6CH5 | AN61 | EDS7NA | analog input channel 5 of group 6 |
G6CH6 | AN62 | EDS7PB/SENT22A | analog input channel 6 of group 6 |
G6CH7 | AN63 | EDS7NB/SENT23A | analog input channel 7 of group 6 |
Analog Inputs for Group 7 (Primary) | |||
G7CH0 (AltRef) | AN64 | SENT24A | analog input channel 0 of group 7 |
G7CH1 (MD, AL) | AN65 | - | analog input channel 1 of group 7 |
G7CH2 (MD, AL) | AN66 | EDS11PA | analog input channel 2 of group 7 |
G7CH3 (PDD) | AN67 | EDS11NA/SENT15A | analog input channel 3 of group 7 |
G7CH4 | AN68 | EDS8PA/SENT16A | analog input channel 4 of group 7 |
G7CH5 | AN69 | EDS8NA/SENT17A | analog input channel 5 of group 7 |
G7CH6 | AN70 | EDS9PB/EDS12PA/SENT18A | analog input channel 6 of group 7 |
G7CH7 | AN71 | EDS9NB/EDS12NA/SENT19A | analog input channel 7 of group 7 |
除EVADC群集外, EDSADC也可以执行模数转换.
EDSADC, Enhanced Delta-Sigma Analog-to-Digital Converter, 增强型Delta-Sigma模数转换器.
EDSADC 提供了一系列使用Delta / Sigma(DS)转换原理连接到片上调制器的模拟输入通道. 数字输入通道接受来自外部调制器的数据流. 片上解调器通道将这些输入转换为离散的数字值.
EDSADC Structure Overview(结构概述):
直接系统互联(Direct System Interconnections):
官方给的例子都是EVADC的, 所以EDSADC暂作了解或查阅iLLD API.
本例中, EVADC模块(module)的队列请求(Queued Request)用于组(Group)2的通道(Channel)1, 4和5. 每个通道的分辨率为12-bit(0~4095). 通过串口打印出这3个通道的采样结果.
#include "Ifx_Types.h"
#include "IfxCpu.h"
#include "IfxScuWdt.h"
IFX_ALIGN(4) IfxCpu_syncEvent g_cpuSyncEvent = 0;
#include "Bsp.h"
#include "IfxAsclin_Asc.h"
#include "Ifx_Console.h"
#include "IfxCpu_Irq.h"
#include "IfxEvadc_Adc.h"
#define SERIAL_BAUDRATE0 115200
#define SERIAL_PIN_RX0 IfxAsclin0_RXA_P14_1_IN
#define SERIAL_PIN_TX0 IfxAsclin0_TX_P14_0_OUT
#define INTPRIO_ASCLIN0_TX 19 /* Priority of the ISR */
uint8 g_ascTxBuffer[ASC_TX_BUFFER_SIZE + sizeof(Ifx_Fifo) + 8];
IfxAsclin_Asc g_asc0;
IfxStdIf_DPipe g_ascStandardInterface; /* Standard interface object */
#define GROUPID_2 IfxEvadc_GroupId_2
#define CHANNELS_NUM 3 /* Number of used channels */
#define AN17_CHID 1 /* Channel ID for pin AN17 */
#define AN20_CHID 4 /* Channel ID for pin AN20 */
#define AN21_CHID 5 /* Channel ID for pin AN21 */
IfxEvadc_Adc g_evadc; /* EVADC module handle variable */
IfxEvadc_Adc_Group g_adcGroup; /* EVADC group handle variable */
IfxEvadc_Adc_Channel g_adcChannel[CHANNELS_NUM]; /* EVADC channels handle array */
uint8 g_grp2channels[CHANNELS_NUM] = {AN17_CHID, AN20_CHID, AN21_CHID}; /* AN17, AN20, AN21 channel IDs array */
Ifx_EVADC_G_RES g_results[CHANNELS_NUM]; /* Array of results */
/* Function to initialize the EVADC module with default parameters */
void initEVADCModule()
/* Create configuration */
IfxEvadc_Adc_Config adcConfig;
IfxEvadc_Adc_initModuleConfig(&adcConfig, &MODULE_EVADC);
/* Initialize module */
IfxEvadc_Adc_initModule(&g_evadc, &adcConfig);
/* Function to initialize the EVADC group with default parameters */
void initEVADCGroup()
/* Create and initialize group configuration with default values */
IfxEvadc_Adc_GroupConfig adcGroupConfig;
IfxEvadc_Adc_initGroupConfig(&adcGroupConfig, &g_evadc);
/* Setting user configuration using group 2 */
adcGroupConfig.groupId = GROUPID_2;
adcGroupConfig.master = GROUPID_2;
/* Enable queued source */
adcGroupConfig.arbiter.requestSlotQueue0Enabled = TRUE;
/* Enable all gates in "always" mode (no edge detection) */
adcGroupConfig.queueRequest[0].triggerConfig.gatingMode = IfxEvadc_GatingMode_always;
/* Initialize the group */
IfxEvadc_Adc_initGroup(&g_adcGroup, &adcGroupConfig);
void initEVADCChannels()
/* Create channel configuration */
IfxEvadc_Adc_ChannelConfig adcChannelConfig[CHANNELS_NUM];
for(uint16 idx = 0; idx < CHANNELS_NUM; idx++)
/* Initialize the configuration with default values */
IfxEvadc_Adc_initChannelConfig(&adcChannelConfig[idx], &g_adcGroup);
/* Select the channel ID and the respective result register */
adcChannelConfig[idx].channelId = (IfxEvadc_ChannelId)(g_grp2channels[idx]);
adcChannelConfig[idx].resultRegister = (IfxEvadc_ChannelResult)(g_grp2channels[idx]);
/* Initialize the channel */
IfxEvadc_Adc_initChannel(&g_adcChannel[idx], &adcChannelConfig[idx]);
/* Start the queue */
IfxEvadc_Adc_startQueue(&g_adcGroup, IfxEvadc_RequestSource_queue0);
void fillQueue()
for(uint16 idx = 0; idx < CHANNELS_NUM; idx++)
/* Add channel to queue with refill option enabled */
IfxEvadc_Adc_addToQueue(&g_adcChannel[idx], IfxEvadc_RequestSource_queue0, IFXEVADC_QUEUE_REFILL);
/* Function to initialize the EVADC with default parameters */
void initEVADC()
initEVADCModule(); /* Initialize the EVADC module */
initEVADCGroup(); /* Initialize the EVADC group */
initEVADCChannels(); /* Initialize the channels */
fillQueue(); /* Fill the queue request */
/* Function to read the EVADC used channel */
void readEVADC()
for(uint8 i = 0; i < CHANNELS_NUM; i++)
/* Wait for a valid result */
Ifx_EVADC_G_RES conversionResult;
conversionResult = IfxEvadc_Adc_getResult(&g_adcChannel[i]); /* Read the result of the selected channel */
} while(!conversionResult.B.VF);
/* Store result */
g_results[i] = conversionResult;
void initUART(void)
/* Initialize an instance of IfxAsclin_Asc_Config with default values */
IfxAsclin_Asc_Config ascConfig;
IfxAsclin_Asc_initModuleConfig(&ascConfig, SERIAL_PIN_TX0.module);
/* Set the desired baud rate */
ascConfig.baudrate.baudrate = SERIAL_BAUDRATE0;
/* ISR priorities and interrupt target */
ascConfig.interrupt.txPriority = INTPRIO_ASCLIN0_TX;
ascConfig.interrupt.typeOfService = IfxCpu_Irq_getTos(IfxCpu_getCoreIndex());
/* FIFO configuration */
ascConfig.txBuffer = &g_ascTxBuffer;
ascConfig.txBufferSize = ASC_TX_BUFFER_SIZE;
/* Port pins configuration */
const IfxAsclin_Asc_Pins pins =
NULL_PTR, IfxPort_InputMode_pullUp, /* CTS pin not used */
&SERIAL_PIN_RX0, IfxPort_InputMode_pullUp, /* RX pin */
NULL_PTR, IfxPort_OutputMode_pushPull, /* RTS pin not used */
&SERIAL_PIN_TX0, IfxPort_OutputMode_pushPull, /* TX pin */
ascConfig.pins = &pins;
/* Initialize module with above parameters */
IfxAsclin_Asc_initModule(&g_asc0, &ascConfig);
/* Initialize the Standard Interface */
IfxAsclin_Asc_stdIfDPipeInit(&g_ascStandardInterface, &g_asc0);
/* Initialize the Console */
IFX_INTERRUPT(asclin0TxISR, 0, INTPRIO_ASCLIN0_TX); /* Adding the Interrupt Service Routine */
void asclin0TxISR(void)
void core0_main(void)
* Enable the watchdogs and service them periodically if it is required
/* Wait for CPU sync event */
IfxCpu_waitEvent(&g_cpuSyncEvent, 1);
Ifx_Console_print("%d, %d, %d\n\r", g_results[0].B.RESULT,
g_results[1].B.RESULT, g_results[2].B.RESULT); //12-bit resolution, 0~4095
编译下载, 按复位运行:
默认不连情况下, 结果在330左右浮动, 连接AN17到V_UC, 由于是12-bit分辨率, 可以看到值变成了4095, 如果连接GND, 就是0~5浮动:
参考 ADC_Filtering_1 for KIT_AURIX_TC397_TFT
ADC转换产生的数据可以在应用程序使用之前自动修改,以减少处理转换所需的CPU / DMA负载. 支持三种类型的数据修改:
官方的这个例子, EVADC模块配置为转换四个通道. 自动修改由三个通道转换得到的数据:一个通道计算4个结果的平均值,另一个通道应用三阶有限冲激响应(FIR)滤波器,另一个通道应用一阶无限冲激响应(IIR)滤波器. 最后一个通道无需数据修改即可测量相同的信号. 通道被连续转换,并为每个通道存储最大值和最小值,然后将其通过UART发送以便进行比较.
具体见官方例程, 这里不再贴出.
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