


  1. 是否包含环:

(1) 检测是否包含环,可以用两个速度不一样的指针,一个每次走两步,一个每次走一步,如果快的与慢的相遇了,则一定是存在环,且相遇节点是环中的一个节点, 而如果其中有一个到达了链表的尾端,则一定不存在环,存在环的时候遍历无法到达尾部
(2) 如果存在环,则返回相遇的节点,不存在返回None


def meetingNodes(pHead):
    if pHead == None:
        return None
    pSlow = pHead.next
    if pSlow == None:
        return None
    pFast = pSlow.next
    while pSlow != None and pFast != None:
        if pFast == pSlow:
            return pSlow
        pSlow = pSlow.next
        pFast = pFast.next
        if pFast != None:
            pFast = pFast.next
    return None
  1. 环的入口


def computeLength(pNode):
    cur = pNode
    length = 1
    pNode = pNode.next
    while pNode != cur:
        length += 1
        pNode = pNode.next
    return length
  1. 有了环的长度,设置两个指针(速度相同),让p1先行进n步,然后两个指针一起走,当两个指针再次相遇的时候,就是环的入口。
def findEntry(pHead):
    pNode = meetingNodes(pHead)
    if pNode == None:
        return None
    n = computeLength(pNode)
    pNode1 = pHead
    for i in range(n):
        pNode1 = pNode1.next
    pNode2 = pHead
    while pNode1 != pNode2:
        pNode1 = pNode1.next
        pNode2 = pNode2.next
    return pNode1


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# class ListNode:
#     def __init__(self, x):
#         self.val = x
#         self.next = None
class Solution:
    def EntryNodeOfLoop(self, pHead):
        # write code here
        pNode = self.meetingNodes(pHead)
        if pNode == None:
            return None
        n = self.computeLength(pNode)
        pNode1 = pHead
        for i in range(n):
            pNode1 = pNode1.next
        pNode2 = pHead
        while pNode1 != pNode2:
            pNode1 = pNode1.next
            pNode2 = pNode2.next
        return pNode1
    def meetingNodes(self, pHead):
        if pHead == None:
            return None
        pSlow = pHead.next
        if pSlow == None:
            return None
        pFast = pSlow.next
        while pSlow != None and pFast != None:
            if pFast == pSlow:
                return pSlow
            pSlow = pSlow.next
            pFast = pFast.next
            if pFast != None:
                pFast = pFast.next
        return None
    def computeLength(self, pNode):
        cur = pNode
        length = 1
        pNode = pNode.next
        while pNode != cur:
            length += 1
            pNode = pNode.next
        return length
