
1. Let's call it a day. 今天就到这吧            # call it a day  收工,今天到此为止

2. Could I interest you in a cup of coffee? 能请你喝杯咖啡吗?

3. -Where are you staying?-I'm at Westin. -你在哪住?-威斯汀酒店。  #stay 短暂停留,暂住居住(语境中是知道对方in town just for a few days ); live 长期居住,生活

4. Do yourself a favor, do not bring up yesterday. 帮自己个忙,千万别提昨天的事。#do sb. a favor  帮..个忙;bring up 提出,培养,教育

5. Just play dumb. 装傻就行了            #play dumb 装聋作哑

6. Now I have to start all over again. 这下子我又得重新来过了。 #start all over again 从头再来

7. The world doesn't need to know our family problems. 家丑不要外扬。

8. Not helping, buddy! 帮倒忙啊,兄弟!

