
Microsoft says it is still discussing a potential purchase of TikTok, days after President Donald Trump from operating in the United States.


In  Sunday,  said its CEO Satya Nadella has talked with Trump about buying the app, which is owned by Chinese start-up ByteDance. US policymakers have for weeks expressed concerns about the app as tensions between the United States and China escalate, with many asserting that it could pose a national security risk.

周日,该公司首席执行官萨蒂亚·纳德拉(Satya Nadella)表示已与特朗普就购买该应用程序进行了交谈,该应用程序由中国初创公司ByteDance拥有。由于中美之间的紧张局势升级,美国决策者数周以来一直对该应用程序表示担忧,许多人断言该应用程序可能构成国家安全风险。

"[Microsoft] is committed to acquiring TikTok subject to a complete security review and providing proper economic benefits to the United States, including the United States Treasury," the company said, adding that it will "move quickly" to talk with ByteDance "in a matter of weeks."

该公司表示:“ [微软致力于收购TikTok,并接受全面的安全审查,并为包括美国财政部在内的美国提供适当的经济利益。”并补充说,它将“迅速”与ByteDance进行对话。大约几个星期。”

"During this process, Microsoft looks forward to continuing dialogue with the United States Government, including with the President," the company added.


The Washington-based firm's blog post suggests TikTok could avert the ban that Trump threatened Friday night, when he said he could use emergency economic powers or an executive order to block the app from operating in the United States. Microsoft's remarks also come after the Wall Street Journal  that the company's talks with ByteDance had been put on hold after Trump's comments.

这家位于华盛顿的公司的博客文章暗示,TikTok可以避免特朗普在周五晚上威胁到的禁令,当时他说他可以利用紧急经济权力或行政命令来阻止该应用程序在美国运行。微软也发表上述言论是在《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)宣布特朗普的言论后,该公司与ByteDance的谈判被搁置之后。

A deal would create a new structure wherein Microsoft would own and operate TikTok services in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. As part of the agreement, Microsoft said it would ensure that all private data of TikTok's American users would be transferred to and remain in the United States.


TikTok has previously stressed that its US user data is already stored on US-based servers and backed up in Singapore, and is therefore not subject to Chinese law as some US officials have feared.


"This new structure would build on the experience TikTok users currently love, while adding world-class security, privacy, and digital safety protections," Microsoft said. "The operating model for the service would be built to ensure transparency to users as well as appropriate security oversight by governments in these countries."

微软表示:“这种新结构将建立在TikTok用户目前喜欢的体验的基础上,同时增加世界一流的安全性,隐私和数字安全保护。” “将建立该服务的运营模式,以确保这些国家的用户对用户的透明度以及适当的安全监督。”

The company added that "in any event" it would finish talking with ByteDance no later than September 15.


ByteDance did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the Microsoft post. But the company said in a statement published Sunday on Toutiao, the Chinese social media site it owns, that it "has always been committed to becoming a global company."


"In this process, we are faced with all kinds of complex and unimaginable difficulties," the company added. It cited a "tense international political environment," among other issues.


"But we still adhere to the vision of globalization and continue to increase investment in markets around the world, including China, to create value for users around the world," ByteDance said. "We strictly abide by local laws and will actively use the rights granted to us by the law to safeguard the legal rights of the company."

字节跳动说:“但是我们仍然坚持全球化的愿景,并继续增加对包括中国在内的全球市场的投资,为全球用户创造价值。” “我们严格遵守当地法律,并将积极利用法律赋予我们的权利来维护公司的合法权利。”

TikTok did not respond immediately to a request for comment Sunday night, but a TikTok spokesperson said in a statement to CNN Business on Saturday that it is "confident in the long-term success" of the app. The company has hired nearly 1,000 people to its US team this year, and plans to hire another 10,000 employees across the United States, the spokesperson said. It also recently announced a "Creator Fund" to lure top talent to create content for the app.

TikTok并未在周日晚上立即回应置评请求,但TikTok发言人在周六给CNN Business的声明中说,它对应用程序的“长期成功充满信心”。发言人说,该公司今年已为其美国团队雇用了近1,000名员工,并计划在美国各地再雇用10,000名员工。它最近还宣布了“创作者基金”,以吸引顶尖人才为该应用创建内容。

TikTok could be the "right partner at the right time" for Microsoft, according to Wedbush Securities analyst Daniel Ives, who pegged the app's valuation at roughly $50 billion. (He added, though, that TikTok's value could be hurt considerably if it were to be shut down.)

根据Wedbush Securities分析师丹尼尔·艾夫斯(Daniel Ives)的说法,TikTok可能是微软在适当时候的“正确合作伙伴”,他将该应用程序的估值定为大约500亿美元。 (不过,他补充说,如果要关闭TikTok的价值,可能会受到相当大的损害。)

Ives added that if the sale is successful, Microsoft would also receive a social media "crown jewel" at a time when tech peers like  and  parent Alphabet are facing regulatory scrutiny, making it difficult for them to consider Tiktok.


