

文章标题Coronavirus: China Red Cross under fire over poor distribution of medical supplies

Under这个介词表达的动作是“受到”,比如under protection受保护,under fire受到批评。英语介词很多表示动作、目的、意志、方向、手段,本身就暗含动作味道,翻译成汉语的动词也是顺理成章。比如非常有名的Of the people, by the people, for the people 民有,民治,民享。


文章第一段马上出现了Under fire的近义词组:become a target of public anger惹众怒:

The Red Cross Society of Hubei province has become a target of public anger as the distribution of donations – especially of much-needed protective equipment for medical staff at the centre of the coronavirus outbreak – becomes a logistical nightmare.

引起公愤还可以是arouse public indignation/wrath。动词还可以是touch off引发、stoke,加剧、激起某种情形或情绪,stoke fear/anger/envy,后面经常跟表示情绪的词做宾语,或者stoke inflation/crisis等表示不良情况的词,比如之前在分享一篇关于巴西博物馆大火的外媒新闻时提到的这句话:这场大火激起了公愤,the fire has also stoked public outrage.

在双语|医学期刊《柳叶刀》发文:保护中国医生!中也出现的类似的表达trigger an outpouring of anger among the public:The killing was condemned by the Chinese Medical Doctor Association and triggered an outpouring of anger among the public.

+成为众矢之的身陷困境,还可以用一个词组in the hot seat: the position of a person who carries full responsibility for something, including facing criticism or being answerable for decisions or actions 尴尬处境,困境。比如:

But it was not the first time the Red Cross Society in China had been in the hot seat.


动词可用quell, ~ public anger。如果用anger做主语,还可以搭配不及物动词subside,比如:

Violence has subsided following two days of riots. 暴力在两天的暴乱之后已经平息了。


句式复合词做定语:The do-what-you-can-and-take-what-you-need policy 各尽所能,按需分配的政策, a never-to-be-forgotten day 永远不会忘记的日子

名词+形容词构成的复合词:maintenance-free 无需维修的, toll-free 不交费的

动名词+形容词构成的复合词:steaming-hot, smoking-hot滚烫的,热气腾腾的, soaking-wet , wringing-wet湿淋淋的 biting-cold



The hashtag “Red Cross” has become the most searched topic on Weibo, China’s Twitter-like social media platform


微博热搜,在英文版的微博APP中,用的是hot searching,进行时的状态,表示当下网友正在搜索什么话题。如果当成形容词定语,搜索量最高的话题the most searched topic。


注意这里微博的表达,后面跟了一个同位语,外媒新闻中但凡提到微博,基本都是和推特做对比:China’s Twitter-like social media platform。-like词缀也可以换成-esque 这个后缀表示似……的,……式的。比如:

Bill Gates-esque story of success 比尔盖茨式的成功故事。

还可以用China’s answer to Twitter。注意这个词组sb’s answer to sth:

written someone or something that is considered to be just as good as a more famous person or thing相当的人;不相上下的事物

The Space Needle is Seattle’s answer to the Eiffel Tower. 西雅图的太空针塔堪比艾菲尔铁塔。



... all public donations to Hubei had to be funnelled through five government-backed charity organisations, while Wuhan remained under lockdown with thousands of people infected by the deadly coronavirus.


Some $10 million in aid was funnelled into the country through government agencies. 约1 000万元援助款已通过政府各部门发放到农村。

He secretly funnelled credit-card information to counterfeiters. 他秘密地将信用卡信息传送给了伪造者们。


Tattered,原意是破衣烂衫,可以修饰关系Relationship,表示关系破裂。也可以修饰名声形象,表示声名狼藉,比如: the hotel's tattered reputation 旅馆的败坏的名声


Public mistrust remains although the organisation has tried hard to repair itstattered image in recent years.
