马小秋秋言物语第五十六章:马小秋:“般若(bō rě)波罗蜜多”之含义

  Qiu's Rhetoric(56)

  Ma Xiaoqiu:The meaning of"Prajna Paramita"


  In recent years,I went to a lot of companies and saw many of the corporate bosses'offices hanging the Heart Sutra,written in hand,printed,and made of various materials.From this phenomenon,I was thinking that some people may not understand the Heart Sutra,but they still like it.Among these are those that are used for decoration,those that want to be fortune,and those that are truly understood and loved.All kinds of different thoughts are expressed in the same form on the wall.


  The full name of the Heart Sutra is the Prajna Paramita Sutra.I know that most people hanging it on the wall do not understand the meaning of this topic.Prajna Paramita is a Sanskrit transliteration,so it is difficult for beginners to understand.


  Prajna refers to a very high level of wisdom.Prajna wisdom is a mortal world that has gradually gone through a deep and thorough study and practice so as to gradually enter the truth of a thoroughgoing life in the universe.


  Palomido refers to the realm from the mortal to the saint.Those who are in this world of wisdom,although they are in the world,their minds cannot live in the world.From the shore of the mortal reaches the other side of the saints,it is the realm of liberation that truly eliminates all the bitterness,no fear,no concern,no living,no death,Joy at ease.Therefore,the meaning of"the Prajna Paramita Sutra"is:prajna wisdom;and Boromir,on the other side.


  Ma Xiaoqiu Shared on Oct.14,2017

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