The refuse-to-budge budget: Italy

view on Economist Espresso -- fan qiang kan

The refuse-to-budge budget: Italy

  • budget 预算;政府的年度预算
  1. The government is due to send its revised 2019 budget to Brussels today.

  2. The European Commission rejected the original as an unprecedented deviation from agreed targets.

  • unprecedented 前所未有的;空前的;没有先例的
  • deviation 偏差;偏离;背离;违背
  1. But then Italy has an unprecedented government: a populist coalition between the anti-establishment Five Star Movement and the hard-right Northern League.

  2. It is committed to spend more and tax less to try to boost chronically slow economic growth.

  • chronically 慢性地
  1. There has so far been no sign the government intends giving way on its intended deficit (2.4% of GDP).

  2. The finance minister, Giovanni Tria, thinks it “suicide” to respect the previous government’s spending pledges.

  • suicide 自杀;自杀性行为;自毁;自取灭亡的行为
  1. The revised budget may include mechanisms to prevent the deficit exceeding 2.4% and other minor adjustments.
  • revised 修正的
  • deficit 赤字;逆差;亏损
  1. That is unlikely to satisfy the Commission, which could ultimately fine Italy. The standoff has raised Italy’s borrowing costs to awkward, but not yet frightening, levels.
  • standoff 僵局;困局;僵持不下
  • awkward 令人尴尬的;使人难堪的;难对付的;难处理的
  1. Investors appear to be banking on a compromise in the longer term.
  • compromise 妥协;和解;折中;互让


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