How To Write Shared Libraries(17)

1.6 Summary of the Costs of ELF(1)

We have now discussed the startup process and how it is affected by the form of the binaries. We will now summarize the various factors so that we later on can determine the benefits of an optimization more easily.

Code Size
As everywhere, a reduced size for code with the same semantics often means higher efficiency and performance. Smaller ELF binaries need less memory at run-time.

In general the compiler will always generate the best code possible and we do not cover this further. But it must be known that every DSO includes a certain overhead in data and code. Therefore fewer DSOs means smaller text.

Number of Objects
The fact that a smaller number of objects containing the same functionality is bene- ficial has been mentioned in several places:

• Fewer objects are loaded at run-time. This directly translates to fewer system call. In the GNU dynamic linker implementation loading a DSO requires at least 8 system calls, all of them can be potentially quite expensive.
• Related, the application and the dependencies with additional dependencies must record the names of the dependencies. This is not a terribly high cost but certainly can sum up if there are many dozens of dependencies.
• The lookup scope grows. This is one of the dominating factors in cost equation for the relocations.
• More objects means more symbol tables which in turn normally means more duplication. Undefined references are not collapsed into one and handling of multiple definitions have to be sorted out by the dynamic linker.
Moreover, symbols are often exported from a DSO to be used in another one. This would not have to happen if the DSOs would be merged.
• The sorting of initializers/finalizers is more complicated.
• Ingeneral does the dynamic linker have some overhead for each loaded DSO per process. Every time a new DSO is requested the list of already loaded DSOs must be searched which can be quite time consuming since DSOs can have many aliases.

Number of Symbols
The number of exported and undefined symbols determines the size of the dynamic symbol table, the hash table, and the average hash table chain length. The normal symbol table is not used at run-time and it is therefore not necessary to strip a binary of it. It has no impact on performance.

Additionally, fewer exported symbols means fewer chances for conflicts when using pre-linking (not covered further).

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