Unit6 L2 History makers 研读语篇+指向学科核心要素发展的英语学习活动设计

Unit 6 Lesson 2 History makers



Martin Luther King为美国黑人争取平等权利而斗争;甘地领导印度脱离英国统治而独立,属于"人与社会"范畴中的"历史,社会与文化"主题。


[ What/主题内容]


第1个部分是一个访谈对话,按照事情发展顺序主要介绍Martin Luther King为美国黑人争取平等权利的几次重要活动。 In 1943, Martin Luther King had to give up his seat to two white people on the bus because he was black.

Martin Luther King organized a bus protest to help black people win the right to sit next to white people on buses.

He organized a march to Washington, DC in 1963.

He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.

In 1968, he was killed.

第2部分听力材料是一组对话,内容是介绍甘地成为印度历史上重要政治人物的原因。 The reason why Gandhi was important is that he led India to independence from British ruler and that he believed in the power of peaceful protests, which inspired many people, including Martin Luther King.

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