
For the reason of coronavirus2019,i am in home office at the moment for over two weeks since 10th this month. feelings and thoughs comes up and vanishes suddenly at times,it comes up to my mind suddenly that i had better to record them down for yes, that is the different between humanbeings and anminal. A dialogue in movie Hidden Man says: He who decent man won't write a diary. it makes half-sense ,i suppose. i chose english to take a practice of my mind, different language are not the same in describing things.  It is not the first time for me to do job at home. Fortunately, most of my job can be done by using phone,computer and internet,like editing bidding documents,suppling sollutions of products&specifictions.Even a technology exchange meeting can be hold over video conference,i had excuted a statement of our bidding solutions remotely by video conference once last year。 
