

英文 中文
尼尔·卡夫瑞罪名合同伪造 嫌疑证券欺诈盗窃艺术品敲诈勒索
How are you doing? Man. 伙计最近好吗
- I'm good. How are you doing? - I'm fine. -不错你呢-挺好
Only 5 bucks, man. 只卖5块钱伙计
I'll give you $3. 我只出3块
Sir! 先生
Take good care of her. I'll be back in a month. 看好我的车我一个月后回来
Thank you, sir. 谢谢先生
Drop, three. 拨到3
Drop, two. 拨到2
- Drop, four. - All pins down. -拨到4-全部完成
Preparing to open. 准备打开
3-2-4. Wait! 3-2-4等等
You okay? 你没事吧
What happened? 怎么回事
I said wait. You didn't wait. 我说等等而你没等
10,000 man-hours to get this close to the dutchman, 我花了无数时间差点就逮住这个荷兰人了
And you blow up my evidence. 而你们却把证据给炸了
Agent Burke, how did you know it was gonna do that? 博尔克探员你怎么知道会这样

3-2-4 3-2-4.
Look at your phones. 看看你们的手机
What's it spell? 拼出来是什么
- "FBI." - Yeah-- "FBI." -联邦调查局-对联邦调查局
Apparently, he knew we were coming. 显然他知道我们要来
You think so, Copernicus? 现在反应过来了啊哥白尼
Somebody want to tell me what this is? Huh? Anybody? 谁能告诉我这是什么有人知道吗
Nobody knows what it is? Great. 没人知道吗很好
Look at you. 看看你们
How many of you went to Harvard? 多少人是哈佛毕业的
Don't raise your hands. Don't. 别举手了别举
Ah, Diana. Look at this. 戴安瞧啊
Apparently, our boy has a sense of humor. 显然我们要找的人很有幽默感
What? 怎么了
Neal Caffrey escaped. 尼尔·卡夫瑞逃跑了
What's this? 这是什么
U.S. Marshals are requesting your help. 联邦执法局要求你帮忙
My help? 我帮忙
Director Thompson asked for you personally. 汤普森指挥官亲自点名
Me? Why would he want me? 我为什么要找我
Probably because you're the onlyone who ever caught him. 也许因为你是唯一捉到过他的人
彼得·博尔克联邦调查局 纽约精英调查组
Agent Burke. 博尔克探员
I'm Thompson, U.S. marshals. 我是汤普森联邦指挥官
Appreciate the help. You were the case agent. 感谢你的帮忙你曾是这个案件的探员
Yes, I was. 对我是
So you'll agree that this is an unusual situation. 那你会赞成这次的情况非同寻常吧
Why would Neal run with three months left 四年刑的刑期还有三个月就满了
On a four-year sentence? 尼尔怎么会在这个时候逃跑
That's what we're wondering. 我们也很奇怪
This is Warden Haskley. 这位是海斯克雷典狱官
Agent Burke, FBI. 这是联邦调查局的博尔克探员
You're the guy who dropped the ball. 就是你让他逃掉了
You, of all people, should know what Neal Caffrey's capable of. 所有人中你该最了解尼尔·卡夫瑞的能耐
I know I spent three years of my life chasing him 我知道的是我花了三年时间追捕他
And you let him walk out the front door. 而你却让他从大门堂而皇之的走了出去
Gentlemen, might I remind you 先生们我是不是该提醒你们一下
That Caffrey has a four-hour head start? 卡夫瑞已经逃走4小时了
Caffrey came out of the e-block staff bathroom dressed as a guard. 卡夫瑞扮成警卫从E区人员的浴室出来
Where'd he get the uniform? 他哪来的制服

Uniform supply company on the Internet. 网上的制服定做公司
He used a credit card? 他有信用卡
He used my wife's American Express. 他用了我太太的美国运通卡
We're tracing the number in case he uses it again. 我们在追踪这个账号也许他会再用
He won't. 他不会的
How did he get the key cards for the gate? 他怎么弄到大门的钥匙卡的
We think he restriped a utility card, 我们认为他重构了公用卡
Using the record head on that. 使用了卡上的原有记录
You should have given him a CD player. 你们应该给他CD播放器的
He walked out the front door, 他走出前门
Hot-wired a maintenance truck in the parking lot. 在停车场偷了辆维修车
We found it abandoned near the airport. 我们在机场发现了遗弃的卡车
We beefed up security just in case he tries to get out that way. 我们提高了安全等级以防他乘飞机逃走
We're not gonna catch Caffrey using roadblocks and wanted posters. 设路障和贴通缉令是抓不住卡夫瑞的
He shaved his beard just before he escaped. 他逃走之前剃了胡子
Neal doesn't have a beard. 尼尔没有胡子
The inmates are photographed each morning as they exit their cells. 囚犯每天早晨离开牢房都有图像记录
I hardly recognize him. 我几乎认不出他了
I think that's the point. 我想这才是重点
- This morning? - Yes. -这是今早的-是的
Run the series back. 回放一下
That's it-- when he stopped shaving. 就是这个了他刚剃完胡子
I want to know everything that happened that day. 我要知道那天发生的每一件事
He had a visitor. 有人来看过他
Kate Moreau. You know her? 凯特·莫罗你认识她
Yeah. I do. 对认识
- No audio? - No. -没声音吗-没有
She comes back every week like clockwork. 她很有规律每周都来
She's not thrilled about this visit. 她对于这次探访并不激动
How soon can we get a lip-reader in here? 我们多久才能找来会读唇语的人
I'll save you the trouble. 不用那么麻烦了
"Adios, Neal. It's been real." "永别了尼尔一切都是真的"
Did she come back next week? 之后的一周她来了吗
She never came back. 之后再也没来过
Okay. Let's find Kate. 好我们去找凯特
I see Kate moved out. 我看到凯特搬出去了
She leave you a message in that? 她在那瓶子里给你留言了吗
The bottle is the message. 这瓶子就是留言
It's been a while. 已经有一段时间了吧
Yeah. 是啊
A few years, give or take. 好几年了差不多
You carrying? 你带枪了
You know I don't like guns. 你知道我不喜欢带枪
They ask me, what makes a guy like you 他们问我像你这样的人
Pull a boneheaded escape with four months to go? 怎么会蠢到在还剩四个月刑期时逃跑
I guess you figured it out. 我想你知道为什么了
Kate says "adios" to you at prison, 凯特在监狱对你了说永别
Then gets busy with her disappearing act. 然后就忙着准备人间蒸发了
Her trail ends here. 这里是她最后出现过的地方
But you already know that. 可你已经知道会这样了
I missed her by two days. 我比她晚了两天
Still... It only took you a month and a half to escape a supermax. 可你只花了一个半月从超高安全监狱逃走
Damn impressive. 真厉害
- All clear. Subject identifiedand unarmed. - Roger that. -解除警报目标确认没有武器-收到
Are we surrounded? How many? 我们被包围了吗有多少人
Including my agents and the marshals? 把我的探员和指挥官算在内
All of them, I think. 他们应该都来了
What's the message? 这个留言代表什么
"Goodbye." "再见"
Women. 问世间情为何物
They're gonna give you another four years for this, you know. 为此你要多服刑4年
I don't care. 我不在乎
That's the same suit you were wearing the last time you arrested me. 上次你逮捕我时穿的也是这套衣服
Classics never go out of style. 经典永不过时
You know what this is? 知道这是什么吗
No idea. 不知道
I got it from a case I was supposed to be working on 这是在他们让我来抓你之前
Before they yanked me off to find you. 我负责的那个案子里留下的
You think you'll catch him? 你觉得能抓到他吗
Don't know. 不知道
He's good. 他很聪明
Maybe as good as you. 可能跟你一样
What's it worth if I tell you what this is? 如果我告诉你这是什么能有多大价值
- Is it worth a meeting? - What are you talking about? -值不值一次见面-你在说什么
If I tell you what this is right now, 如果我现在就告诉你这是什么
Will you agree to meet me back in prison in one week? 你能不能在一周内到监狱来见我
- Just a meeting. - Okay. -只是见一面-可以
It's a security fiber for the new Canadian $100 bill. 这是新加拿大币100元中的安全线
Put your hands where I can see them. 举起手来
- Let's go. - One week. -走吧-一周啊
Got him. 抓到他了
What's got the belt-and-suspender boys all riled up? 是什么让吊带裤男孩们这么生气
Me? What'd I do? 我我做了什么
Caffrey was right. 卡夫瑞是对的
That stuff from the bank vault-- 银行储藏室里的东西
Security fibersfor the new canadian 100. 是新加拿大币100元的安全线
I'll be damned. 我死定了
Apparently, the formulation is still classified. 很明显这是机密
The Canadian secret service is very curious to know 加拿大特勤局很想知道
How you figured it out. 你是怎么看出来的
This should be fun. 这会有趣的
You may have started an international incident. 你很可能引发了一个国际性的问题
- How did you know? - Come on, Peter. -你怎么知道的-拜托彼得
It's what I do. 我就是干这行的
How upset were the Canadians? 加拿大人有多不安
Oh, very. 非常不安
Well, as upset as Canadians can get. 要多不安有多不安
All right, so, I agreed to a meeting. We're meeting. 好了我答应过见你现在我来了
I know why you call him the dutchman. 我知道你为什么叫他荷兰人

