


My family, my extendedfamily of co-workers, and my work have all been extremely important to me.Juggling work and family has been as much a challenge to me as to anyone else,especially since I wanted both to be great, so I combined them whenever I could.For example, I took my kids on business trips. When at first I brought my sonDevon and later Matt to my Chinese business meetings, our hosts were alwaysvery kind—they would give them cookies and milk. One great memory from AbuDhabi was when my clients/friends took my son Paul and me to the desert to eata freshly killed and roasted goat with our bare hands. I asked Paul, who wasdressed in the traditional gown they’d given him, how he liked it and he said,“What could be better than to sit on the floor, dressed in pajamas, eating withmy hands, with nice people?” We all laughed. I remember another time when myeldest son, Devon, then about 10 years old, brought back silk scarves fromChina he’d bought for $1 and sold for $20 in a shopping mall just beforeChristmas—which was just the first sign of his businesssavvy.


By the mid-1980s,Bridgewater had grown to about ten people, so I rented a big old farmhouse.Bridgewater occupied part of it and my family occupied the rest. It wasextremely informal and family-like: Everyone parked in the driveway, we metaround the kitchen table, and my kids would leave the door open while they saton the toilet. The people I worked with would wave as they walked by.


Eventually, the farmwas put up for sale so I bought a barn on the property and renovated it. Mywife, our kids (eventually there were four), and I lived in a small apartmentinside the barn, and I made the unfinished hayloft usable as an office byputting in electric baseboard heat, which I chose because it was cheapest to install.It was a great space for parties and there was enough land for us to playsoccer and volleyball and have outdoor barbecues. For our company Christmasparty, we’d have a big potluck dinner with my family. After a few drinks, Santawould show up and we’d all sit on hislapfor a photo and find out who had been naughtyor nice. The night always ended with a lot of dancing. We also had an annual“Sleaze Day” when everybody would dress up sleazy. You get the idea:Bridgewater was a small community of friends who worked hard and partied hard.


Bob Prince joinedBridgewater in 1986 when he was still in his twenties, and more than thirtyyears later we are still close partners as co-chief investment officers. Fromthe very start, Bob and I “played great jazz together” whenever we’d go backand forth on ideas. We still love doing that and will until one of us dies. Heis also a great teacher, both to clients and co-workers. Over time, he becamelike my brother as well as one of the most critical builders andpillarsof Bridgewater.


Soon, Bridgewaterbegan to look like a real company. We outgrew the barn and moved into a smalloffice in astrip mall;there were twenty of us by the end of the 1980s. But even as we grew, I neverthought of anybody I worked with as an employee. I had always wanted tohave—and to be around people who also wanted to have—a life full of meaningful work and meaningful relationships, and to mea meaningful relationship is one that’s open and honest in a way that letspeople be straight with each other. I never valued more traditional, antisepticrelationships where people put on afaçadeof politeness and don’t say what they really think.



I believe that allorganizations basically have two types of people: those who work to be part ofa mission, and those who work for a paycheck. I wanted to surround myself withpeople who needed what I needed, which was to make sense of things for myself.I spoke frankly, and I expected those around me to speak frankly. I fought forwhat I thought was best, and I wanted them to do so as well. When I thoughtsomeone did something stupid, I said so and I expected them to tell me when Idid something stupid. Each of us would be better for it. To me, that was whatstrong and productive relationships looked like. Operating any other way wouldbe unproductive and unethical.

译文:我认为所有组织基本都有两类人:把工作当做任务第一部分和为了钱而工作的人。我想要我周围都是那些我真正需要的人,彼此有感觉的人。坦白的讲我期待那些围绕我的人也讲话坦诚。我为最佳而奋斗,我希望他们也能这样做。当我认为某人做了愚蠢的事情,我会讲出来,我也希望他们能在我做错事的时候也讲出来。这样我们每个人就能成就彼此。对我来说那就是强有力的富有创造性的关系的样子。其他任何方法都将是无效的 不道德的。








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