ROS2 Command Line Arguments

This article describes ROS 2 nodes command line arguments and their syntax.

Authors: Michel Hidalgo

Date Written: 2019-09

Last Modified: 2021-08


As it was the case in ROS 1, ROS 2 nodes allow configuration via command line arguments to a certain degree. In ROS 2, this interface had to become more complex to cope with a larger set of configuration options, an ambiguity in remapping rules and parameter assignment syntax (as a result of the leading underscore name convention for hidden resources), a one-to-many relationship between executables and nodes, to name a few.

Because of this, increasingly precise addressing mechanisms as well as leading double underscores (__) in some positional arguments, both natural extensions of existing ROS 1 command line features, are combined with ROS 2 specific command line flags. Flags, in contrast with other custom syntax alternatives, are:

  • Widely known and used.
  • Explicit and less error prone.
  • Suitable for tab completion.

Unfortunately, since these flags coexist with user-defined ones, additional guarding and extraction devices must be put in place – one of the reasons why these were avoided entirely in ROS 1 command lines.



To prevent ROS specific command line flags from colliding with user-defined ones, the former are scoped using the --ros-args flag and a trailing double dash token (--):

ros2 run some_package some_node [...] \
  --ros-args [...] -- [...]

Note that --ros-args -- i.e. an empty set is a valid invocation.

If no user defined arguments are provided after ROS specific arguments are, the double dash token (--) may be elided:

ros2 run some_package some_node [...] --ros-args [...]

Note that a sole trailing --ros-args remains a valid invocation.

More than one set of ROS specific flags may appear in the same command line:

ros2 run some_package some_node --ros-args [...] -- \
  [...] --ros-args [...]

This way, multiple sources, potentially unaware of each other, can append flags to the command line with no regard for previous sets.



As a quick summary of ROS command line capabilities:

  • For name remapping, use either --remap from:=to or -r from:=to.
  • For single parameter assignment, use either --param name:=value or -p name:=value where value is in YAML format.
  • For multiple parameter assignments, use --params-file path/to/file.yaml and a parameters YAML file.
  • For setting logging (minimum) level, use --log-level LEVEL_NAME.
  • For external logging configuration, use --log-config-file path/to/file.config and a log configuration file.
  • For enabling/disabling logging:
    • to rosout, use --enable-rosout-logs or --disable-rosout-logs
    • to stdout, use --enable-stdout-logs or --disable-stdout-logs
    • to a external logging library, use --enable-external-lib-logs or --disable-external-lib-logs
  • For enclave assignment, use either --enclave value or -e value where value is fully qualified enclave path.

For name remapping and parameter assignment, specific nodes can be targeted by prepending the option value with the node name followed by a colon :, as in --remap my_node:from:=to and --param my_node:name:=value.

Name remapping rules

Remapping rules may be introduced using the --remap/-r option. This option takes a single from:=to remapping rule.

As an example, to remap from foo to bar for some_ros_executable, one may execute:

ros2 run some_package some_ros_executable --ros-args --remap foo:=bar

or its shorter equivalent:

ros2 run some_package some_ros_executable --ros-args -r foo:=bar

As is, this remapping rule applies to each and every node that some_ros_executable spawns unless explicitly ignored in code. To limit it to some_node, one may execute:

ros2 run some_package some_ros_executable --ros-args -r some_node:foo:=bar
Single parameter assignments

Parameter assignment may be achieved using the --param/-p option. This option takes a single name:=value assignment statement, where value is in YAML format and thus YAML type inference rules apply.

As an example, to assign a string value test to a parameter string_param for some_ros_executable, one may execute:

ros2 run some_package some_ros_executable --ros-args --param string_param:=test

or its shorter equivalent:

ros2 run some_package some_ros_executable --ros-args -p string_param:=test

As is, this parameter assignment applies to each and every node that some_ros_executable spawns unless explicitly ignored in code. To limit it to some_node, one may execute:

ros2 run some_package some_ros_executable --ros-args -p some_node:string_param:=test
Multiple parameter assignments

Multiple parameter assignments can be performed at once using the --params-file option. This option takes a YAML file with the following structure:

     param0_name: param0_value
     paramN_name: paramN_value

Multiple nodes in a single executable can be targeted this way. Note that YAML type inference rules for parameter values apply.

As an example, to assign a string value foo to a parameter string_param for some_node and a string value bar to that same parameter string_param but for another_node upon running some_ros_executable that contains both, one may execute:

ros2 run some_package some_ros_executable --ros-args --params-file params_file.yaml

where params_file.yaml reads:

     string_param: foo
     string_param: bar

Wildcards can be used for node names and namespaces as described in Remapping Names. * matches a single token delimeted by slashes (/). ** matches zero or more tokens delimeted by slashes. Partial matches are not allowed (e.g. foo*).

For example,

    string_param: foo

will set the parameter string_param on all nodes,

      string_param: foo

will set the parameter string_param on nodes named some_node in any namespace,

      string_param: foo

will set the parameter string_param on any node in the namespace /foo.

Logging level assignments

Minimum logging level can be externally set either globally or per logger using the --log-level option.

As an example, to set a global logging level to DEBUG for some_ros_executable, one may execute:

ros2 run some_package some_ros_executable --ros-args --log-level DEBUG

Loggers can be set using the --log-level option as well:

ros2 run some_package some_ros_executable --ros-args --log-level talker1:=DEBUG --log-level talker2:=WARN --log-level rclcpp:=DEBUG

The minimum logging level of a specific logger will override the globally specified minimum logger level. If a logging level is specified more than once in the passed command line arguments, the last one prevails.

See rcutils and rcl logging documentation for reference on existing logging levels.

External logging configuration

External logging may be configured using the --log-config-file option. This option takes a single configuration file, whose format depends on the actual external logging library being used.

As an example, to pass some_log.config configuration file to some_ros_executable, one may execute:

ros2 run some_package some_ros_executable --ros-args --log-config-file some_log.config
Enabling and disabling logging

Logging to rosoutstdout and an external logging library can be independently enabled or disabled.

As an example, to disable logging to rosout and stdout but not to an external logging library for some_ros_executable, one may execute:

ros2 run some_package some_ros_executable --ros-args --disable-rosout-logs --disable-stdout-logs --enable-external-lib-logs

Logging is fully enabled by default, thus --enable-* options are usually redundant unless a --disable-* option found earlier in the command line is being overridden.

Enclave assignments

Enclave assignment may be achieved using the --enclave/-e option. This option takes a single string value assignment statement, where value is a fully qualified enclave path used to locate the respective security artifacts within the configured keystore.

As an example, to assign an enclave path /foo/bar one may execute:

ros2 run some_package some_ros_executable --ros-args --enclave="/foo/bar"

or its shorter equivalent:

ros2 run some_package some_ros_executable --ros-args -e "/foo/bar"

As is, this enclave assignment applies to each and every Domain Participant that some_ros_executable spawns unless explicitly ignored in code or overridden via security environment variables.



Command line argument extraction happens within rcl. When an instance of the --ros-args flag is found in argv, until either a double dash token (--) is found or the end of the argument array is reached, all arguments that follow are taken as ROS specific arguments to be parsed as such. Remaining arguments can still be accessed by the user via rcl API.


At the time of writing, most ROS specific arguments target and are thus parsed by rcl. This is the case for name remapping rules or parameter assignments flags, to name a few. However, to support ROS specific arguments that target upper ROS layers e.g. a ROS client library like rclcpp, arguments unknown to rcl are left unparsed but accessible by these layers, which in turn can continue parsing or eventually warn the user if unknown arguments remain.

Alternative designs

Other, alternative designs were under discussion.

Additional operators

Stop using the same := operator for parameter assignments and name remapping rules and introduce additional operators e.g. := for parameter assignment and ~= for name remapping. This keeps the command line verbosity at a minimum and avoids the need for flags, but is error prone.

Full name addressing

Rely on full name addressing to disambiguate operator significance e.g. rosparam://this:=that would result in a that string value being assigned to parameter this while rosremap://this:=that would result in name this being remapped to name that. Other URL schemes, specific to each interface type e.g. rostopic and rosservice, may also be used to further scope remapping rules. This signficantly increases command line verbosity, but still avoids the need for flags.

Prefixed option names

Remove the need for double dash tokens (--), conventionally used to signify the end of CLI options for a command, by adding the --ros- prefix to all ROS specific command line flags e.g. --ros-remap--ros-param, etc. In exchange, it makes argument extraction slightly more difficult as all options must be known ahead of time, whereas --ros-args-based namespacing can achieve the same with a couple rules. It also increases command line verbosity.
