
基于《懂你英语》:Level 3 Unit 3 Part 4 Listening Leonardo da Vinci 1/2

今天的主题是:How to Tell a Story about a Famous Person 名人Ta的故事,我来讲给你听

There are three things we are going to discuss in today's lesson:
1.how to give an overview & basic information
2.how to describe the person's talents,achievements & personality
3.how to summarize the person's great impact

Part 1:如何给出整体印象及基本信息

one of the greatest geniuses of all time = 有史以来最伟大的天才之一
For example:
Leonardo da Vinci is one of the greatest geniuses of all time.

incomparable = 无人能敌的,无可匹敌的
For example:
Steve Jobs was incomparable in the technology industry.

outstanding = 杰出的,优秀的
For example:
Timothee Chalamet,who was nominated for Oscars 2018,is an outstanding actor.

He was a painter,an architect,an engineer and a scientist.

Concerning their background,we often talk about when or where they were born,and their family and education background.

3.1 介绍名人的出生地点和时间
be born in + 地点/年份 = 出生在某地/某年
For example:
He was born in Vinci,Italy in 1452.

3.2 介绍名人的家庭背景

3.2.1 家庭经济状况
a poor background = 家境贫寒
a privileged background = 家境优渥

3.2.3 家庭关系
Leonardo's parents were never married to each other.

adopted = 领养的
bring sb. up = 养育,教养
Steve Jobs was adopted.
He was brought in an adopted family.

3.3 教育背景
As a young man,da Vinci didn't go to school.
He was educated at home in reading,writing and mathematics.

self-educated = self-taught = 自学
For example:
In other subjects,he was mostly self-educated.

Edison dropped out at primary school.
Jack Ma failed to get into college in his first shot.
Before he dropped out,Bill Gates was studying at Harvard.

Part 2:如何描述才能、成就和性格

demostrate a rare talent = 展现了罕见的才能
For example:
Leonardo's early drawings and paintings demonstrated a rare talent.

Charlie Chaplin demonstrated his comedic talent and was well-known for his unique performance.

talent = gift = 天赋
have a gift for sth. = 某方面有天赋
For example:
He really has a gift for languages.

have a knack for sth. = 做某事有天赋
For example:
Steve Jobs really had a knack of combing the beauty art and the power of technology.

vision = 眼力,远见
For example:
He is a man with great vision.

visionary = 有远见的


achieve great accomplishments = 获得巨大的成就
realize one's own potential = 实现自身的潜能

修饰accomplishments的修饰词:impressive / remarkable / outstanding / considerable
For example:
One of Obama's outstanding accomplishments was keeping the peace overseas.


Step 1:Find a proper adjective to define the person.
He spent a lot of tie outdoors and developed a strong interest in nature.

self-motivated = 有主观能动性的,主动的

During this period,he spent much of his time studying nature.
He filled many notebooks with drawings and idea.

devoted = committed = 专注投入的

optimistic = 乐观的
independent = 独立的
capable = 能干的
competent = 有竞争力的
quick-witted = 反应很快的
charismatic = 有魅力的

Step 2:Include facts to support your view.
For example:
Leonardo da Vinic is committed because he filled many notebooks with drawings and ideas.

anecdote = 名人轶事

Step 3:Add your comment to the story:
For example:
Vincent van Gogh wasn't a mad man who cared for nothing but art.
Actually he did care about his family just like us.

Part 3:如何总结名人的影响

a flash in the pan = 昙花一现

famous = 有名的
For example:
One painting that he did finish was the Mona Lisa,one of the world's most famous paintings.

be famous for
be well-known for
be renowned for
For exmaple:
Leonardo da Vinci is famous for his painting,Mona Lisa.

enjoy great fame as + 身份
For example:
Li Bai enjoyed great fame as a poet.

be highly / wildely acclaimed = 高度赞扬
For example:
President Obama was highly/widely acclaimed.

have an influence on = 对...有影响
For example:
His paintings have a lasting influence on the world.

make a difference = 起到了重要的作用
For example:
Steve jobs has made a big difference in the technology industry.

make a huge contribution to doing something = 为...做出了巨大的贡献
For example:
Steve Jobs has made a huge contribution to improving people's lives.
