logstash 入门

1. 安装


2. 测试是否可用(需要基础环境jdk1.7+)

bin/logstash -e 'input { stdin {} } output { stdout {} }'
# 输入 hello,看到返回包含hello的json

如果遇到Unrecognized VM option 'UseParNewGC'错误,且可用通过java --version查看到jdk信息,

#Remove or comment line: 
#Remove or comment line: 
#Add this line instead: 


./logstash-plugin list

3. 解析mongodb中的数据


bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-input-mongodb
#Validating logstash-input-mongodb
#Installing logstash-input-mongodb
#Installation successful


input {
    mongodb {
    uri => 'mongodb://'
    placeholder_db_dir => '/opt/mongodb/'
    placeholder_db_name =>'BIZ_CATEGORY.db'
    collection => 'BIZ_CATEGORY'
# 把mongodb的_id替换掉,因为_id是跟es中的_id相冲突
    mutate { 
        rename => ["_id", "uid"]

output {

    file {
        path => "/opt/mongons.log"

    stdout {
       codec => json_lines

#    elasticsearch {
#        hosts => [""]
#        index => "testData"
#        manage_template=>true
#        document_type => "judicial"
#    }


../bin/logstash -f ./my.config


    "@timestamp": "2019-01-29T03:19:20.765Z",
    "@version": "1",
    "host": "fireflyMacBook-Pro.local",
    "label": "xxxxx",
    "log_entry": "{\"_id\"=>BSON::ObjectId('5c2c800a868cde4a10000c61'), \"value\"=>\"NationalProjects\", \"label\"=>\"xxxxx\"}",
    "logdate": "2019-01-02T09:10:34+00:00",
    "mongo_id": "5c2c800a868cde4a10000c61",
    "uid": "5c2c800a868cde4a10000c61",
    "value": "NationalProjects"
    "@timestamp": "2019-01-29T03:19:20.682Z",
    "@version": "1",
    "host": "fireflyMacBook-Pro.local",
    "label": "yyyyyy",
    "log_entry": "{\"_id\"=>BSON::ObjectId('5c2c7e6c868cde4a10000c55'), \"value\"=>\"985School\", \"label\"=>\"yyyyyy\"}",
    "logdate": "2019-01-02T09:03:40+00:00",
    "mongo_id": "5c2c7e6c868cde4a10000c55",
    "uid": "5c2c7e6c868cde4a10000c55",
    "value": "985School"



Name                 Type          Description
uri                  [String]      A MongoDB URI for your database or cluster (check the MongoDB documentation for further info on this) [No Default, Required]
placeholder_db_dir   [String]      Path where the place holder database will be stored locally to disk [No Default, Required]
  This gets created by the plugin so the directory needs to be writeable by the user that logstash is running as
placeholder_db_name  [String]      Name of the database file that will be created [Default: logstash_sqlite.db]
collection           [String]      A regex that will be used to find desired collecitons. [No Default, Required]
generateId           [Boolean]     If true, this will add a field '_id' that contains the MongoDB Document id
batch_size           [Int]         Size of the batch of mongo documents to pull at a time [Default: 30]
parse_method         [String]      Built in parsing of the mongodb document object [Default: 'flatten']
dig_fields           [Array]       An array of fields that should employ the dig method
dig_dig_fields       [Array]       This provides a second level of hash flattening after the initial dig has been done



bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-output-mongodb


Name                 Type          Description
bulk                 [boolean]     Bulk insert flag, set to true to allow bulk insertion, else it will insert events one by one.[Default: false]
bulk_interval        [number]      Bulk interval, Used to insert events periodically if the "bulk" flag is activated.[Default: 2]
bulk_size            [number]      Bulk events number, if the number of events to insert into a collection raise that limit, it will be bulk inserted whatever the bulk interval value (mongodb hard limit is 1000).[Default: 900]
collection           [String]      The collection to use. This value can use %{foo} values to dynamically select a collection based on data in the event. [no default, Required]
database             [String]      The database to use. [Default: 2,Required]
generateId           [boolean]     If true, an "_id" field will be added to the document before insertion. The "_id" field will use the timestamp of the event and overwrite an existing "_id" field in the event.[Default: false]
isodate              [boolean]     If true, store the @timestamp field in MongoDB as an ISODate type instead of an ISO8601 string. For more information about this,see (http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Dates).[Default: false]
retry_delay          [number]      The number of seconds to wait after failure before retrying.[Default: 3]
uri                  [String]      A MongoDB URI to connect to. [no default,Required]




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